Foodpharmacy Blog - Organic health products, herbs and superfoods

Organic Vitality Works: Best Natural Products

Vitality Works, Oregano Oil, 1 fl oz (30 ml)


1 The incidence of the common cold declines with age. They boil water as fast as gas ranges and use much less electricity than the conventional electric stovetops. Although preventive interventions have somewhat discrete outcomes (Presence of an upper respiratory tract infection), interpretation of the evidence for treatment of the common cold is challenged by the complexity of outcome reporting. I have successfully treated asthma, eczema, sore throat, allergies, body aches, flu symptoms and it killed the bugs on my houseplants without damaging the plants. Depending on the quality of the oregano, part of the plant distilled, expertise of the distiller and yearly variations in growing conditions, carvacrol can be found ranging from approximately 30-87% in traditionally distilled oils. I went online to order a larger quantity and discovered that the manufacturer had a bit of fire cider controversy surrounding them because fire cider was an old folk remedy and health tonic made by many herbalists and the company had trademarked the name. Because c4 homeopathy is so good at getting to the core essence of a remedy, i feel that a trituration proving of raccoon is needed in order to fi…

Vitality Works, Oregano Oil, Carvacrol 70, 120 Liquid Veggie Caps


To date, hedd wyn essential oil of oregano is the single most effective health aid our family has encountered. I had a head cold with a runny nose, nasal congestion, etc. About a year ago, we were told oil of oregano Might help a bit. Wild oil of oregano is something i would recommend to anyone young or old. The beauty of this, beyond it’s all-star cast of healthy ingredients, is that it just plain tastes wonderful. Since i started taking north american herb and spice oreganol (About a month), my script i picked up is sitting in my house unopened. Sometimes it even fells like the flu but i have been sneezing almost all the time. Yes, it’s from the herb: Oregano oil is, as the name implies, oil from the oregano herb that is extracted by steam distillation. If i feel a cold comming on which happens (I live in wisconsin), i starting telling myself how great i feel and i never ever give any energy to feeling bad.