Boiron, Single Remedies, Argentum Nitricum, 6C, Approx 80 Pellets
Com, and if you have used this medicine, i will advice you create an awareness to help others, because, every family that has a mentally ill patient needs help. The comparison in effects within argentum nitricum treated group on day 30 th and 60 th was analyzed by using paired sample test. You should always consult with your doctor or your healthcare practitioner, and read all information provided by the manufacturer of a product on or in any product label or packaging, before taking any dietary, nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, before starting any diet or exercise program or before adopting any treatment for a health problem. This further supports our suggestion that argentum nitricum should be given in low doses and duration of treatment needs to be clearly defined. -Based manufacturer of homeopathic medicines. Place 1 tsp dried herb or 2 to 3 tsp fresh herb into 1 cup (250 Ml) hot or boiling water. Various traditional medicines like barbiturates, benzodiazepines and ssri’s are used as anxiolytics but due to their potential to produce adverse effect on cognition limits their chronic use. As with any homeopathic medicine, there is no measurable amount of the activ…