Foodpharmacy Blog: Maternity, Moms, Balms, Nipple Creams

WiseWays Herbals, Bosom Balm, 4 oz (113 g)

WiseWays Herbals, Bosom Balm, 4 oz (113 g) Review


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Product name: WiseWays Herbals, Bosom Balm, 4 oz (113 g)
Quantity: 4 oz, 0.23 kg, 7.1 x 5.8 x 5.8 cm
Categories: WiseWays Herbals LLC, Herbs, Homeopathy, Herbal Salve, Baby, Kids, Moms, Maternity, Nipple Creams, Balms

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Bosom Balm.

Balms, Nipple Creams, Maternity, Moms, Kids, Baby, Herbal Salve, Homeopathy, Herbs

I did not want to head to the doctor and turn to a steroid cream, so we used a few common drug store creams, but nothing worked. America’s first and only over the counter medicine fda registered and usda certified organic. Tea tree oil, a special salve of essential oils, raw garlic, garlic pills, raw honey, coconut oil, then camphophenique, more supplements (Vit c, probiotics, multivitamin, etc) and my lips would start healing and then suddenly flare up again! The plant in it’s entirety is used as an ingredient in medicines for diarrhea, gastric diseases, and herpes-like skin disorders. I had a considerable tear with baby 1 and my husbands grandmother told me to have a chamomile sitz bath every couple hours. When i went into whole foods with my request, the woman brought me emily’s cream and explained that it was made by a father whose own daughter suffered from eczema. We decided it was time to begin dietary modification and chinese herbs since i am an acupuncturist myself. My son dex developed both baby acne and eczema due to formula intolerance at 6 weeks old. I found creams that were supposed to be for eczema, dermatitis are more often than not made of the same bases, thus compounding the problem.

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WiseWays Herbals, Bosom Balm, 4 oz (113 g): Balms, Nipple Creams, Maternity, Moms, Kids, Baby, Herbal Salve

We believe in using real plant essences, extracts, herbs, and oils; nothing synthetic and nothing produced by animals. Her skin started cracking and bleeding and always getting these dry patches; the poor baby is constantly scratching her skin even after i have applied 6x per day every type of baby skin care cream, vaseline, etc. Tammy is a mom, a marine mammal responder and volunteer, a photographer, an herbalist and a health coach. Airworx can be removed by wiping the area with baby oil, makeup remover or lather the area with soft soap first then wash and repeat. Every other baby product that i tried on his skin just irritated it even more. Join chinese medicine expert alexandra gilmore for this lively, informative discussion. However, if it was my child, i would stop the steroid creams, as they thin the skin and make it easier for rashes to break out. I went onto a message board where moms discuss natural solutions to ailments and things around the home. He had also been to his doctor who prescribed him a steroid cream which was of no help. But i have tried changing creams, no facecream etc. Using such a potent topical cortisone cream on the lips is not recommended because the lips are so thin and delicate to begin with. The packaging that definitely comes from us is for body butter, salt scrub, shower gels, shampoos, deodorants, lip balms, lotion sticks, and face cream. The good news is as baby perfects their latch, that pain will go away.

WiseWays Herbals LLC, Herbal Salve, Nipple Creams, Balms

Categories of products include: Body, baby, home, gift, fragrance, refill, lotion, soap, bath, tea soak. In my three decades of concocting herbal salves, the absolute standout has been a formula of arnica flower, witch hazel, pine essential oil, pine tar and sulfur. Usually any cream or lotion or ointment begins to hurt my son after about 10 days of use. Bark is also used in medicines to treat burns, breast problems, lock-jaw, and snakebites in animals. With my firstborn, my husband had never changed a diaper before, and as he was trying his first time, baby pooped all over most of the clothes we had brought for him! Our one week old baby started developing diaper rash, we used emily skin soothers diaper rash product and the redness went away within a couple days. Doctors advice was to wait it out and if needed, he would perscribe steroid cream. Afew months later told her babysitter to give him some milk just to see what would happen and a couple hours later his skin broke out! I have found a shampoo in the baby isle called burts bees and it has helped some but as long as i give him a bath in it every night he do not itch as bad,but it’s still there and he still has the itching and burning. I have tried all kinds of natural products for my eczema and always have to go back to cortisone creams after a week because my eczema will flare up so badly (Which as you know is not a great solution because it never really fully treats it either). I have tried all of the expensive creams/ointments prescribed by my dermatologist with only minimal effect.

Bosom Balm

My 5months old baby is suffering from eczema for last 2months. By the way, i have also discovered that emily’s soap makes an excellent shaving cream! Leaves are also used to make medicines for eye ailments. After the bath pat the area dry and apply diaper cream if needed. I realized there was a real need for quality skincare for babies and children. They are also used in medicines to increase strength and vitality, to cure venereal diseases and paralysis, and to stimulate formation of new tissue in the healing of sores and wounds. I hope this cream can help others while they need healing as they figure out what is causing the clown mouth. I have not and will not purchase any other diaper rash cream again!

WiseWays Herbals LLC Herbs Homeopathy Herbal Salve

This works so much better than any otc or steriod cream. Also, an ingredient in medicines used to treat urinary disorders and enlargement of the testicles. I went to a dermatologist and was prescribe a steroid cream. Even typical famous diaper cream desitin original would not help him. The original use of this product goes back to the old days when cows nipples cracked, yep from over milking, and they would apply this magic stuff and it would heal them quick. We manufacture all of our own products including soaps, shampoo bars, salves, bath, body, skin and hair care products. My gp suggested adding moisture and applying a topical hydrocortisone 1% cream and while i found this very effective a day or so after stopping using it it would resurface. An incredible way to have a happy, healthy baby. I started to hear rave reviews of emily products from colleagues and clients and recommended them to two friends of mine with small children, experiencing terrible eczema. I have prescription hydrocortisone cream as nothing else had worked, but by using emily skin soother super dry skin, i now go weeks between having to use the prescription medicine. We have now been using your products, both the salve and soap, for about a year and have seen such incredible improvements!

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WiseWays Herbals LLC Herbal Salve Nipple Creams Balms

Not only are they 100% chemical free, but this line uses the healing power of herbs, extracts and pure oils. I have tried so many different lip balms and they all bother me. Even if you choose to make your own baby food, having some organic on-the-go selections in the pantry is always a good idea. Cereals are a baby food milestone and this gluten-, soy-, dairy-, and egg-free version ups the nutrient intake with organic quinoa. I tried some kortisons and fungi creams, and while they keep the rash at bay for a while, it always comes back. My seven year old has has excema since he was a baby so i have tried everything. Lots of moms tuck or squeeze their glute muscles when they hold their kids; you might not even realize you do it but pay attention the next time you pick up a little one. To help prompt or improve speech, a small amount of rhizome paste is given to children for swallowing or rubbed on their tongues. I would also like to add that, while there are other reasons for nipple pain during breastfeeding, the number 1 cause, hands down, is an improper latch. I was not going to subject her beautiful baby skin to such harsh chemicals. So yes, i will definitely hold off on putting something on there but will look into the rosacea herbal serum you recommend!

Herbs Homeopathy Herbal Salve Baby WiseWays Herbals LLC

Flowers are used in medicines that neutralize toxins for cases of poisoning and for venomous bites and stings; dried, they are used in treatments for coughs, stomach problems, and excessive perspiration and phlegm. Our active products are created using european certified premium quality herbs, fruits, and flower buds, and are proudly free of parabens, mineral oils, petroleum and sodium lauryl sulphate. Prescribed me some cream for rosrea so i put some of that around my mouth and chapstick on my lips that night and went to sleep. Crushed with a variety of simples, the seeds are prescribed as internal medicine for diseases of the stomach and liver, for sore throats, coughs, rheumatism, and as a panacea. We also use the baby line for a moisturizer for her and my other children. And i loved the way it absorbed quickly and was not greasy, like the otc cream i had tried. I try my best to use only vaseline but also just found out about avene spring water spray and cold cream for lips. Some of the key ingredients that are used in many products are lavender, wildcraft chamomile, mint, comfrey, sea buckthorn leaves, rosemary, eucalyptus leaves (All are grown here) and olive oil.

I bought the cream and used it twice a day and i am not kidding within 3 days it was completely gone! Once a week after a plain water soak we use exederm baby eczema wash or vanicream bar soap. The makeup and skincare product line include two shades of lipstick, lip conditioner, one cream blush shade, and face oil. Would this zinc cream recipe also work as a sunscreen? Combined with a bit of salt, the paste is used as an antidote for poisoning caused by ingesting the wrong medicines or foods. This includes what types of exercises are recommended or to be avoided, exercise intensity and the benefits to you and your baby. Fruit: Cooked and given to children to keep them free of round and thread worms; made into a powder and combined with sugar to treat excessive urination.

Since we started using the salve we can keep it under control! A mixture containing ten parts of the root mass, five parts tiger cowry, two parts rock salt, five parts hsin-hnamaung (Heliotropium indicum or tournefortia roxburghii) and one part sting ray is made into balls the size of betel (Piper betle) nuts, and dried in the sun as a treatment for kidney stones, bladder or urination pain, blood in the urine, incomplete urination in males, and dysentery in females.

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WiseWays Herbals, Bosom Balm, 4 oz (113 g) Product Review

My Favorite Balm. Like. Fragrance of the Meadow. Relieves Pain Sensations. Bomb! Beautiful breasts provided. Builds His Money. Not worth it. A wonderful remedy! Effective Breast Balm

I order constantly, it is economical, I apply it every time after a shower and do a light massage. Used throughout pregnancy and continue to use. Supports skin elasticity, ideal for the prevention of mastopathy.

Natural composition, it helps me remove discomfort during PMS

I like to use it, a pleasant aroma of summer, no flaws were found

Relieves pain in the chest. Nice smell.

I really liked the balm. Jars are enough for a long time. My chest stopped hurting before the critical days for the second month of use, I don’t even remember when it happened, for many years I have mastopathy. I use it at night every other day. The clothes then do not wash, but these are trifles of life 🙂

very good, natural composition. Oil melts in the hands, the laundry does not stain, moisturizes the skin well, nourishes, and helps to avoid stretch marks. Economical consumption, I have enough for 3 months with daily use in the evenings, I order again for several years

Very helpful for chest pains.

No effect worth selling your money

Used twice a day with exacerbation of mastopathy. Sealing and pain disappeared after a week of use. The skin became soft and silky. I also tried to apply it to a mole, which was constantly damaged by clothes, bleeding and crusting. The mole passed in three days and no longer bothers.

This breast balm has become my lifesaver. There were chest pains, when I pressed the nipple, discharge appeared. I ran to the mammologist, of course I am amazed at our stupid specialists! He prescribed me a bunch of drugs and said that it’s okay, you just need to give birth and everything will pass. My course lasted for 6 months. As soon as I stopped drinking the prescribed medications. And then I stumbled upon this balm, decided to order. I use it before bedtime, the pleasant smell reminds honey. Pain gone, no discharge from the chest! But for my reassurance I definitely go to the mammologist!

Questions and Answers

This Co. told me they do not use organic nor wildcrafted ingredients. Why would you put carcinogenic pesticides residue in THAT area?

Oh yes, for that I used a capsule of 400IUs of vitamin D, worked like a charm and then a comfrey salve. I use Kumbaa made. Both sold here. You really ought to seriously think about what you’re doing: again. carcinogens. breast cancer, you’re applying the stuff directly there. This company should know better. It used to be touted as “wildcrafted” but they changed hush-hush. The same as Heritage Store, Silk soy milk, New Chapter, Honey Gardens (got conned into buying their elderberry syrup when they also confirmed: it’s NOT organic it’s pesitcides-laden so I didn’t open it) and so many formerly reputable, formerly organic companies. They ride on their past good name but simply looking for “organic” seal and not finding it, then contacting the company for the facts goes a long way. Pass the word! And hope you see this try those 2 Foodpharmacy Blog remedies, good luck! 🙂