Foodpharmacy Blog: Superfoods, Greens, Spirulina, Algae

California Gold Nutrition, Organic Spirulina, USDA Certified, 500 mg, 720 Tablets


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Product name: California Gold Nutrition, Organic Spirulina, USDA Certified, 500 mg, 720 Tablets
Quantity: 720 Count, 0.43 kg, 16.8 x 8.9 x 8.9 cm
Categories: California Gold Nutrition CGN, Supplements, Greens, Superfoods, Algae, Spirulina, Certified Organic By Oregon Tilth, Certified Organic, USDA Organic, Vegetarian, Produced In A 3rd Party Audited Cgmp Registered (Certified) Facility, Gmp Quality Assured, Produced In A Gmp Certified Facility, Gluten Free, Non Gmo, Soy Free, Certificate of Analysis

California Gold Nutrition Organic Spirulina Ultra-Nourishing Green Superfood, Sourced From Blue-Green Algae Industry Leader Parry Nutraceuticals, Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth, USP Verified and USDA Organic, A Great Source of Protein, Amino Acids, Fatty Acids, Vitamins and Minerals, Rich with Phytonutrients such as Phycocyanin and Chlorophyll, Naturally Occurring Antioxidants such as the Carotenoids Beta-Carotene and Zeaxanthin, 720 Tablets Suitable For Vegetarian, Produced in a 3rd Party Audited cGMP Registered (Certified) Facility, Formulated to Contain: No Gluten – No GMOs – No Soy, 100% Gold Guarantee, Spirulina is one of the most nutritious and concentrated food sources in the world. Organic Spirulina tablets are an easy way to consume this nutrient rich Blue-Green algae superfood, California Gold Nutrition Organic Spirulina is sourced from USP Verified Blue-Green Algae Industry Leader Parry Nutraceuticals, manufactured in the USA and meets or exceeds all qualitative and quantitative Quality Control specifications, Foodpharmacy Blog Blog Link: The Health Benefits of Spirulina – Blue-Green Algae, iTested, Quality Confirmed: Certificate of Analysis.

If you want to give this supplement a try, it’s widely available in stores and online. Spirulina has a high protein and vitamin content, which makes it an excellent dietary supplement for people on vegetarian or vegan diets. Studies have shown that chlorella supports healthy hormonal function, promotes cardiovascular health, helps to negate the effects of chemotherapy, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, and aids in the overall bodily detoxification process. One serving of the green superfood has about five fruit and vegetable servings. When anemic patients supplemented with spirulina, red blood cell counts rose; their immune systems also grew stronger. Taking tryptophan supplements to maintain healthful serotonin levels may play a role in supporting mental wellbeing. Summary spirulina may provide multiple exercise benefits, including enhanced endurance and increased muscle strength. After about 2-4 weeks, you should start to feel the benefits of this organic superfood juice because of the improved nutrition it gives. Multivitamin supplements typically contain just a few nutrients. Simply mix the spirulina with some water, toss it back, and chase with fresh water or your favorite juice.

California Gold Nutrition, Organic Spirulina, USDA Certified, 500 mg, 720 Tablets: Spirulina, Algae, Superfoods, Greens, Supplements

This is also a feel-good option for vegans – the certification body governing this spirulina requires a 100% vegan and sustainable farming practice. With over 70 powerful ingredients (Including spirulina) athletic greens packs anti-oxidants, immune system support, digestion help and more into one delicious drink (Kind of a minty taste). Before you turn your nose up, check out the incredible health benefits of these and seven more unusual ingredients. However, because of the price and high amount of greens per serving, this is one of the best organic superfood powders you can get. Spirulina is a dietary supplement derived from sea algae that is valued for it’s incredibly high vitamin, mineral, and protein content, as well as it’s powerful antioxidant effects. People with certain mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety, may have reduced levels of serotonin. This is not a supplement for those sensitive to smells! Both chlorella and spirulina are freshwater algae rich in chlorophyll. It’s an effective supplement that works very well at helping your body alleviate the feelings of hunger. This family-owned business has been growing algae for 25 years and they helped develop the organic standards. Medlineplus, national library of medicine, us national institutes of health. High fasting blood sugar is a common problem in people with diabetes type 1 and 2, this suggests that spirulina supplements may help people control diabetes. Overall, if you want to buy the best green juice superfood, this one is for you.

Powder form spirulina will also degrade more quickly after being opened, since it has a much greater surface area that is exposed to the air. Ready to add a spirulina powder to your daily routine? It is a formula intended for short term use during a healthy cleanse regimen supported with a well balanced diet, sleep and exercise. A few teaspoons of spirulina in your meal is a good way to sneak in some extra protein – as well as plenty of vitamins and minerals – without a lot of calories or volume. 100% Pure and organic barley grass powder powerful chlorophyll supplement: Barley grass powder is an ancient green superfood that has been known to aid in digestive health, detoxification and boost. There are ways to make this superfood a little easier on the palate. By providing a boost of iron and reducing oxidative stress with the help of antioxidants, spirulina helps give a surge of energy. Socially conscious supplements: Providing premium quality for our customers in an ethical, sustainable way is our pride. Spirulina is a microalgae that has been consumed for centuries due to it’s high nutritional value and supposed health benefits. Our super algae helps your body keep allergens in check, keeping your immune system happy. Lake totalcingo and lake texcoco are said to be two of the lakes aztecs used to grow spirulina as a crop. For example, eating more greens (Which are rich in calcium and bone-supporting vitamin k2) is shown to prevent osteoporosis.

This green superfood is available as a powder (You can find it in both our super green mix and skinny protein mix ), as flakes or as tablets. However, it is up to you when you want to take the superfood greens. This is a premium food-grade spirulina powder. Nutritionally, how are spirulina and chlorella different? Full of spirulina and other similar superfoods like blueberries and green tea extract; the drink is a probiotic, digestive enzyme and multivitamin all in one. The spirulina is harvested from small lakes and ponds around lake chad. Overall, spirulina definitely earns it’s reputation as a superfood, and any way you decide to take it has the potential to help boost your health across the board. Do not take green superfood supplements immediately post-workout. Greens powders are often labeled with a variety of health claims (Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, etc), most of which have not been supported by research.

Sign up for our health tip of the day newsletter, and receive daily tips that will help you live your healthiest life. The effect of spirulina feeding on muscle protein deposition in red sea bream, pagrus major. Spirulina’s benefits can also extend to allergy sufferers, for whom studies show 2 grams of spirulina a day can help reduce common rhinitis symptoms, like nasal congestion and sneezing. This diet-friendly algae contains high levels of many nutrients including calcium, potassium, b vitamins, and iron, dr. Naturo sciences natural greens is one of the most affordable super green drinks you can find. Thus, if pressed hard enough, most experts would have to crown spirulina the supreme green superfood, but. Notably, the lesions returned when the subjects stopped taking spirulina supplements. Nutrient-rich and organic superfood: Spirulina is a blue-green algae superfood that is dense in protein, iron and phytonutrients such as carotenoids. I read that spirulina is good for your health.

California Gold Nutrition CGN Spirulina

Both chlorella and spirulina pack a serious phytonutrient profile with tremendous benefits for human health, but there are a few key differences you need to know about before choosing to add either to your dietary supplement routine. Those on medication or those who may be nursing or pregnant should discuss incorporating greens powders into their diet with a medical professional. Also, the supplement is enriched with naturally occurring antioxidants, amino acids, essential fatty acids with other phytonutrients. However, in the above best super greens powder reviews section, we have provided all the details. In some patients though, the superfood powder improves symptoms of ibs and sibo. This combination of spirulina and chlorella may help to maintain a healthy immune system and promote general health and wellness. A study of test participants with high cholesterol who took a gram of spirulina daily found ldl cholesterol levels fell by just over 10%, while blood triglycerides decreased by more than 16%. India though, has it’s own dedicated centre for clean-grown spirulina in auroville, pondicherry, where the climate is perfect for the algae to develop, filled with just the right amount of nutrients. Interestingly, the antioxidants in spirulina appear to be particularly effective at reducing lipid peroxidation in both humans and animals (16, 17). Platensis were once classified in the genus spirulina.

We crack the cell walls of the chlorella in our super algae so that nutrients can get through. Spirulina also contains between 65 and 75% protein, with between 85 and 95% of that protein digestible, making it a superior protein supplement for those looking to effectively remove meat from their diet. Now foods makes a pretty solid spirulina supplement whose sole ingredient is certified organic spirulina. While it might not be the all-around best green superfood mix, natural greens does have a good nutrient blend. Well, while chlorella is known for it’s chlorophyll content, which is a powerful antioxidant that can help cleanse the liver and eliminate toxins from the digestive tract, spirulina has that and so much more. This spirulina provides a wide variety of benefits, including promoting brain health, slowing the aging process, improving the look and health of skin, boosting metabolism, detoxification, and boosting and strengthening the immune system. Microalgae is a popular ingredient in green smoothie mixes.

Effects of diets with increasing levels of spirulina platensis on the performance and apparent digestibility in growing rabbits. According to proponents, spirulina is said to help with the following health problems: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, cancer, fatigue, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and viral infections. Both superfood juices and multivitamins aim to fill gaps in your diet to boost nutrition. In addition to requiring 10 times less water than other vegetables, spirulina can be harvested year round and is able to withstand extreme temperatures. There is not enough evidence to determine if spirulina supplements can help digestion or weight loss, nor is there enough evidence to determine whether spirulina treats memory problems, anxiety or depression, according to the nih. Spirulina: Superfood powerhouse spirulina is a blue-green algae that grows naturally in pristine freshwater lakes, rivers, and ponds. The antioxidants in spirulina can help prevent this. The ingredients in super algae are 100% non-gmo and vegan.

Gerry cysewski explains microalgae from the surrounding farm is put into large contained pools that each contain 150,000 total gallons of liquid and nutrients to cultivate the spirulina until it’s ready to harvest. With every spirulina purchased, the company will plant a tree.

California Gold Nutrition, Organic Spirulina, USDA Certified, 500 mg, 720 Tablets Product Review

СУПЕРФУД №1 В МИРЕ – УНИКАЛЬНАЯ СПИРУЛИНА! Why such love for spirulina? MYSELF WIZARD! “A beautiful face mask!” Smooth, smart, shining young skin! What happened to me I do not want anyone to. Finally, spirulina appeared at my favorite company! Bought from greed such a price. How Mask- NO! I like this spirulina pumpkin seeds. blue-green slime. or think 100 times?

Заболев анемией, не стала полагаться на приём только отдельных В12 и железа, а присматривала и натуральные продукты. в состав которых входили бы эти нутриенты. Так я вышла на спирулину и была восхищена от информации о её пользе! Она хоть и похожа на водоросль, на самом деле является живым организмом – цианобактерией, одним из самых древних на нашей планете! Это единственное растение, которое за сотни миллионов лет не менялось и не эволюционировало, проявляя невероятную живучесть благодаря своему уникальному биохимическому составу. А он весьма впечатляет: 1) концентрация БЕЛКА – до 70% и этот белок легко усвояемый из-за отсутствия плотной клеточной мембраны и содержит все незаменимые аминокислоты, необходимые для растущего и стареющего организма ( АРГИНИН-очищает кровь от токсинов, повышает либидо, ТИРОЗИН -замедляет старение организма, ЦИСТИН – обеспечивает работу поджелудочной железы, ГЛУТАМИНОВАЯ КИСЛОТА – основная пища для клеток мозга) 2) БЕТА-КАРОТИНА в 10 раз больше, чем в моркови и в 400 раз – чем в сливочном масле и сыре! 3) огромный комплект витаминов – С,Е, Д, гр. В ( в 1 ч. л. спирулины находится 100% суточной нормы вит. В12- что меня весьма устраивало в решении вопросов АНЕМИИ) 4) состав минерального комплекса поражает даже учёных, настолько он богат, особенно много КАЛЬЦИЯ, ЦИНКА и, что меня порадовало, ЖЕЛЕЗА ( в 1 г спирулины содержится 1 мг легкоусвояемого железа ( столько же содержит 200 г печени! ) – вот вам эффективная профилактика АНЕМИИ, которая существенно помолодела из-за неблагоприятной экологии! 5) для профилактики и лечения АРТРИТОВ и улучшения функции ОРГАНОВ ВОСПРОИЗВОДСТВА ( беременность, лактация ) в спирулине присутствует редчайшая ГАММА-ЛИНОЛЕНОВАЯ кислота ( находится ещё только в грудном молоке) 6) окрашивает цианобактерию только ей присущий ( больше нигде в мире нет) сине-голубой пигмент ФИКОЦИАНИН – мощный антиоксидант, останавливающий рост ОНКОКЛЕТОК.7) для лечения ПЕЧЕНИ и нормализации уровня ХОЛЕСТЕРИНА в составе есть ИНОЗИТОЛ. По определению исследователей, в 1 г спирулины содержится столько же полезных веществ, что и в 1 кг овощного ассорти!, попутно питая и восстанавливая ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МИКРОФЛОРУ КИШЕЧНИКА. Цианобактерия ещё и мощный АДАПТОГЕН – посильнее элеутерококка и женьшеня и, по словам учёных, продлевает жизнь на 12-13%. Спирулина не токсична и безопасна, противопоказаниями могут быть индивидуальная непереносимость, аутоиммунные заболевания, не сочетается с приёмом антикоагулянтов. По поводу приёма при беременности и грудном вскармливании рекомендации разнятся. Сегодня спирулину употребляют все, кто заботится о своём здоровье! Я не только принимаю по 6 табл. в день после завтрака ( мне за 50 -анемия, артрит, хр. гепатит), но и делаю маски из 1 размоченной в молоке табл. + масло конопли или абрикоса ( кожа сухая, возрастная). Гамма-линоленовая кислота выводит из кожи токсины, улучшает клеточный метаболизм, а другие нутриенты омолаживают, тонизируют, увлажняют и питают кожу. Косметические брэнды часто вводят спирулину в состав своей продукции. Буду рада, если мой отзыв был Вам полезен! Здоровья Вам, долголетия и оптимизма в любой ситуации!

I run the risk of not understanding, but can anyone explain to me how people have such a fanatical love for this additive? That’s what happened positive in people’s lives after receiving it that they recommend it to everyone in a row. Yes, I know there are a lot of vitamins, minerals, etc. etc. But in fact practically in any food product there are a lot of useful substances. Yes, it is known that their quantity in spirulina exceeds other products in percentage terms. But spirulina is more expensive and no one will eat it with its kilograms, as theoretically it can be done with fruits. Is there a lot of protein in it? But does anyone really think that 3 tablets a day is a full-fledged source of protein? Gamma-linoleic acid? People do not often have a deficit, like omega 6 in general. The main problem is the adequate intake of omega-3 in the body, but there are none in the spirulina. There is chlorophyll, which is known for its purifying properties. It is also found in absolutely any greenery that grows with us. It may seem that I have something against spirulina, but it is not. It is certainly in its own way useful, I drank it and found nothing bad. As well as good. Nothing at all. I did not get better vision, I did not feel better, my complexion did not change, or what else they promised in the reviews with the texts copied from the Internet. I do not understand why people write the semblance of a course book in reviews to any popular product. Before buying, I would like to read an adequate and critical opinion, and not a description of the next elixir of immortality.

I decided to try spirulina as a face mask – the effect struck me! If this tabletto can give such a smart external effect within 15 minutes, then what does it do inside of us? Immediately after that I bought the package in full size? Mask – I went the simplest way, applied a few drops of oil to wet skin (butter on wet palms and just pressed lightly to my face), then took a pill, wet it under running water and just smeared it on the face. As a layer of pills dried – again it is under the tap. Previously, I tried to soak it in water, but the result is the same, it only slightly soaks the thin outer layer, so now I do not spend any more time on it. On the way out, we get a face of pleasant green cheerful color, so make a mask only when you are at home alone? You can stop at this, and you can still apply on the face of a napkin with any toner, this will enhance the effect? After 15-20 minutes, wash off the mask with water. You will see a beautiful woman! Smooth, taut, shining skin! One green tablet minus a lot of years 🙂 Honestly, not every premium mask is capable of such a result. By the way, one tablet was enough for 3 masks? I will be sincerely glad if my feedback helped you. Be healthy and beautiful, take care of yourself and your loved ones!

They began to drink this spirulina as it was written during the day, 3 tablets, on the evening of the third day I felt badly threw myself into the fever, then, in a shiver, I felt like I was cold. At night, it was completely bad I sweated and dreamed of nightmares. In the morning I opened my eyes and felt a strong “hangover”. It was an incomprehensible intoxication although I did not eat anything like that, there was simply no appetite during the reception. And the devil pulled me once more to drink spirulina one tablet before breakfast, ate a porridge on the water a small plate and drank instant coffee on something that was not words I wanted to lie down. I lay down and realized that I was feeling nauseous, had gone through a sorbent and then lay down again. And it started. my head was spinning, my arms were dumb, and my head was bad thoughts, I was shaking, I was thrown into the heat, then in the cold, in the stomach, as if someone was spinning a very strange state, morally it was bad, I felt all the smells and they annoyed me I took the phone and was going to call an ambulance, but decided to wait a bit since even could not speak. She fell asleep. I woke up with another person, it became better sorbent helped. In general, I understand that the drug was not tested for toxicity. Be careful. I supplement the review of all who drank such as with me they did not happen in the family. I think I had a big dose since I weigh a little.

I love the bodes of California Gold Nutrition. They are always affordable, often have discounts, and at the same time very high-quality. When I saw spirulina at a discount, I immediately ordered it. I think about its benefits, many already know: has anti-inflammatory properties, removes toxins and toxins, increases immunity, improves the sexual life of women and men, and much more. Capsules are convenient for oral administration. I did not notice any side effects. Now I will order it permanently. If you like my feedback, please click Yes. I was glad to share my experience.

Such a price bought from greed, few people write but in spirulina the most important thing is how it is grown because spirulina has properties to absorb heavy metals and toxic algae sometimes start to grow in the crop, such brands as California Gold Nutrition, Healthy Origins, Now Foods, Doctor’s Best use spirulina Parry Organic Spirulina, grown in southern India, is also good for spirulina. It is being tested by third-party laboratories for heavy metals, but I haven’t found mycotoxins, and I didn’t like that some certificates are expired on their Parry Organic website. Now they write a lot about spirulina, read a lot of research on this topic and I can say that heavy metals are often found in spirulina grown in Asia, mycotoxins are sometimes found in small amounts in spirulina which is collected in natural lakes in Africa and in Algae, which is often confused with Spirulina, as these toxins are found in shrimp, oysters, fish, buy spirulina which has at least a quality certificate. Regarding spirulina from personal experience, immunity quickly increases even from one 500 mg tablet, blood is cleansed, but it also thickens the blood of those who have this problem, drink 1 tablet per day, carefully who has kidney problems, also drink 1 tablet per day, teeth stop crumbling, increases hemoglobin, no longer buy, you know how organic spirulina is grown I am not sure about the quality of cleaning.

Impressed with the review below about spirulina as a mask. I did everything as described. The effect of zero. But then I dragged my face to everyone in order to return the natural complexion. The shade became pale green instead of radiant, toned and rejuvenated skin. This is tin. You can not believe reviews, make sure again. About how it works taking into the inside I will write a review later. While tried as a mask and as a mask, NO!

Bought from the “Trial Products”. Sorry, the jar is too small! Total 60 small dark green tablets. I was very worried that Spirulina might smell like something inedible, like the smell of mud from a pond. But no! I like this spirulina pumpkin seeds! I eat until 1 piece per day, the manufacturer recommends as many as 3 pieces. Pill can crush (put in a tablespoon and flatten tea, if there is no mortar) and make a face mask. I do not know about you, but I really miss the photos of the capsules or tablets themselves in the description of the goods on the site. And I try to fix it by uploading my photos. See all my reviews!

Go tell my opinion is purely subjective. I do not need to agree or not, it’s just my personal experience. Perhaps, all in different ways. Yes, yes, I read a lot, listened, decided that the benefits were enormous and started to drink. So. Blue-green alga. And in fact cyanobacterium. All her close relatives are found in all water bodies in the period of. flowering) Let’s remember how this water smells. N-dya sad at once. In general, it is a very resistant fungus, at a temperature of up to 60 degrees, lives well and multiplies in water rich in nutrients. And now. our body – draw an analogy. here you and the nutrient medium, and the temperature is right. In general, the sight of green algae, covered with mucus, I personally does not cause any enthusiasm, especially if you imagine that this is happening inside of me (And indeed, during the use of these tablets, there were just unpleasant symptoms in body, I stopped drinking, everything was normalized, so you can not weigh everything together, think and think first! Be healthy (if my opinion was useful to you, indicate, pozh-ta)

Spirulina belongs to cyanobacteria, the so-called blue-green algae, and its healing properties have long been known. It is an excellent source of many trace elements: iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, chromium, potassium and calcium. A great alternative to multivitamins! For those who have a lack of fresh herbs in their diet, it is absolutely necessary! The tablets are completely odorless and tasteless and are swallowed easily and naturally. They were taken by the whole family, from small to large, adjusting the dosage according to age, and none of us had any allergic reactions. In winter and spring, I am convinced of this, it should be drunk by everyone and everyone, to strengthen forces. As a result – a noticeable strengthening of immunity! This winter, children, and we adults, were practically not sick! Of course, I will not argue that the merit is only spirulina, since we used many other additives, but she, I am absolutely sure of it, played an important role! This pack of 720 tablets is the most profitable option on Foodpharmacy Blog at the cost of 1 tablet. And even if its low cost does not scare you at all – it is a product of exceptional quality! Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope my reviews on the most popular supplements on Foodpharmacy Blog will help you make your choice.

From where is this Spirulina?
Hello, how many pills per day? should we take pills in one time a day or several time during the day? Thanks
Could anybody tell me, 500mg of spirulina is in each tablet or in one serving (3 tablets)? Thank you.
are these vegie caps? thank you
I couldn’t understand if its in tablet form and -Other Ingredients None! How its possbl?
can 1 year old baby eat this (mashed into food)? if NO, then why?
is this safe for breastfeeding mom?
Hi, Is this form have the same ingridients as the organic powdered form?
Is it grown in the sea or in sweet water?
how to order? is this based in the philipppines? thank u

Which country?
I always take at least 2 daily in the morning or sometimes with lunch. It’s safe to take as many as you want. The body will let you know when it’s reached the maximum amount it wants because at that point it will cause diarrhea. I have taken 10 at a time for a few days in a row when my body needed extra support for healing.
On the package it says 1.5 g of spirulina per serving (which is 3 tablets). So 1 tablet is 500 mg:-)
No. These are tablets, not capsules, but they are vegetarian. They are (easy to swallow) dark green tablets 1 cm. diameter.
It’s in tablet form.
I think it’s ok, cause it’s natural food, but not too much.
I’m not aware of the pregnancy/ breastfeeding limitations. It’s a supplement, I would check with my doctor.
Hi there, unfortunately this is the first time I have purchased it and haven’t received the product yet. So unsure, Thanks
It’s grown in see water
What do you mean with based in phi? Are u? Just order and get he shipping costs estimated.