- Organic health products, herbs and superfoods

Organic Gaia Herbs: Best Natural Products

Gaia Herbs, Black Elderberry, 60 Vegan Capsules

Gaia Herbs, Black Elderberry, 60 Vegan Capsules Review


Directions: For best results, use at the first sign or symptoms of a cold or flu and continue to use for an additional 48 hours after symptoms subside. These are just the alternative Treatments. Ask a doctor before use if you have persistant or chronic cough such as occurs with smoking, asthma or emphysema, a cough accompanied by excessive phlegm (Mucus). For colds that have gradual onset with watery nasal discharge that causes irritation, a feeling of fullness, or tickling in the nose and/or the back of the throat, muscle aches, fatigue, lack of energy, lightheadedness, and a headache with pain in the back of the head. But the science suggests that echinacea – in the right form – may be one of the more promising alternative cold remedies on the market. Clinically proven to shorten the duration and severity of a cold, these little packets are the ultimate secret weapon against cold season. This is the season when we send our kids off to school with shiny new backpacks, and every year, they bring home the same thing: The first round of back-to-school colds.

Gaia Herbs, Adrenal Health, Nightly Restore, 120 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Adrenal Health, Nightly Restore, 120 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


Including certified usda organic and non-gmo project verified ashwagandha, rhodiola and schisandra, adrenal daily balance nourishes the adrenals and supports emotional well-being every day. You should also avoid adrenal extracts if you have a compromised immune system. Can tax the adrenal glands, forcing them to over-produce or under-produce the stress hormones at the wrong time. Taking adrenal extracts could have some unintended consequences. Puritan’s pride began over 40 years ago, with the mission of making the finest quality nutritional supplements available at the best value. But the amounts in the supplements tested in the study might be too small to cause problems, cohen said. For some reason, doctors think that either your adrenal glands are perfectly fine, or else they have ceased to function. 8 The lives of adrenalectomized animals are prolonged and all the signs and symptoms of severe insufficiency are rapidly abolished by oral administration of the adrenal extract. Before this supplement, it had been years since i had gone even 48 hours without some sort of issue. The information on this site is for information purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for ad…

Gaia Herbs, Wormwood Black Walnut Supreme, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

Gaia Herbs, Wormwood Black Walnut Supreme, 1 fl oz (30 ml) Review


For instance, in the case of heartworm, a conservative adjunctive therapy may consist of herbal and nutritional support for dogs that are also undergoing conventional drug treatments for heartworm. Traditionally used in herbal medicine as a vermifuge for children with pinworms (Threadworms) or roundworms. Botanical medicines for treating parasites show inconsistent results and present difficulties with compliance, especially in children. These herbs, including artemisia absinthium, include bioactive compounds with some anthelmintic activity. Some herbal detox programs last two weeks on, two weeks off. If this occurs, discontinue use and try another nervine herb. This chapter highlights some data on the use of herbal products in the treatment or prevention of infectious diseases.

Gaia Herbs, RapidRelief, Sleep & Relax, 50 Capsules

Gaia Herbs, RapidRelief, Sleep & Relax, 50 Capsules Review


Ask your primary care provider, too; more and more of them are embracing some forms of alternative medicine, and may be good resources. Glycine supplements also helped participants fall asleep faster. Sometimes all you need is a small boost of melatonin, and several studies show that doses as low as 0,1 to 0,3mg are effective for inducing sleep. I chose this formula because it has a good blend of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs. Each tea bag was allowed to steep for 10 minutes, and researchers took objective measurements of sleep quality. How l-theanine helps sleep: With it’s ability to increase relaxation and lower stress, l-theanine can help people fall asleep more quickly and easily at bedtime. 12- 19 The severity of insomnia in study participants was generally not well defined, although most studies included otherwise healthy patients with some self-reported sleep problems. Studies have not proven that any herbal product or dietary supplement, including aloe vera, beta carotene, selenium, or epigallocatechin gallate (Egcg), an extract from green tea, reduces the risk of skin cancer or sun damage. The three cocktails performed better than most of the individual supp…

Gaia Herbs, Milk Thistle Seed, 120 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Milk Thistle Seed, 120 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


Bottom line: While short-term use may be beneficial, potential side effects mean that longer-term and high-dose usage is probably to be avoided, unless done carefully with the input of a physician and with periodic monitoring of liver function. Ultimate herbal health products comply with the dietary supplement laws in new zealand. The charge transfer from zno clusters to -oh group of silymarin which strengthens the interactions between silymarin molecule and zno clusters were analyzed in terms of interaction energies and stabilization energies derived by second order perturbation energies. As a physician-scientist with expertise in genomics, biotechnology, and nutraceuticals, he has made it his mission to bring precision medicine to the bedside and help transform healthcare in the 21st century. In summary, most of us are taking some form of a medication, whether it’s prescription, over-the-counter, supplements, or vitamins. Do not harvest milk thistle plants that have been exposed to pesticides or found along roadways or industrial sites. Integration of this information into in silico models that estimate the pharmacokinetics of individual constituents should facilitate prospect…

Gaia Herbs, Turmeric Supreme, Pain, 120 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Turmeric Supreme, Pain, 120 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


They increase the immune system’s response when used with other natural antioxidant supplements. But, the most effective way to use turmeric is via a supplement or extract, in order to ensure the most potent dosage. Is known to have antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties. A comparative study on chemical composition and antioxidant activity of ginger (Zingiber officinale) and cumin (Cuminum cyminum). Some of goel’s studies, in both animals and humans, suggest that curcumin can also help kill stubborn treatment-resistant cancer cells and might make some cancers less resistant to chemotherapy in the first place. This study had both groups maintaining standard care, which does not address the question of whether or not supplementation with curcumin can be used instead of standard management such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nsaids). Despite the lack of encouraging results from completed trials, several randomized controlled studies are under way to determine whether supplemental curcumin has the ability to reverse or prevent cognitive deficits in both healthy and cognitively impaired individuals. Combining these three curcuminoids provides additional antioxidant, an…

Gaia Herbs, Ginkgo Gotu Kola Supreme, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

Gaia Herbs, Ginkgo Gotu Kola Supreme, 1 fl oz (30 ml) Review


Interventions and comparisons: The types of interventions considered for inclusion in review were various herbal and homeopathic remedies that were commonly ingested by women as an intervention during pregnancy and labour. This means that instead of like curing like, with herbs you combine opposite extremes to create balance. Anything is possible, but it does seem unlikely that any single medicine can be effective for many different kinds of pain. Because of the limited benefits provided by pharmaceuticals in the treatment and prevention of common cold, people often turn to natural products like vitamin c, zinc, or herbs. However, many others buy them for the homeopathy. The complete german commission e monographs: Therapeutic guide to herbal medicines. Herbal remedies can also be dangerously contaminated, and herbal medicines without established efficacy, may unknowingly be used to replace medicines that do have corroborated efficacy. Instead, we discussed remedies that increase the risk of intrinsic bleeding, which can result in serious problems for plastic surgeons and their patients.

Gaia Herbs, Rhodiola Rosea, 120 Veggie Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Rhodiola Rosea, 120 Veggie Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


Young or old, those who want to preserve healthy brain function and memory performance can benefit from bacopa enlighten. Licorice is not recommended for those with high blood pressure, so it is best to be under the care of a doctor before electing for this herb. John’s wort, meditation, light therapy, and fish oil supplements may help relieve some bipolar depression symptoms. People use this mushroom to increase resiliency to stress and promote a greater sense of calm. For anxiety, mistletoe acts to lower the stress hormone cortisol, bringing the nerves down to a more manageable level. Research over the last decade has confirmed that mental health problems are also associated with excess inflammation and oxidative stress. A daily multivitamin is optimal for brain health, ideal as an adhd supplement. It found significant improvements in symptoms of stress, such as fatigue, exhaustion and anxiety, after just three days. Sisu b calm to support metabolism during periods of stress and anxiety. Newmark recommends valerian super calm, by herbs for kids. Magnesium affects more than 300 different processes in the body and is a crucial component in nerve health. Use magtherapy whenever y…

Gaia Herbs, Liver Cleanse, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Liver Cleanse, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


The high antioxidant levels in this supplement not only help your liver but promote overall wellness in your entire body. Office of dietary supplements, us national institutes of health. If you feel significantly less vital, it could be a sign that your liver needs some support or that your diet and lifestyle need a general overhaul. Furthermore, a dietary supplement must be labeled as a dietary supplement and be intended for ingestion and must not be represented for use as conventional food or as a sole item of a meal or of the diet. If you are serious about improving your liver health, spend your money on things that have been proven to actually do just that. Fish oil is a commonly used fatty acid supplement because it is a source of omega-3 fatty acids. But a high intake of fiber has many potential benefits for several health conditions, ranging from heart disease and obesity to hernias, varicose veins, and diverticulitis. Such standardization is not mandatory for supplements in the u. Your diligence in addressing these issues indicates a level of science that tells me you folks really do want the reputation of having the best supplements in the world.

Gaia Herbs, Calm Restore, Herbal Drops, Alcohol-Free Formula, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

Gaia Herbs, Calm Restore, Herbal Drops, Alcohol-Free Formula, 1 fl oz (30 ml) Review


The children who withdrew from the study did so because of lack of further response to treatment, unpalatability of the tea, or difficulty in preparation of the treatment. Whether it be essential oils, herbs, or common spices found in our kitchen, organic and sustainably-harvested ingredients can do wonders for our bodies. Many carry the same risks and side effects as manufactured medicines. Opponents argue that the benefits experienced by patients are merely placebo effects, Although these are no larger than those observed in conventional medicine. The need for educational reform in teaching about alternative therapies. The author has done a remarkable job of making herbal support both legitimate to the doubtful and accessible to the open-minded. It has also been claimed to reduce the potential for temper tantrums in children who struggle to control their emotions. Complementary and alternative remedies can include everything from amber necklaces and oils, to homeopathy, healing crystals, yoga, herbal medicine and special diets. Cam is an abbreviation of the phrase complementary and alternative medicine. The outcome measures of herbal use during pregnancy versus the control gro…

Gaia Herbs, Hawthorn Supreme, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Hawthorn Supreme, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


Besides, the antioxidant, positive inotropic, anti-inflammatory, and anticardiac remodeling effects and other cardiovascular protective effect of the hawthorn active ingredients were demonstrated in various in vivo and in vitro experiments. You can buy premade hawthorn tea or make your own using the dried berries, flowers, and leaves of the plant. This information relates to an herbal, vitamin, mineral or other dietary supplement. Studies on the use of crataegus along with standard pharmaceutical treatments for heart failure have not revealed any negative drug-herb interactions, and have suggested that crataegus may slow the progression of heart failure. Do not use hawthorn if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. I was recommended hawthorn berries by my cardiologist to help with my heart palpitations, which were caused from anxiety. Monogyna are the primary hawthorns of commerce, c. Practitioners of both traditional and alternative medicine agree that proper blood circulation is important for health. It is our mission to offer a more natural, environmentally aware, and compassionate approach to medicine. The following article reviews the botany, history of use, chemistry, pharmaco…

Gaia Herbs, Energy Vitality, 60 Vegetarian Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Energy Vitality, 60 Vegetarian Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


Kangen-karyu (Kgk) is a traditional chinese herbal medicine consisting of six known herbs: Peony root, cnidium rhizome, safflower, cyperus rhizome, saussurea root, and dan shen root. The herbs were selected based on their traditional use and existing clinical and pharmacological evidence (As summarised in sections 3,1, 3,4, and 3,6). Have you ever wondered what is the difference between holistic medicine and homeopathy? How many cancer patients use complementary and alternative medicine: A systematic review and metaanalysis. In some locations, wet tea bags remain a popular folk remedy for the treatment of nipple pain. Ironically, homeopathic remedies are often made from substances that can cause a pathological response. In addition to herbs, traditional medicine may use animal parts and minerals.

Gaia Herbs, Turmeric Supreme, Sinus Support, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Turmeric Supreme, Sinus Support, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


In a recent study, 28 healthy subjects that did not participate in resistance training were randomly assigned to receive either curcumin (400 Mg/day) for two days before and four days after participating in an eccentric exercise designed to induce muscle soreness. 3, Turmeric dramatically increases the antioxidant capacity of the bodyoxidative damage is believed to be one of the mechanisms behind ageing and many diseases. Not only is turmeric an anti inflammatory supplement, it’s also an antioxidant. I recently read that turmeric is only effective if it is combined with black pepper. If the answer is no to either of those questions, you may want to consider a supplement, especially if you eat a standard american diet. It is thought that curcumin may help clear these plaques. Larger trials are needed to assess whether curcumin could be useful in the prevention or management of type 2 diabetes and vascular complications. Increases in markers of muscle damage and inflammation tended to be lower in the curcumin group, but significant differences were only observed for interleukin-8 at 2 h after exercise.

Gaia Herbs, Nettle Leaf, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Nettle Leaf, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


Be the first of many products to receive a traditional herbal registration. The vast majority of herbal products currently on the uk market without claims are of unproven benefit. Pregnant women should avoid stinging nettle because it’s hormonal effects could lead to miscarriage. Men who take large doses of multivitamin (And other) supplements had a relative risk of fatal prostate cancer almost twice as big as those who don’t. But the study to which these reports refer did not measure any health benefits whatsoever. The cherokee herbal: Native plant medicine from the four directions. Used as an herbal remedy: An aqueous extract of the plant has sedative and anxiolytic actions. The minister offers the opinion that homeopathy works and refers him to the faculty of homeopathy, which has a network of advisors around the country who are pleased to offer advice to members of the public about homeopathic issues. rich in herbal expectorants this blend of herbal extracts can help loosen congestion and end miserable coughing. I highly recommend this nettle leaf and if you need to get rid of any lingering toxins in your body then this one is for you.

Gaia Herbs, Male Libido, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Male Libido, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


By adding a protein supplement to your diet, you can lose fat mass while retaining your muscle mass. To figure out the cost per day on your own, take the total number of pills in a container and divide it by how many you are supposed to take each day. Glutamine may also up your game: A recent study in the journal of the international society of sports nutrition found that basketball players who drank a combination of water and a low-dose alanine-glutamine supplement (1 G per 500 ml) did 11 percent better in a basketball-shooting performance test compared to a group that ingested only water. Being aware of the specific health and hormonal challenges men face is critical when it comes to setting up your lifestyle to maximize health, fitness, and well-being. The american heart association recommends introducing a fatty fish to your diet at least twice a week for optimal health in your 40s. Research out of japan (Where many people consume green tea on a regular basis) found that consumption of green tea has a substantial effect in reducing risk of cancer (8 ). Multivitamin for men – a1supplements javascript seems to be disabled in your browser. Because of safety concerns, and since …

Gaia Herbs, Oil of Oregano, 120 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Oil of Oregano, 120 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


Nac is a supplement that can be used to thin the mucus in the airways and reduce the frequency and severity of a cough. The best thing to do would be to work with either an integrative or functional medicine practitioner to help you really build up your immune system. Sure, health professionals make mistakes. Take a few drops daily under the tongue to slow the effects of aging and maintain healthy cell structure. Some types of essential oils may help protect you against certain viruses and bacteria. Do not use in vagina or anus unless it is very well diluted by adding a drop or two of wild oil of oregano to a tablespoon of olive oil. Due to the many different types of viruses, it is not possible to gain complete immunity to the common cold. Actually i just came on to the website so that i could print out some information for my father-in-law because he also has race horses and would benefit from using wild oil of oregano. As with many herbal products, blood clotting may be affected with use of melatonin with anticoagulants.

Gaia Herbs, Ginger Supreme, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Ginger Supreme, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


Interactions between herbs and conventional drugs: Overview of the clinical data. Deep sequencing of plant and animal dna contained within traditional chinese medicines reveals legality issues and health safety concerns. In contrast, at least one trial indicated that ginger was not effective in reducing the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing gynecologic laparoscopy (Eberhart et al. People who need to avoid grapefruit because it interacts with medicine that they are taking should also avoid grapefruit seed extract. Below are a just a few spices and herbs to consider when cooking or preparing your meals to benefit your health and nutritional status. This idea was supported by the results of a randomized, double-blind trial in which healthy volunteers reported that ginger effectively accelerated gastric emptying and stimulated antral contractions (Wu et al. The general anti-inflammatory properties of the ginger seem to have reduced a lot of general aches and pains in addition to helping with the migraines. Herbal medicine (Also herbalism) is the study of botany and the use of medicinal plants. The herb is available in a variety of forms (E. Howeve…

Gaia Herbs, Rhodiola Rosea, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Rhodiola Rosea, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


The american botanical council website offers herbal information, health professional training, and additional resources on herbs and health. The traditional herbal medicine saffron (Stigmates of crocus sativus l). Those given rhodiola were able to exercise for an average of 24 seconds longer than those given a placebo. It has been used for thousands of years by many native cultures in herbal remedies. In a preliminary study, supplementation with rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) significantly improved anxiety measurements in people with generalized anxiety disorder. The authors say their findings provide evidence to support claims that the herb has anti-stress properties. In the end, it is important that you experiment with a wide variety of herbs and dosages to see what suits you most, as well as keeping in mind potential side effects and anything else that might influence you (I. Some people believe the herb can treat anxiety, depression, fatigue, anemia, and headaches. Until that research is forthcoming, athletes are best advised to avoid unproven herbal treatments. In these studies and others, rhodiola has been shown to improve exercise performance by decreasing perceived exertion,…

Gaia Herbs, Gelatinized Peruvian Maca Root, 60 Vegan Capsules

Gaia Herbs, Gelatinized Peruvian Maca Root, 60 Vegan Capsules Review


It is grown for it’s fleshy root, which is used as a vegetable and a medicinal herb, similar to ginseng. If a person is interested in trying maca root, they can find supplements in some natural food stores or online. For example, published evidence suggests that the planting site is a major determining factor in regard to the constituents of maca. An older study in an animal model found that maca might help protect the skin from uv rays. The date palm pollen (Dpp) is used in the traditional medicine for male infertility. Maca is an herbaceous annual plant native to the high andes of peru. However it is important to be aware that not all maca is created equal. In traditional chinese medicine, panax ginseng is used as a sex stimulant. While maca is generally safe, studies do show elevated blood pressure in people with heart conditions who took 0,6 grams of maca per day. Red maca powder – made from dark-purple maca roots. There is no evidence of adverse reactions with maca.

Gaia Herbs, Oil of Oregano, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Oil of Oregano, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


It is also a popular indian ayurvedic medicinal herb. It could have been a much different week for the dog and my son had it not been for the oil of oregano. In vitro, the volatile oils in horseradish have been shown to possess antibiotic properties, which may account for it’s effectiveness in treating throat and upper respiratory tract infections (Arch. I am currently selling the new roots herbal brand oregano oil as well as neem leaf capsules for 50% off. Use oil of oregano to boost your immune system and to kill off unfriendly bacteria. I started taking the oil of oregano immediately and after about two weeks my symptoms reduced. Methods of making both the core medicinal formulation and suitable dietary supplement and/or functional food embodiments based on the formulation are described herein. I do not believe in antibiotics so am most happy there is something like this oil to use with no side affects.

Gaia Herbs, Bronchial Wellness for Kids, 3 fl oz (89 ml)

Gaia Herbs, Bronchial Wellness for Kids, 3 fl oz (89 ml) Review


Zinc acetate lozenges for treating the common cold: An individual patient data meta-analysis. Even so, studies looking into cures for the common cold have found that they can make a difference. A cochrane review found no quality evidence for or against the use of otc medicines to treat cough in children or adults. The caregiver seeking a pediatric otc cough and cold product for his or her infant may initially be disappointed to find that these products are no longer available. But because the immune system is only impaired in otherwise healthy people when we have a vitamin or mineral deficiency, supplementing our diets with so-called cold-busting foods will make little difference if we already have a relatively good diet, says charles bangham, head of the division of infectious diseases at imperial college london. Myth 4: It’s a good idea to take your children to the doctor when they have a cold. In children, 1 to 2 g/day vitamin c shortened colds by 18%. Keep in mind that according to the fda, most problems with cold medicines occur when more than the recommended amount is used, if it is given too often, or if more than one cough and cold medicine containing the same active ing…

Gaia Herbs, Certified Organic Holy Basil Leaf, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

Gaia Herbs, Certified Organic Holy Basil Leaf, 1 fl oz (30 ml) Review


Blood samples together with ratings of burning sensations found that the tulsi and turmeric combination resulted in a significant improvement among the treated patients. There are actually two general cultivars of the herb: One has green leaves and the other has purple leaves. This book describes the many healing properties and benefits tulsi offers and provides recipes or best way to use this healing herb to treat the specific disease or disorder. It has a long history of medicinal usage in eastern and western medicine. Used in traditional medicine to aid with sleep or depression. Mixes well with other herbs including: Mugwort, damiana and calamus. She teaches regularly in the uk and usa and spends as much time as she can in her herb garden which she opens to the public by appointment. These tulsi leaves are highly useful in treatment of inflammation, malaria, heart diseases, stomach pains, read more. For chronic diseases including diabetes and cardiovascular conditions where long-term treatment is needed, co-administration of herbals and modern medicines may pose higher risk of adverse events and hence sufficient evidence of safety is necessary. ` It is, he said, a `rasayana,`…

Gaia Herbs, Triphala Fruit, 60 Vegan Capsules

Gaia Herbs, Triphala Fruit, 60 Vegan Capsules Review


Summary triphala may cause diarrhea and intestinal discomfort in some people and can react with certain medications. Remedies with antioxidant, circulation, or detoxification properties will directly or indirectly benefit the eyes. A large number of ex-perimental data for european and non-european herbal drugs as well as various herbal drug combinations sug-gest such a possibility. Summary triphala is a powerful herbal remedy that consists of haritaki, bibhitaki and amla. Detoxification is an essential component of virtually every traditional system of healing, yet is conspicuously absent from mainstream western medicine. Morrison has spent several years studying the commonalties and defining characteristics of organic carbon compounds in homeopathy. Everything from internal cleanses, face scrubs, concentrated capsules, and complete kits help you start your detoxification. The greatest help was from my students who paid interest in my topic as class lecture and encouraged to write such article comprising traditional medicines, their prospect and limitations. While it took a bit of effort to get to this stage, i am feeling wonderful and hope to maintain this cleanse for a few mor…

Gaia Herbs, Milk Thistle Seed, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Milk Thistle Seed, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


It can be toxic to the liver and cause severe hepatitis and even liver failure in high doses. Dandelion speeds up the process of moving toxins through the liver and out of your kidneys. Herbal supplements that address the entire digestive system indirectly support the liver. In fact, you can live with even half of your liver. Further studies are needed before it is safe to conclude that milk thistle supports bone health in humans. It contains silymarin, the main active ingredient as well as fatty acids. The active ingredients in milk thistle are a group of plant compounds collectively known as silymarin. In contrast, ayurvedic medicine is a holistic model of medicine that emphasizes a healthy lifestyle and supporting herbal remedies as a way to good health. Laboratory studies have also demonstrated that silymarin stimulates synthesis and activity of enzymes responsible for detoxification pathways. Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra): Licorice root has been used in both eastern and western medicine to treat a variety of illnesses, including liver disease. Our ultimate herbal detox program has a specific range of herbs designed to specifically detox your liver. Laboratory data sugg…

Gaia Herbs, Black Elderberry Syrup, 3 fl oz (89 ml)

Gaia Herbs, Black Elderberry Syrup, 3 fl oz (89 ml) Review


I currently have a small cold; i gave this to my 4 year old starting 3 days ago and she has not caught it! Stress may increase your risk of catching a cold. And what should you do if you cannot find an antiviral like tamiflu, or a place to get a flu shot? All in all, elderberries could be a great option for patients to add to their medicine cabinets to prevent and treat cold and flu symptoms. Stop use and ask a doctor if new symptoms occur, cough lasts more than 7 days or occurs with rash or persistent headache, fever worsens or lasts more than 3 days, symptoms worsen or do not get better within 7 days. No other elderberry brand can make the same claim. Countless immune boosters fly off the shelves year-round, particularly in cold and flu season. The number of proprietary elderberry products on the market has slowly grown in recent years, particularly in europe.

Gaia Herbs, Sound Sleep, 120 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Sound Sleep, 120 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


Overall, the studies showed that melatonin was better than placebo for improving both the time to fall asleep and total sleep. For this reason, researchers have tested it for use as a natural supplement in several medical conditions, including:. Larger studies with longer follow up periods will provide more information on how this supplement might affect people over extended periods. Taking too much of this supplement could lead to an accidental overdose. The quality and depth of sleep can be measured with sleep monitoring equipment; i used a withings aura to measure the amount of rem sleep i was getting each night. Tryptophan finds it much easier to cross the blood-brain barrier than 5-htp, so it makes for a much better mood enhancing supplement than 5-htp. It is a real, all-round sleep aid, improving mood, reducing anxiety, and making you feel sleepy at the right time of night. In addition to being important on it’s own, maintaining healthy blood pressure can also help protect your sleep. What time should you take natural sleep aids? The latest scientific studies suggest that a dose of 400mg strengthens a normal sleep pattern.

Gaia Herbs, Turmeric Supreme, Joint, 60 Vegan Liqiud Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Turmeric Supreme, Joint, 60 Vegan Liqiud Phyto-Caps Review


Mechanisms for the function of curcumin and related compounds. Small clinical studies suggest that curcumin from turmeric is helpful for indigestion, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, seasonal allergies and depression. Our natural turmeric supplement is also free of sugar, yeast, starch and cholesterol. The active ingredient found in cinnamon is called cinnamaldehyde, a potent antioxidant, and the essential oil of the cinnamon plant. However, several pieces of research are still going on on best turmeric curcumin, but results of most investigations seem to be in favor of it’s use. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and has very strong antioxidant properties, which can help many different health conditions. One of the main compounds in turmeric – each day in tablet form.

Gaia Herbs, Plant Force Liquid Iron, 16 fl oz (473 ml)

Gaia Herbs, Plant Force Liquid Iron, 16 fl oz (473 ml) Review


Overall, it is sometimes difficult to decide whether iron supplementation will be beneficial or harmful to an individual in an environment that is prone to many infectious diseases; however this is a different question than the question of supplementation in individuals who are already ill with a bacterial infection. In the study, researchers found an increased risk of death in older women taking several commonly used vitamin and mineral supplements. Patients should be checked and given supplementation if vitamin d levels are low. The tonics are made as solutions that keep the iron soluble. In some cases, your doctor may recommend a mineral supplement. I am so incredibly thankful i came across this iron supplement. When for some mysterious reason my body stopped drawing iron from my ordinary diet, i looked around for a supplement.

Gaia Herbs, Holy Basil Leaf, 120 Vegetarian Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Holy Basil Leaf, 120 Vegetarian Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


Find a range of their tulsi-infused products such as their tulsi body scrub, body oil and herbal steam. You can also make holy basil tea using the leaves, flowers, or dried leaf powder. The aroma of this bright green culinary herb is popular worldwide and used as a fresh source of flavour in read more. Plant spirit medicine: The healing power of plants. Mixes well with other herbs including: Mugwort, damiana and calamus. Hypoglycaemic, hypolipidemic and antioxidant properties of tulsi (Ocimum sanctum linn) on streptozotocin induced diabetes in rats. Ancient ayurvedic texts have advised tulsi be used to combat a myriad of conditions. I always feel so good after my visit with dr bloomingdale and the rest of the staff at richmond natural medicine! Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of various concentrations of tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) extract against streptococcus mutans: An in vitro study. Daily consumption of tulsi is said to prevent disease, promote general health, wellbeing and longevity and assist in dealing with the stresses of daily life. If you have brain fog, trouble concentrating, depression, or low energy along with your anxiety, arctic root is an excellent herb to c…

Gaia Herbs, Nighttime Comfort for Women, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Nighttime Comfort for Women, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


A bottle costs between $8 to $25, depending on supplement count. Is it time for an over-the-counter sleep aid? Children with certain conditions, such as atopic dermatitis, asthma, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (Adhd), or autism spectrum disorder (Asd), are more prone to sleep problems than other children. People who take this supplement should report any unusual side effects to their doctor. If you fall into one of these risk groups, you should talk to your doctor first before taking a natural sleep supplement. For many sleeping pills, certain foods such as grapefruit and grapefruit juice must also be avoided. In studies, ambien helped to decrease the amount of time it took to fall asleep. In addition, magnesium may help quiet the mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep.

Gaia Herbs, Rhodiola Rosea, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Rhodiola Rosea, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


A few years ago, it was discovered that herbal supplements sold under brand name labels from walmart, target, walgreens, and gnc contained little to none of what was listed on the label. The 200-year-old healing practice of homeopathy has millions of followers worldwide. There was no effect on the other variables in the acute study, and no effects on any variable, including endurance, were found when the herb was administered during the 4-week supplementation study. An herbal supplement containing ma huang-guarana for weight loss: A randomized, double-blind trial. Rosea’s use in traditional ayurvedic medicine for adaptogenic properties has been examined. Summary rhodiola has been shown to lower blood sugar levels in rodents, suggesting it may be a valuable supplement for diabetes control in humans. Effects of a commercial herbal-based formula on exercise performance in cyclists.

Gaia Herbs, Echinacea Supreme, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Echinacea Supreme, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


A systematic review of five trials involving 747 patients found insufficient evidence to support the use of ginseng to reduce the incidence or severity of a cold. Examples include airborne tablets (Reckitt benckiser), which include a combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and herbs to support the immune system. Lisa bernstein, an associate professor in the department of medicine at emory university, suggested. Three efficacy studies of dextromethorphan for cough showed either no difference or small but possibly clinically insignificant improvement in cough over placebo. The quick-dissolve tablets are clinically proven to shorten a cold when taken at the first sign. For that study, turner and his colleagues treated people with multiple echinacea formulations made from the roots of the echinacea angustifolia species. More studies are needed to tell whether garlic has any true benefit for flu, however. Intranasal ipratropium bromide for the common cold. Doctors explain how to tell if you have the common cold or something more serious that requires medical attention, such as the flu, strep throat, meningitis, or mono.

Gaia Herbs, Ashwagandha Root, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Ashwagandha Root, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


Ashwagandha is a stimulant and like all stimulants, has the ability to impair detox pathways thus making oxidative stress worse, even if there is an initial increase in energy. During the treatment period, regular telephone call check-ins assured volunteers were consistently taking the herbs or placebo and were used to note any adverse reactions. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, neuroendocrine factors and stress. Determined to prove the quality and reliability of their product, gaia herbs chose to test their ashwagandha root in a laboratory consumers can request or locate this testing information at any time. But what are adaptogenic herbs, exactly? These studies have methodological problems like small number of subjects, lack of placebo and control groups, and inclusion of heterogeneous subjects and short treatment duration, which hinders consistent conclusion about these herbal preparations. I read all the comments and find it interesting those who love the supplement and therefore so defending of it, completely missing the point you are making. Chronically, this interference leads to a feed-forward situation of the hpa stress response system, which results in a flattened,…

Gaia Herbs, Echinacea Supreme, 30 Vegetarian Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Echinacea Supreme, 30 Vegetarian Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


If cough persists for more than one week, tends to recur, or is accompanied by a fever, rash or persistent headache, consult a physician. Some people try natural products such as herbs or vitamins and minerals to prevent or treat these illnesses. Influenza, or flu, is caused by a virus infecting the respiratory system, meaning your nose, throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs. In the mid-19th and early 20th centuries, echinacea was used for treating anthrax infections, snakebites, and also as a pain reliever. With a goal of reducing this effect, sarath malepati, md founded the los angeles-based ppc group and developed the award-winning ezc pak to encourage people to become less reliant on unnecessary antibiotics and more focused on supporting a healthy immune system. Prophylactic use of garlic may decrease the frequency of colds in adults, but has no effect on duration of symptoms. People who are allergic to ragweed, or who have an autoimmune disease, should ask their doctors before taking echinacea.

Gaia Herbs, Black Elderberry, 30 Vegan Capsules

Gaia Herbs, Black Elderberry, 30 Vegan Capsules Review


If pregnant or breast feeding, ask a health professional before using. The results of some studies show that elderberries do indeed have significant benefits against cold and influenza symptoms. Sambucol cold and flu relief provide fast temporary symptom relief from cold and flu symptoms such as nasal and sinus congestion, runny nose, sore throat, coughing, sneezing, chills and fever. Preliminary evidence suggests they may help prevent colds, too. H, director of the gehr center for health systems science at the keck school of medicine at usc in los angeles. My husband ran to walmart, so i asked him to see if they had any elderberry medicines that i could try. For these reasons, you should take herbs with care, under the supervision of a health care practitioner. In michigan, we just went through a very bad cold and flu season at local schools, only once did myself and my son begin to get sick with minor congestion. Does this product help your immune system fight off the flu? With swanson, you can be sure you are getting the most pure and potent health products at a great value. Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea, herb top). Zinc acetate lozenges for treating the common cold: An indiv…

Gaia Herbs, Goldenseal Root, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

Gaia Herbs, Goldenseal Root, 1 fl oz (30 ml) Review


There are currently no clear data regarding specific adverse interactions between herbal remedies and drugs used in anaesthesia. Demand for this herb dramatically increased, until thompson’s system of medicine fell out of popularity. The widespread use of goldenseal can be attributed to it’s main isoquinoline alkaloids hydrastine and berberine, found in high amounts in the root and rhizome. In the european union (Eu), herbal medicines are regulated under the committee on herbal medicinal products. If you are a person that gets colds quite often or if you suffer from the flu several times throughout the year, you might benefit from echinacea and goldenseal. Seasonal variation of biomass and bioactive alkaloid content of goldenseal, hydrastis canadensis. Capillary zone electrophoresis as a tool for the quality control of goldenseal extracts. Paraherbalism is the pseudoscientific use of extracts of plant or animal origin as supposed medicines or health-promoting agents. Another common approach to dosing goldenseal would be twice per day, so 150 mg twice daily is a more convenient, but robust daily dose. Two of the more serious interactions occur with certain antipsychotic drugs – u…

Gaia Herbs, Bronchial Wellness Syrup, 5.4 fl oz (160 ml)

Gaia Herbs, Bronchial Wellness Syrup, 5.4 fl oz (160 ml) Review


Complementary and alternative medicine in the united states. These alternative cancer cures have often been described as unproven, Suggesting that appropriate clinical trials have not been conducted and that the therapeutic value of the treatment is unknown. Traditional medicine in tanzania is used by people of all ages in both urban and rural areas for both simple and chronic diseases. African traditional medicine, of which herbal medicine is the most prevalent form, continues to be a relevant form of primary health care despite the existence of conventional western medicine. Methods of preparation of herbal medicines may vary according to place and culture. Sometimes alternative treatments can help you reduce your reliance on medication, avoid surgical intervention, or relieve the side effects of conventional treatments. Some herbs have potent (Powerful) ingredients and should be taken with the same level of caution as pharmaceutical medications.

Gaia Herbs, Kids, Echinacea Supreme Herbal Drops, Alcohol-Free Formula, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

Gaia Herbs, Kids, Echinacea Supreme Herbal Drops, Alcohol-Free Formula, 1 fl oz (30 ml) Review


Keeping your child hydrated helps to thin out mucus, making it easier to cough up, says dr. There’s acetaminophen (Tylenol) for fever, an antihistamine, a cough suppressant with the added benefit of making a little drowsy sometimes, and a nasal decongestant in this formula. In the market, there are certainly plenty of choices when it comes to cough/cold medication, but we often find ourselves purchasing the robitussin brand. Ineffectiveness of intranasal zinc gluconate for prevention of experimental rhinovirus colds. One study of guaifenesin showed benefit over placebo in reducing cough frequency; another one showed no benefit over placebo. If you understand how to use natural medicines, you can do something to not only help your child feel better, but to help her recover faster! This is why homeopathic medicines are often my preferred choice of medicine for infants and children, and pregnant and nursing moms. If you hear your baby whimpering or stirring, wait a few minutes to see if they are actually awake. 32 Although antihistamines do not work as monotherapy, combination medications containing a first-generation antihistamine and decongestant may be slightly beneficial in rel…

Gaia Herbs, Thyroid Support, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Thyroid Support, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


Research shows that moderate to high intensity aerobic exercise may help boost your thyroid hormone levels. A daptogenic herbs like ashwaghanda and reishi are also really helpful for managing stress and anxiety, which are linked with your thyroid. If you eat a traditional western diet, which uses primarily vegetable oils for cooking, your ratio is likely closer to 20 to 1 of omega 6 to omega 3, this completely skewed ratio, increases inflammation, which may in turn lead to several chronic health problems. When combined with the pineapple plant enzyme, it creates some of the best supplements for detox. While it is good to be concerned about harmful drug interactions occurring with prescription medications that are taken with health supplements, it is important to mention that sometimes doctors recommend that people use them together. Research also shows that they help you maintain a healthy weight. I recommend you find an integrative or functional medicine doctor specializing in thyroid health who can guide you in the next steps that are best for your specific body. In almost every example, labdoor’s tests and reviews describe the products as little more than heavily overpriced s…

Gaia Herbs, Cleanse & Detox, Caffeine-Free, 16 Tea Bags, 1.13 oz (32 g)

Gaia Herbs, Cleanse & Detox, Caffeine-Free, 16 Tea Bags, 1.13 oz (32 g) Review


Inconsistencies in study findings regarding tea and cancer risk may be due to variability in tea preparation, tea consumption, the bioavailability of tea compounds (The amounts that can be absorbed by the body), lifestyle differences, and individual genetic differences. This particular detox tea is a loose leaf green tea which helps cleanse your body and your senses with a one-two-three combo of lemongrass, lemon peel, and lemon oil. Black tea is made by first exposing the tea leaves to air, causing them to oxidize. You will need to make lifestyle changes, follow good food habits, and exercise, along with drinking detox teas, to lose fat. The studies discovered that white tea extract suppressed the growth of colon cancer cells and stopped them from spreading. Although green tea is commonly believed to be a weight loss aid, there is no good evidence that it’s long-term consumption has any meaningful benefit in helping overweight or obese people to lose weight, or that it helps to maintain a healthy body weight. In these regions, mint tea is integral to social gatherings and cultural events. Alternatively, you can purchase premade bags of white tea from your local grocery store. A…

Gaia Herbs, Certified Organic Oregano Leaf, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

Gaia Herbs, Certified Organic Oregano Leaf, 1 fl oz (30 ml) Review


The company that sells the supplement states that during our nearly 2 years of operation, we have had no previous similar suggestions involving our customers. Food has been used as medicine for thousands of years, and science is finally confirming what our ancestors have known. Wild oil of oregano contains powerful antifungal agents that eliminate candida effectively and safely. Oregaflu is the natural potent overall cold and flu fighter. I have highly recommended your oil of oregano to all of my family and friends. My cold sores often form at those most inopportune times and hold me hostage to feeling insecure and embarassed at the unsightly bump on my lip. Part of the problem is that the flu virus is constantly changing. First, herbs are soaked in organic alcohol. For skin conditions and nail fungus, dilute with 100 percent pure olive oil at a rate of 1 teaspoon of olive oil per drop of oregano oil and apply the mixture to the skin and nails. Arnica can help when flu is accompanied by a feeling of soreness, as if bruised internally and externally.

Gaia Herbs, Thyroid Support, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Thyroid Support, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


You may also need an omega-3 supplement if you have any inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis, diabetes, or autoimmune disease. The reality is that dietary supplements and over-the-counter medications have bioactive components, and the potential risks and benefits of these products should be evaluated just like any prescription medication. Along with insulin and cortisol, your thyroid hormone is one of the big three hormones that control your metabolism and weight. Different types of supplements should never be combined together in the same container or in a different unlabeled container. If you are taking a thyroid hormone replacement medication like levothyroxine, a common mistake is to take iron supplements too close to your medication. One of the safest natural supplements for mood disorders is chamomile. What is more, the researchers found that, when those people cut gluten out of their diet, their thyroid function balanced out to normal levels. This spice is a bit taxing to the liver, so anyone who is having liver problems should try a different herbal supplement. 20 If a dietary recall indicates frequent millet consumption in patients with hypothyroidism, it may be w…

Gaia Herbs, Astragalus Root, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

Gaia Herbs, Astragalus Root, 1 fl oz (30 ml) Review


Astragalus polysaccharide, the active component extracted from astragali radix which is the root of astragalus membranaceus bunge. 35 An rct using astragalus injections also reported no adverse side effects. In traditional chinese medicine, astragalus considers to used in the treatment of diabetes, mellitus, nephritis, leukemia, uterine cancer, besides it’s tonic agent and diuretic effects. In recent years, echinacea preparations have developed into the best selling herbal immunostimulants. Similarly, several other studies have demonstrated benefits of the herb for nausea and vomiting in individuals undergoing chemotherapy for colon cancer. Astragalus membranaceus (Am) is a useful korean herb that has been clinically prescribed for stress-related illness. Prevalence, estimated costs, and disclosure of alternative therapies to physicians. Recent advances on the active components in chinese medicines. The consumerlab website provides independent test results and information on a wide range of supplements and herbs.

Gaia Herbs, Olive Leaf, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Olive Leaf, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


It is a homeopathic product specially designed to quickly stop suffering from cold and flu viruses. Based on the limited available lab evidence, berberine may work just as well as black elderberry or synthetic nais like tamiflu, but clinical studies are needed to prove it’s efficacy. However, despite laboratory studies suggesting it has some antiviral activity, there are no studies on the effects of olive leaf extract supplementation on cold symptoms in people. A healthy immune system is generally able to fight off these pathogens, but many factors (Including stress, overwork and toxicity), coupled with a poor diet high in sugars and additives and low in nutrients, compromise immunity, making us susceptible to illness. My go to for signs of a cold is grapefruit seed extract. Also, consider using olive leaf (Ground in capsul form) to dry up your nose. Vitamin d is best known for it’s effect on calcium metabolism and for keeping our bones healthy.

Gaia Herbs, Quick Defense, 40 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Quick Defense, 40 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


Good nutrition and physical exercise help to keep koori kids healthy and avoid diseases when they get older. The daily immunity kit is a unique collection of products designed to provide immune support and promote daily wellness. This immune vitamin spray is vegetarian, gluten-free and contains no sugar. Our extensive line of premium natural health products use well researched ingredients that meet the highest quality standards. As such, while sequestering zinc is considered a protective response to restrict pathogens, the resulting decline in serum zinc levels may compromise the immune cell functions resulting in adverse effect. How biomedical research is co-opted by commercial entities that place profit over health. Herbal supplement sellers dispense dangerous advice, false claims. No direct links have been identified between lifestyle and enhanced immune response, but researchers have investigated the effect of factors, such as exercise, diet, and stress on the response of the immune system. Amino acids, individually and in combinations, are sold as dietary supplements. Foods in nutrient-dense forms contain essential vitamins and minerals and also dietary fiber and other natu…

Gaia Herbs, Agile Mind, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Agile Mind, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


So the question remains: With no evidence, why do people still buy in to brain health supplements? The hippocampus, a brain region key for cognitive functions, is permanently altered in it’s structure and function in these es-exposed offspring. Until further studies are available to better demonstrate the benefits of supplements on cognition, encouraging a balanced diet that contains essential vitamins and nutrients may reap more health benefits. He says that countless numbers of patients buy supplements like prevagen, and often come to him asking if these products can help them with memory loss. Before each patient was included in the study we checked cognitive status using two scales the mmse and the fast gds. Repeatable battery for assessments of neuropsychological status comprises 12 subtests and evaluates the following five indexes of cognitive domains: Immediate memory, visuospatial/constructional, language, attention, and delayed memory. Role of fruits, nuts, and vegetables in maintaining cognitive health.

Gaia Herbs, Adrenal Health, Jump Start, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Adrenal Health, Jump Start, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


Many physicians will tell you that adrenal fatigue does not exist. Traditional peoples, native americans and early ancestral healers believed that eating the organs from a healthy animal would strengthen and support the health of the corresponding organ of the individual. Accordingly, health experts prescribe proper dosage of these supplements. The vast majority of our health and happiness problems result from this mismatch. Angelica root: A good source of flavonoids that promotes cellular health. Cortisol, aldosterone, dhea, androgenic steroids, norepinephrine, and epinephrine all come from your adrenal glands. Adrenal gland derived from pure argentinian bovine is a complementary ingredient traditionally used to rebuild and replenish adrenal function.

Gaia Herbs, Natural Laxative, Caffeine-Free, 16 Tea Bags, 1.24 oz (35.2 g)

Gaia Herbs, Natural Laxative, Caffeine-Free, 16 Tea Bags, 1.24 oz (35.2 g) Review


Some people find that the vapors from peppermint tea, which contains menthol, also help. This red bush tea offers a smooth body with a natural sweet and nutty taste. We recommend the yogi detox tea, although the yogi peach detox is probably the most delicious. Inhaling steam and vapors can be helpful for easing nasal congestion from colds and other upper respiratory infections. Moringa, a plant that is native to south asia, has been known for it’s medicinal properties and is now quickly becoming a mainstream superfood. This organic, caffeine-free, licorice flavored tea contains anise, bitter fennel, coriander, fenugreek, blessed thistle, spearmint leaf, lemongrass leaf, lemon verbena leaf, and marshmallow root. Based on the findings, a 50-year-old frequent tea drinker might develop heart disease almost a year-and-a-half later or live about a year longer than someone who never or seldom drank tea, the study authors wrote.

Gaia Herbs, Nettle Leaf, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Nettle Leaf, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


The proposals arise from the recommendations of the herbal medicine regulatory working group (Click here). If you are over age 65 or have a chronic illness ask your health care provider about the pneumococcal vaccine (Prevnar). The history of cholera, like that of tuberculosis, contrary to what is suggested by homeopaths, is a triumph for evidence based medicine. The medicines and healthcare products regulatory agency (Mhra) is an executive agency of the department of health). It is an expectorant, meaning that it helps clear mucus from your lungs. Be the first of many products to receive a traditional herbal registration. This blend contains vitamin c, quercetin, nettle root extract, bromelain, and n-acetylcysteine. Plant medicine in practice: Using the teachings of john bastyr. Total respiratory and endurance is effective within 1 hour and remains effective for 24 hours. We are all scientists involved as consultants or contributors to the bbc2 series, alternative medicine.

Gaia Herbs, Nootropic Focus, 40 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Nootropic Focus, 40 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


In conclusion, the present study shows the association between daily intakes of gtwy-rich whey peptide and improvement of associative learning memory and control of attention in healthy older adults with self-awareness of cognitive declines. Notably, one study showed that even greater improvements in cognitive function were found when lutein was paired with the omega-3 fatty acid dha. To assess differences between 1-yr and baseline cognitive status variables we used wilcoxon test. However, as with other brain health supplements, the science does not support the claims. Emerging preclinical and clinical evidence has suggested that egcg modulates mechanisms involved in learning and cognitive decline. In the united states, the extract from the leaves is sold as a supplement commonly called ginkgo biloba. Address brain health using lifestyle modification and medication, and treat any underlying diseases, like diabetes or heart disease.

Gaia Herbs, Sound Sleep, 120 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Sound Sleep, 120 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


Melatonin supplements, like neethu, may help control irregularities that result in sleep problems. Use melatonin sleep supplements wisely and safely. Summary: Passion flower tea may help slightly improve sleep quality in some individuals. The bark of the magnolia tree has long been used in traditional medicine to treat sleep issues, protect memory, reduce stress, and help with digestive problems and weight loss. Improving these conditions can help sleep. Avoid natural sleep aids if you fall into one of the risk groups above, and speak to your doctor if you have any questions. However, the supplement also contained 5 mg of melatonin and 11,25 mg of zinc, making it difficult to attribute the effect to magnesium alone. In particular, some groups of people need to take extra caution with natural sleep aids, such as pregnant women, children, and anyone taking other medication. Still, makekau says most alternative sleep aids are thought to be safe, though they have little scientific backing. This makes it useful for curing jet lag as well as promoting deeper, higher quality sleep. Before relying on a natural sleep aid or prescription medicine you should try out the basic techniques be…

Gaia Herbs, Certified Organic Milk Thistle Seed, 2 fl oz (60 ml)

Gaia Herbs, Certified Organic Milk Thistle Seed, 2 fl oz (60 ml) Review


In rodents, this plant was assessed for it’s hepatoprotective effect against ccl 4-induced acute, chronic reversible and irreversible liver damage. Human studies of silymarin have shown minimal adverse effects in multiple large, blinded, placebo-controlled, randomized studies. The healthy functioning of your liver is vital to the continued life of your physical body. Key physiological functions of the liver, including glucose and lipid metabolism, become disturbed in the setting of nafld. How exactly does silymarin (Milk thistle extract) by pure encapsulations work? You can heal from liver fibrosis, nafld (Non alcoholic fatty liver disease), cirrhosis, hepatitis and more. The summary reflects an independent review of the literature and does not represent a policy statement of nci or the national institutes of health (Nih). The antioxidants in artichoke leaf protect your liver from toxins. In ovariectomized rats, treatment for 12 weeks with silymarin prevented bone loss, either through increasing formation via an effect on calcium, phosphorus, osteocalcin, and parathyroid hormone, or through direct action with estrogen receptor-beta. If you have liver damage or experience symptom…

Gaia Herbs, SystemSupport, Lactate Support, 120 Vegetarian Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, SystemSupport, Lactate Support, 120 Vegetarian Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


If your child is old enough, involve them in planning a trip so they can get excited about it. The nursing postnatal is a comprehensive vitamin, designed for lactating women. That proclamation gave a boost to some non-government organizations that help hospitals and maternity facilities implement and adhere to those 10 breast-feeding commandments. (See patient education: Calcium and vitamin d for bone health (Beyond the basics) ). Your health care provider will likely recommend a daily vitamin b-12 supplement. Most hot tap water scald injuries to children happen in the bathroom. Breastfeeding is a basic and cost-effective measure that has a significant positive impact on short- and long-term health outcomes for individuals and populations. True milk is distinctive for being a 100% organic lactation supplement. Several potential healthcare professionals cited busy schedules and scheduling conflicts. All health professionals do not need to have the level of competence expected of those practitioners who care for childbearing women, infants, and young children.

Gaia Herbs, Valerian Root, Alcohol Free Extract, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

Gaia Herbs, Valerian Root, Alcohol Free Extract, 1 fl oz (30 ml) Review


Because herbal remedies like valerian root are largely unregulated in the united states, you need to take steps to find products that are safe and reliable. Development process of slt, a novel, standardized complex herbal formulation for vad. Herbalists consider passion flower an important herb for insomnia caused by mental worry, overwork, or nervous exhaustion. In addition, no studies reported the standardization of their herbal interventions used in the trials. Preliminary findings suggested that valeriana officinalis mt and 3x may have applications in the management of adhd. Foodpharmacy Blog provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. The following herbs can be used during the day, or try using 20-30 minutes before bedtime. He had taken 2 g/day of valerian for 3 days and developed worsening liver function over the following 4 weeks. It is not known whether valerian will harm an unborn baby. Because this herb can sensitize the skin to sunlight, if you are taking a full dose, avoid direct skin exposure to bright sunlight.

Gaia Herbs, Oil of Oregano, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Oil of Oregano, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


A cold usually begins with fatigue, a feeling of being chilled, sneezing, and/or a headache, followed in a couple of days by a runny nose and cough. You can also follow the consumer reports Day-by-day guide to treating colds and flu. Remember that herbal supplements are not subject to fda oversight and have not usually been tested in clinical studies to prove their effectiveness or safety. Oregano oil has been proven in european studies to be a potent immune modulator. Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances. In order to do that, you need to be proactive in checking for possible drug interactions yourself in addition to asking your health care provider to screen for interactions. My wife is a subsitute teacher and has brought home colds for me every other week since she started last year. Further work to help clinicians clearly distinguish the common cold from other upper respiratory tract infections would also be useful. Pure oregano essential oil is very caustic and unsafe for therapeutic use.

Gaia Herbs, Kids, Tummy Tonic Herbal Drops, Alcohol-Free Formula, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

Gaia Herbs, Kids, Tummy Tonic Herbal Drops, Alcohol-Free Formula, 1 fl oz (30 ml) Review


Exposure to armed conflict is associated with a higher burden of infectious, communicable, and noncommunicable diseases in children. Children may go to a doctor, a nurse practitioner or a physician’s assistant for a well-child exam. Schematic representation of some maternal factors and physiological changes during pregnancy that optimize bone health in offspring. How health navigators legitimize the affordable care act to the uninsured poor. In addition to deaths from bombs and gunshot wounds, both studies document the torture and execution of children. They should also provide a way to assess and track disparities that may start in childhood and be compounded over time. (Iii) if you are a healthcare provider, you may use the concussion program materials for your personal, professional development to enhance your medical knowledge in the field of concussions. Another 15 states had submitted plans to dhhs for approval; of these, only 2 states (Connecticut and massachusetts) had specifically included programs for children with special needs. Vitamin d and calcium are essential for adequate health throughout the lifespan. Fragmentation injury to the innominate artery in a three-yea…

Gaia Herbs, Rapid Relief, Black Elderberry NightTime Syrup, 5.4 fl oz (160 ml)

Gaia Herbs, Rapid Relief, Black Elderberry NightTime Syrup, 5.4 fl oz (160 ml) Review


Someday, hopefully we will know whether or not using elderberry extract helps the common cold or seasonal flu. The berries work great elderberry (Sambucus nigra) is a herb that has a long history of use as a folk remedy for colds, sinus infections, and the flu. Because supplements may have side effects or interact with medications, you should take them only under the supervision of a knowledgeable health care provider. Certain herbs, supplements, and homeopathic remedies may help relieve symptoms. The cochrane reviewers stressed that echinacea showed promise only when taken early in a cold. Sambucol is the product of nearly 20 years research, making it the most extensively researched elderberry extract in the world. Duration of symptoms and plasma cytokine levels in patients with the common cold treated with zinc acetate. Sambucol black elderberry dietary supplement syrup – 4 ozthis original black elderberry extract provides strong immune system support to help you and your family stay healthy throughout the year. Only sambucol uses the proprietary elderberry extract that was used in published clinical studies. In the best years it can reduce your chance of getting the flu by 75…

Gaia Herbs, Olive Leaf, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Olive Leaf, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


When u feel the cold coming on, take 1 tablespoon of this every waking hour. Eucalyptus contains cineole, a powerful antiseptic that makes it a good remedy to have around during cold and flu season. His head is almost completely cleared up and his chest and only has a slight cough occasionally. One useful oil of wm oregano extract is available as oreganol (North american herb and spice, buffalo grove, ill). I will keep these in mind for future colds. A nutraceutical formula and functional food composition includes homeopathic ingredients for relieving the symptoms of colds and/or flus, in combination with traditional herbal and nutraceutical ingredients, and are efficacious as antipathogens. Well over 200 viruses are implicated in the cause of the common cold; the rhinoviruses are the most common. However, if taken routinely during cold season, it may reduce the severity of a cold.

Gaia Herbs, St. John’s Wort, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, St. John's Wort, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


Dog owners can readily find these herbal wound-care preparations in health food stores and some pet stores and catalogs. The authors also advised caution against accepting the results wholesale, as the herb has adverse effects that many of the studies did not consider. However, in recent years, no new cm has been added to the very short list of cm herbal products acknowledged to be linked with clinically relevant interactions (E. Ehrlich, nmd, solutions acupuncture, a private practice specializing in complementary and alternative medicine, phoenix, az. Overall, the demonstrated efficacy of this botanical in treating depression is likely due to the synergistic effects orchestrated by the components of the whole herb, working both within and peripheral to the central nervous system. For me the main difference between what we call alternative medicine and conventional medicine is that natural cures can be used to prevent illnesses and ailments occurring in the first place, whereas modern medicine is used once an illness has already occurred. For these reasons, take herbs only under the supervision of a health care provider. If you already take medication for anxiety, ask your docto…

Gaia Herbs, Echinacea Supreme, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps

Gaia Herbs, Echinacea Supreme, 60 Vegan Liquid Phyto-Caps Review


Pilot clinical study on a proprietary elderberry extract: Efficacy in addressing influenza symptoms. However, in two case series and a prevalence study, some children with respiratory infections but no signs of dehydration developed hyponatremia with increased fluids. Most colds are caused by a type of virus called rhinovirus, a family of more than 100 viruses which can multiply in the upper respiratory system (The nasal passages and throat). The only substances proven to actually impair flu viruses are called neuraminidase inhibitors or nais, which work by blocking the enzyme that viruses use to spread. One canadian study found that taking ginseng daily over the course of four months not only prevented some colds but also reduced the severity and duration of cold symptoms. In studies in which people took vitamin c only after they got a cold, vitamin c did not improve their symptoms. Tell your health care provider if you are pregnant or think you might be pregnant. The common cold, or upper respiratory tract infection, is one of the leading reasons for physician visits. The herbal preparation chizukit contains 50 mg per ml of echinacea, 50 mg per ml of propolis, and 10 mg per ml…

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