- Organic health products, herbs and superfoods

Best Organic Thyroid Products

Nature’s Way, Metabolic Advantage, Metabolism, 100 Capsules

Nature's Way, Metabolic Advantage, Metabolism, 100 Capsules Review


Your thyroid is critical to your overall health, and without proper function, puts your entire body at risk. Taking a highly concentrated form of potassium iodide before or immediately after exposure will flood, or fill up, your thyroid gland with safe, stable iodine to a point where there is virtually no more room for radioactive iodine – the harmful iodine will be ignored and harmlessly excreted. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your healthcare provider or 911 immediately. Talk to your doctor before taking any of these supplements. All of our supplements are tested for quality and strength because we care about the health and safety of our customers. It is true that our bodies are exposed to a variety of chemicals and toxins that have the potential to build up in our system, and may cause health problems in the long run. The recommended amount is no more than 4 grams per day or approximately 1 teaspoon added to food and the health benefits described have been shown at even lower doses. Tyrosine is often deficient in the diet, and it’s levels in the blood can be reduced by stress, so supplementation is often an option for those with thyroid issues. Most of th…