Foodpharmacy Blog - Organic health products, herbs and superfoods

Organic Leaner Creamer: Best Natural Products

Leaner Creamer, Organic, Coconut Sugar, 20 Individual Packets, 0.14 oz (4 g) Each


Honey contains up to 85 different types of sugar (Fructose, glucose, saccharose, maltose and other multiple sugars). The honduran population has a high exposure to caloric or non-caloric sweeteners (Table 2) present in all food categories, without apparent national regulation. Over consumption of any sugar can add calories to your diet and cause unwanted weight gain. What sugar substitute is safe for diabetics? This is dangerous for blood sugar spikes and anyone with diabetes or insulin resistance. This is an initial study of the presence of artificial sweeteners in a latin american context. Monk fruit may also be known as luo han guo, and like stevia, is naturally occurring and 200 times sweeter than table sugar. Popular nutritive sweetners include: Brown sugar, honey, coconut sugar and agave syrup. Most places say honey is sweeter that sugar, as backed up by the nutritional information in the article: Use 0,875 times as much sugar in place of honey for the same amount of sugar but do test as our perceptions can vary between different types of sweeteners. Are you looking for more sweetener options? It is best to find a local producer so you can get the best locally developed ra…