- Organic health products, herbs and superfoods

Organic Oregons Wild Harvest: Best Natural Products

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Ashwagandha Ginkgo, 90 Gelatin Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Ashwagandha Ginkgo, 90 Gelatin Capsules Review


Should traditional healers be regulated by modern medicine? A recent study demonstrated adaptogenic potential of a compound natural health product which had withania as the main herb in an open label human trial. Crn plans to launch dietary supplement product registry. Immune health and functional dietary supplements. Food supplements with anabolic and androgenic activity-uhplc analysis of food additives, containing tribulusterrestris extract. Dementia and alzheimer’s disease: Could plant-based traditional chinese medicines aid treatment? If you suffer from a nevous condition browse through these remedies from the world’s herbal medicine traditions. The eight herbs interact with each other and together they perform the pharmacological functions of the formula. Alternative medicine may be linked to lower vaccination rates.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Ashwagandha Ginkgo, 90 Gelatin Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Ashwagandha Ginkgo, 90 Gelatin Capsules Review


Both herbs support mental function, targeting the brain and the nerves, but are energetically quite different from each other. At 35 year anniversary, herbalgram represents pinnacle of herbal info world. How will the supplement industry fare without hatch? Although ashwagandha has traditionally been used to boost memory in ayurvedic medicine, only a small amount of human research has been conducted in this area. Lessons in herb safety from the cleveland clinic chinese herbal medicine program. Today, many athletes have turned to various dietetic interventions, including the use of natural products based on herbs and plants to avoid risk from synthetic drug. It detoxifies the body of hundreds of known toxins and is a powerful adaptogenic herb.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Milk Thistle, 90 Gelatin Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Milk Thistle, 90 Gelatin Capsules Review


If you have cirrhosis from any cause, it is vital to not drink any alcohol to prevent further damage to the liver. As a physician-scientist with expertise in genomics, biotechnology, and nutraceuticals, he has made it his mission to bring precision medicine to the bedside and help transform healthcare in the 21st century. In some cases a liver transplant may be needed. In general, medication detoxification can be aided by re-hydrating your body, consuming proper nutrients, choosing appropriate food options, and adopting healthy lifestyles. Ayurveda is an herbal-based medicine practiced in india, nepal and sri lanka for thousands of years. The silymarin extracted from milk thistle is known to have antioxidant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties (2, 3, 4). Milk thistle is a commonly used herbal supplement, and gastrointestinal nurses should be fully aware of the potential benefits that it may offer to patients with hepatitis. At 2, 4, and 8 weeks, there were no differences between the 2 groups in the incidence of liver injury. In a double blind study carried out under standard conditions at two treatment centers silymarin, 2 sugar-coated tablets 70 mg three times daily, sh…

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Marshmallow, 90 Vegetarian Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Marshmallow, 90 Vegetarian Capsules Review


It’s cholagogue properties increase the flow of bile, which improves the emulsification and digestion of fats, and also acts as a gentle laxative. It can soothe irritation of the mucus membranes of the mouth, throat and gastrointestinal system as well as aid respiratory ailments like asthma and bronchitis. One animal model study found that triphala helped prevent occasional loose stools; administration increased stool weight and lengthened intestinal transit time. Triphala: Triphala is an ancient ayurvedic herbal blend consisting of amla, belleric myrobalan, and chebulic myrobalan fruits. Barberry bark and roots are traditionally used for digestive complaints, liver ailments, and disorders of the kidneys and urinary tract. I took apart two capsules and made tea with it and did not find it to have the mucinous properties that the dried powdered herb has when making tea at home. Warning: Although traditionally a galactagogue, traditional chinese medicine sees verbena as having a drying property. Steams with either the herb or 1-3 drops of the essential oil are useful in clearing the nasal passages. There are great articles written about pain and herbs by a lot of other herbalists….

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Turmeric, 120 Vegetarian Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Turmeric, 120 Vegetarian Capsules Review


Now western medicine has begun to study how turmeric can help with gut inflammation and gut permeability, two measures of your digestive efficiency. In turmeric – as a last resort after research online. Combining curcumin with anticancer drugs like gemcitabine in pancreatic cancer (79, 80), Docetaxel in breast cancer, And imatinib in chronic myeloid leukemia May be safe and well tolerated. The benefits of horny goat weed are not just for men, women can also benefit from this supplement. Some of them appear to be affected by curcumin supplements. Yet, several clinical trials designed to assess the safety and efficacy of curcumin alone or with first-line treatment in patients with breast, prostate, pancreatic, lung, or colorectal cancer are under way. Though turmeric has been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of illnesses in humans, it’s benefits for canines and dogs is just now being discovered. Protective effect of curcumin on acr-intoxicated brains.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Kelp, 90 Gelatin Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Kelp, 90 Gelatin Capsules Review


Algae and seaweeds are true superfoods, says nutritionist cassandra barns. Pseudovitamin b Is the predominant cobamide of an algal health food, spirulina tablets. Brown macroalgae (Alaria esculenta, ascophyllum nodosum, f. These methods are useful probes to identify and mechanistically understand potential effects of the consumption of algal-based supplements, but they are inadequate to assess nutritional and functional foods. And that is not the only issue with superfood supplements. Similarly, a study of the metal content of seaweeds washed up on the brazilian coast also showed that some toxic metals were at levels considered harmful, although with remediation of nearby industrial contamination sources these macroalgae represent a potential food alternative for humans (De oliveira et al. Long-chain pufas comprise a substantial portion of marine algal lipids, with planktonic algae being the source of most omega fatty acids in fish. This difference has human health implications because commercially produced vitamin b 12 supplements derived from the cyanobacterium arthrospira sp. Although seaweeds containing carrageenans act as prebiotics when supplied as supplements in both poul…

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Nettle, 90 Vegetarian Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Nettle, 90 Vegetarian Capsules Review


Share on pinterest drinking nettle tea is an easy way to benefit from the herbal remedy. The authors conclude, that stewed herba urticae dioicae may enhance the nsaid antirheumatic effectiveness. Garlic is one of the most popular herbs, whose most common uses are repelling flies, relieving sweet itch symptoms, aiding digestion, preventing coughs and worms and maintaining all-round good health, as it is an excellent antioxidant. This herb is excellent for men’s health (Prostate issues, urinary tract issues, kidney stones) and is excellent in improving allergy symptoms. Read more about the healing properties of nettle in life-changing foods. Nettle leaf tea or freeze-dried nettle leaf capsules are a great help for hay fever symptoms too; nettle contains a variety of flavonoids which can have an antihistamine effect – hopefully reducing itching and sneezing. Stinging nettle herb has been used since ancient times. Menopausal women may also find stinging nettle to be helpful in reducing hot flushes and night sweats. There is present an enormous amount of information and knowledge about the benefits of herbal drugs in our ancient literature of ayurveda, charak samhita, unani medicines…

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Sleep Better, 90 Non-GMO Veggie Caps

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Sleep Better, 90 Non-GMO Veggie Caps Review


Most people need between seven and nine hours of sleep. A few drops of lavender oil added to a bath before bedtime are recommended for persons with sleep disorders. While kava has been shown to relieve stress-related insomnia and shorten sleep onset, side effects range from mild dizziness to liver damage, cirrhosis, and hepatitis. Another meta-analysis of 19 studies found that melatonin is effective for decreasing the amount of time falling asleep (Sleep onset latency), increasing the total amount of sleep time, and improving sleep quality. Dietary supplements are regulated less strictly than drugs. Valerian also appeared to lengthen the amount of sleep, reduce nighttime awakenings, and lessen the effect of menopausal symptoms on sleep. Because of this, herbal supplements can have drug interactions, even with each other or with food or alcohol. Most people take melatonin to help treat sleep disorders. There are no regulated manufacturing standards in place for many herbal compounds and some marketed supplements have been found to be contaminated with toxic metals or other drugs. Kesselheim, who co-authored a paper in the new england journal of medicine last year on the subject.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Damiana, 90 Vegetarian Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Damiana, 90 Vegetarian Capsules Review


Diabetic patients should speak with their healthcare provider before taking damiana. Knowing how to use or prepare herbs and what dosage to take is vital, to ensure safe and effective use. Damiana has a long history of use in traditional herbal medicine throughout the world. Aphrodisiaca, also known as damiana, is a small flowering shrub. Benefits and effects an alternative for those who want to stop smoking neutralize poison that had been caused by the nicotine content in tobacco lowers blood sugar levels reduce pain in childbirth increases the fertility for men and women tighten the skin sedative and muscle relaxant. No clinical evidence supports the use of damiana for any of the conditions listed in this section. Remember: While these herbs worked for me, they might not necessarily work for you. Another supplement, profertil, combines damiana with folic acid, selenium, vitamin e, catechins, glycyrrhizin, diosgenin, and omega-3-fatty acids. In the caribbean, damiana leaves are boiled in water and the vapors inhaled for the relief of headaches. You can always purchase pure damiana as well. While some herbs are harmless, others carry more notable risks.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Chaste Tree, 90 Gelatin Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Chaste Tree, 90 Gelatin Capsules Review


I got my saliva hormone test back and found that my progesterone is a 32 (Normal range is between 75-270). A celebrity talk show hostess summed up how many women feel. There are forums online with hundreds and hundreds of women who are experiencing this unique symptom from menopause. Everyone at the clinic has been warm, welcoming, and supportive throughout my treatment. I have been trying everything for years and sort of thought of this hormone balancing product as my last hope. About few months ago i started taking estroblock, as well as a daily dose of evening primrose oil, zinc, vitamin d, a gentle liver support supplement and a daily probiotic, and i have ditched the birth control pill after seven years on it in february. It has been four months since i started the estroblock/epo and three months since i started the liver support supplement and my skin is finally clear, after years of acne having tried everything under the sun, including failed attempts to treat with pharmaceuticals and topicals. In recent decades women and medical professionals alike have discovered just how important progesterone is to menopause treatment.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Alfalfa, 90 Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Alfalfa, 90 Capsules Review


Some herbal chemicals in medicinal plants of traditional and modern medicine carry the risk of herb induced liver injury (Hili with a severe or potentially lethal clinical course, and the requirement of a liver transplant. Also addressed are the interdisciplinary issues with health professionals, the proper regulations for better quality control of imported herbs, and the proper warning on the labels of the herbs. Strategies to enhance herbal medicine r and d were increased funding (36,3 %). The summaries of retrieved primary literature are listed in table 2, while the summaries of retrieved review articles are listed in appendix s1, the retrieved data missing information concerning the common name, scientific name, plant source, plant parts, and dose for the natural products/herbs or chm were excluded from table 2 and appendix s1, but may be accessed upon specific request to the authors. Table 3, documented interactions between anticoagulant/antiplatelet drugs and chinese herbal medicine, a which might increase the risks of bleeding. Table 5 shows the results of the studies investigating the role of herbal treatment in the prevention of relapses of cd. This paper assessed the a…

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Echinacea, 90 Vegetarian Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Echinacea, 90 Vegetarian Capsules Review


Taking 1 gram of vitamin c was shown to help cold symptoms and the amount of days symptoms lasted. Each daily dose provides 100 percent of the daily value for straight vitamin a, the type most health experts now steer people away from. And if it contains supplements or vitamins, they too are exempted from regulation by the fda, under a law known as dshea. Planhero, llc does not recommend, endorse or make any representation about the efficacy, appropriateness, or suitability of any specific tests, products, procedures, treatments, services, opinions, health care providers, or other information that may be contained on or available through this website. You may also experience occasional sneezing and a cough that can become severe. It is often combined with bromelain, a supplement made from pineapples. In one study, using alcohol-based sanitizer, along with good respiratory hygiene, reduced school absences by 26% and laboratory confirmed influenza a infections by 52%. Sidoides was shown to reduce the duration and severity of 10 different cold symptoms in a randomized controlled trial. There are so many myths floating around out there about homeopathic ways to prevent or treat cold…

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Saw Palmetto Pygeum, 90 Gelatin Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Saw Palmetto Pygeum, 90 Gelatin Capsules Review


Work with a doctor who is experienced in complementary and alternative therapies to find the combination of treatments that is right for you. This potential is difficult to determine given the uncertainty of the chemical complexity of herbal formulations, many of which contain multiple compounds with largely unknown safety and biological functions. The study above with saw palmetto and nettles provides the segway to nettles as a potent prostate plant medicine. Saw palmetto is one the most studied and popular herbal supplements used to treat bph. My sole intent is to provide information on the alternative healing approach. 5 Preliminary studies have also suggested that pygeum could play a role in helping to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. In summary, if all that a naturopathic doctor has to offer a patient with bph is saw palmetto, then, honestly, they are no more useful than the internet. 4, 6 Increased harvesting of pygeum has placed the tree at risk.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Bilberry, 60 Gelatin Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Bilberry, 60 Gelatin Capsules Review


Certain herbs as well as common fruit interfere with cytochrome p450, an enzyme critical to much drug metabolism. Adding digestive supplements to your diet we offer a wide selection of herbs and herb blends that aid digestion as well as a full line of digestive enzymes. In rats that were fed bilberry anthocyanins for 12 days prior to inducing hypertension, permeability of the blood-brain barrier was kept normal and there was limited increase in the vascular permeability of the skin and aorta wall (Detre et al. But certain herbs have the potential to cure common ailments. The memorial sloan kettering cancer centre in america looked at how herbal medicines can change the way other drugs work. However, this would also be the same for other studies investigating herbal use, and would not hamper the comparison with these. In an animal study with a water-alcohol extract of bilberry leaves given to streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice (3 G/kg/day for 4 days), a significant decrease (26%) Was seen in plasma glucose (Cignarella et al. Antioxidant activity of 45 chinese herbs and the relationship with their tcm characteristics. Source: National center for complementary and alternative med…

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Milk Thistle, 180 Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Milk Thistle, 180 Capsules Review


In this study, silymarin given orally in higher-than-usual doses failed to significantly reduce serum alt levels. Be wary of dried whole milk thistle or milk thistle seeds, both of which are vulnerable to fungal contamination, according to research published in the international journal of food microbiology. Zi x, mukhtar h, agarwal r: Novel cancer chemopreventive effects of a flavonoid antioxidant silymarin: Inhibition of mrna expression of an endogenous tumor promoter tnf alpha. Cirrhosis is the scarring of the liver that happens because of chronic liver disease. Weighing in at 1,5 kilos your liver is the largest organ of your body. Their inclusion should not be viewed as an endorsement of the content of the websites, or of any treatment or product, by the pdq integrative, alternative, and complementary therapies editorial board or the national cancer institute. Integrative therapeutics has a very rich and trusted past when it comes to integrative medicine and it’s role in nutrition and lifestyle. The active ingredient in milk thistle is called silymarin. Ayurveda is an herbal-based medicine practiced in india, nepal and sri lanka for thousands of years.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Kelp, 90 Gelatin Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Kelp, 90 Gelatin Capsules Review


Topical benefits of two fucoidan-rich extracts from marine macroalgae. The vegetables in our stores have also traveled hundreds of miles before they reach our tables, where they have lost nutrients throughout the way. Extraction of the polysaccharides from five algae and their potential antioxidant activity in vitro. Eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid production potential of microalgae and their heterotrophic growth (Pdf). National institutes of health, scientific evidence is insufficient to recommend spirulina supplementation for any human condition, and more research is needed to clarify whether consumption yields any benefits. Unpredictability: There are a large number of sea kelp supplements available containing a variety of different types of algae that all come under the name kelp’, Which may affect your body in different ways. Fresh raw green leafy vegetables contain high doses of chlorophyll, easily digestible proteins, enzymes and a wide range of vitamins and minerals. (Most now transferred to arthrospira) are a prominent cyanobacterial source of phycocyanobilin, a dietary supplement worthy of in-depth study. Exposure to ias occurs as humans drink water enri…

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Garlic, 90 Gelatin Capsule

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Garlic, 90 Gelatin Capsule Review


Hawthorn is an herbal remedy for high blood pressure that has been used in traditional chinese medicines for thousands of years. Garlic is a commonly used flavoring agent, food product and herbal supplement. However, there certainly exists the potential for negative herb-drug interactions and complications. A follow-up screening conducted a year after the initial screening found those who had taken aged garlic extract had slowed total plaque accumulation by 80%, reduced soft plaque and demonstrated regression (Less plaque on follow-up) for low-attenuation plaque. Not all herbal medicines that are sold are safe. This article seems to set up a false dichotomy between the use of plant extracts in medicine and a scientific worldview (I. Many plants are used in african traditional medicine, but little information is available on their active ingredients/constituents.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Ashwagandha, 90 Veggie Caps

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Ashwagandha, 90 Veggie Caps Review


Rasayana is described as an herbal or metallic preparation that promotes a youthful state of physical and mental health and expands happiness. Clinically, ashwagandha is found to be very helpful to calm anxiety, and specifically, help agoraphobia (Anxiety especially in open or crowded places). As with many herbs, those who have a history of allergic reactions to trees or various types of grass should be very mindful when beginning an ashwagandha regimen. There have been many clinical trials and studies indicating that women can also benefit from the use of ashwagandha despite it being marketed to a largely male base. Remember that herbal supplements are not subject to fda oversight and have not usually been tested in clinical studies to prove their effectiveness or safety. During the treatment period, regular telephone call check-ins assured volunteers were consistently taking the herbs or placebo and were used to note any adverse reactions. In summary, we report that ashwagandha root may be an effective treatment for some patients with nonclassic 11-hydroxylase deficiency.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Rhodiola, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Rhodiola, 60 Vegetarian Capsules Review


Some people take rhodiola rosea to enhance physical performance before exercise or as a way to improve concentration and thinking. Lists of supplements (Including herbs) that pass the consumerlab testing protocol are found on the site. Some people believe the herb can treat anxiety, depression, fatigue, anemia, and headaches. What is often the case in these scenarios is that a healthcare professional may reduce the dose or discontinue the use of rhodiola. Also, call me a rebel, but i rarely take the recommended dosage for herbal supplements. Rhodiola rosea is a flowering herb that grows in cold, high-altitude regions of europe and asia. While herbs used for anxiety are usually taken internally, essential oils are used externally to reduce stress and heal emotional issues. However, adverse events caused by chinese herbs indeed exist and occur because of a variety of reasons. This wild mushroom has been used in traditional chinese medicine for centuries and can be taken as a tea or capsule. Take control of your anxiety using our in-depth review of proven natural remedies such as herbs, vitamins, teas, homeopathic remedies, and essential oils. 6 This alone may explain why one perso…

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Fenugreek, 90 Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Fenugreek, 90 Capsules Review


Questions regarding our fenugreek and thyme? Garlic is a multifunctional herb that bridges the gap between medicinal herb, culinary herb, and dietary supplement. Evidence supporting the use of fenugreek seeds for hair growth is fairly weak. While this is not a particularly common issue for dogs and cats in my practice, this herbal spice has also been demonstrated to increase libido and lower desire for fatty foods, a characteristic that makes it a highly interesting substance for aging human males. There is also an increased awareness of herb-drug interaction in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Alfalfa has been used as food and medicine for centuries. Consult an herbalist before consuming echinacea when treating other autoimmune conditions, as it may be contraindicated. A trial in patients with parkinson disease evaluated the safety of a standardized hydroalcoholic extract of fenugreek seeds at a dosage of 300 mg twice daily over 6 months.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Saw Palmetto, 90 Vegetarian Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Saw Palmetto, 90 Vegetarian Capsules Review


Still, one study showed positive results for men treated with topical saw palmetto and 10 percent trichogen veg complex. More research is required to conclude whether saw palmetto is an effective treatment for prostate-related conditions. Serious hepatotoxic events associated with various herbal products alone or in combination with other drugs have been reported. With this compilation we aimed to evaluate various alternative therapies used in the treatment of bph in the light of the literature. Despite careful assessment, no evidence for serious toxicity of saw palmetto was observed in this clinical trial. Reports of perioperative complications associated with herbal supplements are not uncommon. Share on pinterest saw palmetto powder, which may be used in teas or tablets. The wide usage of herbal products by patients remains a double-edged approach that can possibly hamper or be exploited to develop alternative synergistic modalities for successful management of cancer.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Astragalus, 90 Gelatin Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Astragalus, 90 Gelatin Capsules Review


Another saponin of astragalus that is being extensively studied for it’s anti-aging effects is cycloastragenol (Cga), thought to have even more activating potential on telomerase. The consumerlab website provides independent test results and information on a wide range of supplements and herbs. The immune polysaccharides in astragalus are of high molecular weight and not easily absorbed from the intestines, hence may trigger immune responses via direct effects on the intestinal mucosa and microbiota. Available as both a tincture and tablet, this herbal formula serves to ease cold and flu-like symptoms. This article will review what little research published in english is available on several herbs that athletes may use in hopes of improving health and/or performance. In both traditional chinese medicine, and modern china, ginger is used in about half of all herbal prescriptions. In this paper, we summarize the properties of astragalus membranaceus and it’s major constituents in the biological system based on experimental and clinical studies. The aphrodisiac herb tribulus terrestris does not influence the androgen production in young men.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, “True” Cinnamon (Ceylon), 120 Veggie Caps

Oregon's Wild Harvest,


Most recent efforts to examine medicinal properties of cinnamon have focused on it’s effect on blood sugar. Alternative practitioners believe that cinnamon can lower blood sugar, treat superficial fungal infections, and reduce inflammation and pain. This cinnamon is sourced in sri lanka and encapsulated and packaged in the usa. Some of the benefits that you can expect when taking ceylon cinnamon capsules include blood sugar stabilization, a healthy heart and prevention of insulin spikes which make it great to take when you want to lose weight. Supplements that should not be taken together natural health supplements are an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This review did agree with the previous one that a1c levels were unaffected by cinnamon use. Supporting our mental health naturally through supplementation and a practice like super brain yoga can be an integral aspect of our journey to wellness. Over the last several years it’s popularity has taken hold in the us and increasingly more people are adding it to their daily supplement routine.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Turmeric, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Turmeric, 60 Vegetarian Capsules Review


One of the major problems with curcumin is that it does not get absorbed very well from the digestive tract. It’s a much better track record than other popular supplements on the market today, including multivitamins, which many recent scientific studies suggest are essentially useless. The national institutes of health says research on the chemical compound is limited but acknowledges that turmeric and the curcumin inside may help with certain digestive disorders and arthritis. Carry your supplements with you in a pill case or a small medicine bag wherever you go, so they are always with you. Because of it’s blood-thinning effects alone, pregnant women should avoid taking turmeric supplements. But the chemical in turmeric linked to it’s most highly touted health effects is curcumin. We give the amazing nutritionals supplement turmeric for dogs curcumin pet antioxidant our highest five star rating! Though curcumin is regarded as safe by the federal drug adminstration and is sold in various formulas far and wide, there are no guidelines established for it’s intake. It is ironic that one of the products is made from reconstituting curcumin with curcumin free components from turmer…

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Hawthorn, 90 Gelatin Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Hawthorn, 90 Gelatin Capsules Review


For centuries, herbalists have considered the roots of the convallaria plant to be a treatment for a weak heart, shortness of breath tachycardia and arrythmia. In the natural pet product industry, the berries of hawthorn are the most commonly used part of this plant. So as you or your loved ones get older, it is definitely worth investigating herbal medicine and nutrition to improve the quality of your health in the later years. Animal studies suggest a role for hawthorn in preventing angioplasty-related restenosis and reperfusion injury, possibly facilitated by preventing oxidative stress. After 2 years, the clinical symptoms of heart failure (Palpitations, breathing problems, and fatigue) decreased significantly in people taking the hawthorn supplement. Beyond hawthorn, other herbal remedies bring significant relief from symptoms and healing action for cardiac conditions. This has been in the area of congestive heart failure for hawthorn, but it’s use in hypertension and angina should not be discounted.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Bilberry, 60 Gelatin Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Bilberry, 60 Gelatin Capsules Review


Our selection of herbs, herbal blends, enzymes, supplements and essential oils are available in capsules, tablets and liquid forms to help your body to function at it’s optimal level. For those interested in herbal medications, it is important to understand that while herbal treatments may help eliminate symptoms, their benefits are limited to the period of time that the medication is being taken. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine. Therefore, although anthocyanins are potent antioxidants in vitro, and fresh bilberry is a rich source of these, it cannot be assumed that all commercial bilberry products contain significant amounts of bilberry anthocyanins or that absorbed anthocyanins act directly as antioxidants in vivo. So people who take diabetes medications should ask their doctor before taking bilberry. There is also concern with respect to the numerous well-established interactions of herbs and drugs. Taking a food grade oil and soaking herbs in it for anywhere from weeks to months allows certain phytochemicals to be extracted into the oil.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Artichoke, 90 Vegetarian Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Artichoke, 90 Vegetarian Capsules Review


This article is dealing with herbal medicine. They were asked to not inform what type of potency each jar were, but to hand a list of medicines numbered from 1 to 40 at the beginning of the investigation. We aim to provide a comprehensive collection and a summary of systematic reviews of clinical trials in three major complementary therapies (Acupuncture, herbal medicine, homeopathy). The lack of training and education may be associated with a reduced recognition of potential drug-herb interactions, specifically their occurrence and associated adverse events. Note: To ensure quality potency of artichoke leaf extract no. As for the safety and effectiveness of using anticoagulants and antiplatelets, health care providers need to be more judicious in counseling their patients regarding the possibility of interactions between these drugs and herbal remedies or chms. Twenty-five randomized clinical trials involving 11 herbal medicinal products were identified. As a kid, he suffered from inflammation, brain fog, fatigue, digestive problems, anxiety, depression, and other issues that were poorly understood in both conventional and alternative medicine. Overall, the results demonstrate …

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Fenugreek, 90 Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Fenugreek, 90 Capsules Review


Black cohosh can be used as an anti-inflammatory, and is often most effective when combined with other herbs for treating arthritis and headaches. Carica papaya (Cp) leaves are popularly used as food and have many traditional claims for herbal medicine. Pain is a major interest to medicine and research demonstrates clear benefits to use of fenugreek. Inhibitory effect of eurycoma longifolia extract and eurycomanone on human cytochrome p450 isoforms. Steams with either the herb or 1-3 drops of the essential oil are useful in clearing the nasal passages. Oral administration of fenugreek seed fractions and fiber products resulted in dose-dependent gastric protection similar to that of nonprescription antacid medication. Although herbal medicine systems are sometimes misinterpreted as being unscientific and anachronistic, their long-term existence proves they are able to compete with western drugs at some level. Due to easy availability, low cost and high affectivity, these natural and herbal remedies are recommended to dengue patients to cure the disease. According to most herbalists, yellow dock is one of the few laxative herbs considered safe to use during pregnancy. Nettle is an…

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Turmeric, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Turmeric, 60 Vegetarian Capsules Review


These two supplements also should not be taken together because they are both diuretics. Here, we outline the many potential benefits of turmeric and curcumin. Today, bioschwartz’s 1/2-gram turmeric-curcumin pill is the no. If you purchase dried turmeric powder be sure to keep it in a cool, dark, dry place to maintain it’s antioxidant capacity, as many antioxidants are sensitive to air, light, and heat. Other preliminary lab test reports suggest best turmeric curcumin can protect the users from several types of colitis, high cholesterol, and stomach ulcers. Also, if you want to know the detail benefits of turmeric curcumins, just click here. The main reason why piperine is used in turmeric curcuminoids is it’s ability to boost the absorption process of compounds in the digestion process.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Astragalus, 90 Gelatin Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Astragalus, 90 Gelatin Capsules Review


Curative effective observation on treating infantile acute respiratory tract infection with chinese medicine. The prevention and treatment of 56 cases of recurrent respiratory tract infection with astragalus granule. Comparison on efficacy in treating liver fibrosis of chronic hepatitis b between astragalus polygonum anti-fibrosis decoction and jinshuibao capsule. There is insufficient research on the use of herbs by athletes to make firm recommendations, and that is not the intent of this article. Also some of the herbal remedies may interact with other medicines leading to drug-drug interactions, which may cause severe side effects and in some cases it may be fatal. Summary preliminary research has found that astragalus may be beneficial at reducing symptoms of chronic fatigue and seasonal allergies. An herbal supplement containing ma huang-guarana for weight loss: A randomized, double-blind trial. Dr stansbury also chaired the botanical medicine program at ncnm and has taught the core botanical curricula for more than 20 years. As such, the modern medicine uses leaf extracts from gb to create natural commercial product (I.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Turmeric, 120 Vegetarian Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Turmeric, 120 Vegetarian Capsules Review


The spice turmeric and has been used to reduce inflammation. No matter whether you want to boost your overall performance or stay on top in sports activities, vimerson health turmeric curcumin can offer you visible health benefits and boost. Caused by diabetes and smoking, take curcumin supplements. It is precisely formulated with an efficacious amount of curcuminoids to help support your body in fighting off free radicals at the cellular level. People preparing for surgery should avoid turmeric supplements because turmeric can increase the risk of bleeding. So how do you know if you should take an omega-3 supplement? Whether high-dose curcumin (Preferably with an absorption enhancer like piperine) can help treat cancer in humans has yet to be studied properly. Has curcumin, which is it’s most active ingredient. Dried form of turmeric is probably enough.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Milk Thistle Dandelion, 90 Gelatin Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Milk Thistle Dandelion, 90 Gelatin Capsules Review


Added text to state that the impact of silymarin and it’s components on signaling pathways have been investigated in several studies; in in vitro and in vivo studies utilizing the sk-mel-5 melanoma cell line, silybin significantly inhibited growth through it’s direct binding with mek1/2 and ribosomal s6 kinase-2, resulting in the inhibition of catalytic kinase activities (Cited lee et al. Silymarin and silybin have also been found to accelerate cell regeneration in the liver through stimulation of precursors to dna synthesis and enhancement of production of the cellular enzymes required for synthesis of dna. Zi x, agarwal r: Modulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase activation and cell cycle regulators by the potent skin cancer preventive agent silymarin. We concluded that polyherbal combination of a. A level of evidence score cannot be assigned to milk thistle because there has been insufficient clinical research to date. It has been shown that curcumin is very effective in preventing liver damage induced by paracetamol overdose and that the level of protection afforded by curcumin against paracetamol-induced liver damage is comparable to that of n-acetyl cysteine (Nac), w…

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Schisandra, 90 Vegetarian Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Schisandra, 90 Vegetarian Capsules Review


Among these herbs rhodiola rosea was found to be the most efficient in increasing protease activities. I love all the herbs you mentioned except rhodiola. If in doubt, please ask us or your medical herbalist. Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis) has been used in tcm (Traditional chinese medicine) for more than 2,000 years. Regardless of your reasons for seeking information on herbal and supplementary treatments for ms, always consult your healthcare provider before stopping prescribed medications or adding a new therapy to your treatment regimen. Qi tonic herbs benefit energy, stamina, immune function, and broad-spectrum wellness. Nature’s sunshine combines these great minerals with equally wonderful herbs, starting and thus balancing the energy system of the body! In tcm (Traditional chinese medicine), eleuthero is believed to increase qi (Vital energy), improve sleep, encourage a healthy appetite, and helps the body fight stress. First, i would offer that planetary herbals is an exceptional manufacturer. Key words: Apoptosis, cost reduction, dose-response, hormesis, maximum tolerable dose, nanodosimetry, nanomedicine, nanomolar, nanoscale drug, nanotechnology, necrosis, quantum p…

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Milk Thistle, 90 Gelatin Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Milk Thistle, 90 Gelatin Capsules Review


The pdq integrative, alternative, and complementary therapies editorial board uses a formal evidence ranking system in developing it’s level-of-evidence designations. Researchers have found that milk thistle can actually prevent or reduce medication induced liver damage. Among 1,145 study participants, 56% had never taken herbal products, 21% admitted past use, and 23% were using herbal products at enrollment. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 50 children who were undergoing treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and who had chemotherapy-related hepatotoxicity, were randomly assigned to receive silymarin or placebo for a 4-week period. However, an active liver requires you to be resting at this particular time so it can get to work. I can tell you from personal experience that high quality omega 3 supplements really have made a substantial difference in the health of my family and friends. Marena c, lampertico m: Preliminary clinical development of silipide: A new complex of silybin in toxic liver disorders.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Lemon Balm, 90 Gelatin Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Lemon Balm, 90 Gelatin Capsules Review


However, if clinicians only restricted themselves to what is fully proven by double-blind studies, the art of healing and restoring health with nutrients and herbs would be lost. In human herbal medicine, lemon balm is sometimes used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism, or overactive thyroid. The herb is used widely as a relaxant and antispasmodic and has a strong affiliation to the digestive system. Today, lemon balm is often combined with other calming, soothing herbs, such as valerian, chamomile, and hops, to promote relaxation. Behavioral consequences such as these may be attributed to a number of possible active components of the dried leaf and essential oil of the herb. Flavonoids from lemon balm (Melissa officinalis l, lamiaceae). To use melissa topically, follow the instructions on otc creams, such as cold sore relief or wiseways herbals lemon balm cream, available online or at drugstores or health food stores.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Stomach Soother, Peppermint, 4 fl oz (118 ml)

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Stomach Soother, Peppermint, 4 fl oz (118 ml) Review


For instance, i often find patients use numerous supplements, such as digestive enzymes or hydrochloric acid, as crutches in order to alleviate symptoms. No effect of cordyceps sinensis supplementation on testosterone level and muscle strength in healthy young adults for resistance training. It is essential to be aware of any interactions before starting a new supplement. Historically, this herb was used to treat everything from vision problems and scurvy to diarrhea and circulation problems. Tell each of your healthcare providers about all your medical conditions, allergies, and all medicines you use. Herbal medicine is a part and parcel of and sometimes synonymous with african traditional medicine. In addition to over-the-counter gas relief remedies, some items commonly found in the kitchen may double as natural gas relievers.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Hawthorn, 90 Gelatin Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Hawthorn, 90 Gelatin Capsules Review


Clinical trials conducted in patients with class ii and iii congestive heart failure found 900 milligrams of hawthorn extract daily to be safe, but not better than placebo. Gaia herbs bronchial wellness syrup is a comforting blend of herbs traditionally for respiratory health. Researchers are investigating other potential health benefits of hawthorn. One study found that 100mg of hawthorn extract taken 3 times a day decreased angina in 91% of the participants as opposed to only 37% in the placebo group. When combined with ginkgo biloba (For small capillary circulation) and herbs that improve urinary function, hawthorn may be useful for getting more blood and oxygen into renal arteries and smaller vessels of the kidneys. Natural standard herb and supplement reference. The herb feverfew has had a long history of use in traditional and folk medicine. Convallaria and crataegus have been used in combination with other herbal remedies such as selenocereus (Night blooming cereus), leonorus (Motherwort), melissa (Lemon balm), lepidium (Maca), and ginkgo (Ginkgo). One pilot study was aimed at investigating the hypotensive potential of hawthorn extract and magnesium dietary supplements in…

Oregon’s Wild Harvest, Chaste Tree, 90 Gelatin Capsules

Oregon's Wild Harvest, Chaste Tree, 90 Gelatin Capsules Review


Do you think these 2 are a good combination for my hormones? I know my hormones are the cause of it, because i went to a gynecologist who diagnosed me with pcos and performed a hormone blood test. Indeed none of the active treatments demonstrated any efficacy. And, although i wanted the acne gone the thought of taking medication that could have such side effects scared me. For example, it’s said to promote the release of luteinizing hormone and, in turn, increase levels of progesterone (A hormone known to play a key role in regulating the menstrual cycle). After 3 months of treatment, women on a dietary beverage with 60 g of soy protein, and 134,4 mg of isoflavones were compared to a control group taking an isoflavone-poor version of the beverage. At first i was skeptical about using an all natural skin care approach to clearing my skin. Take a hot bath at night, get a massage, try yoga, learn deep breathing or meditation. Weitz: Does the adrenal function, and how do you support adrenals? Gaia herb’s single herbs contain concentrated extracts of an individual herb, to deliver nature’s vitality to you. (Chaste tree; chasteberry) is a popular herbal treatment, predominantly used f…