Foodpharmacy Blog: Supplements, Vitamins, Vitamin K

Dr. Mercola, Vitamin K2, 180 mcg, 90 Capsules


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Product name: Dr. Mercola, Vitamin K2, 180 mcg, 90 Capsules
Quantity: 90 Count, 0.07 kg, 9.4 x 5.1 x 5.1 cm
Categories: Dr. Mercola, Supplements, Vitamins, Vitamin K, Soy Free

Premium Supplements, 180 mcg Per Capsule, Dietary Supplement, Soy Free, Could your cardiovascular health or your “vascular age” be a more accurate indicator of your health and longevity? Some cardiovascular experts today believe so, Your arteries need to remain elastic and flexible in order to effectively transport blood and nutrients to all your cells and tissues. Researchers now realize much of that depends on your body’s balance of vitamins K2, D, and calcium, You want calcium to go to your bones and teeth, and not your arteries and organs. A protein called MGP (matrix Gla protein) is key for preventing the unwanted buildup of calcium in your arteries and requires vitamin K2 to function. Researchers have discovered that healthy arterial tissues contain up to 100 times more vitamin K2 than calcified arteries, Restoring blood levels of vitamin K2 can potentially help reverse the buildup of calcium caused by a vitamin K2 deficiency. Considering that an estimated 97 percent of the Western hemisphere may be deficient in vitamin K2, this is a nutrient you don’t want to ignore, MyVitamin K2supplies a nutritional dose of 180 mcg of a patented form of vitamin K2, MenaQ7. This isthe first and only clinical proven.

When coupled with phosphate binders, vitamin k is unable to perform it’s biological function of positively utilizing calcium into the bone and simultaneously acting as calcification inhibitor. Unlike many common vitamins, such as vitamin c, vitamin k2 is fat soluble, not water soluble. The researchers found that those children and adults with the most pronounced vitamin k2 deficiency showed the highest responses to supplementation with mk-7, children (And adults above the age of 40 years) showed the largest vitamin k2 deficiency, and accordingly may benefit from mk-7 supplementation to improve their vitamin k2 status. In menaquinone, the side chain is composed of a varying number of isoprenoid residues. Supplements of vitamin k1 and k2 may help reduce the risk of diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism, says a new review of the scientific literature. I have never supplemented with calcium, assuming i got enough in my raw milk. Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology. However, adequate dietary calcium (With or without supplementation) does not guarantee the optimal delivery of calcium to bone.

Dr. Mercola, Vitamin K2, 180 mcg, 90 Capsules: Vitamin K, Vitamins, Supplements

A recent review summarizing the use and efficacy of calcium supplementation in treating osteoporosis and fracture risk questions the use of calcium supplements because of the weak beneficiary effect on fracture risk while increasing the risk on gastrointestinal problems, kidney stones, and cardiovascular risk. In addition to it’s crucial role in blood clotting and wound healing, vitamin k-2 has a number of other health benefits. Further, vitamin k has shown to be beneficial in promoting heart health. I see brand life extension super k have vitamin k higher than brand full spectrum vitamin k2 but price cheaper, should my wife take brand life extension? That is when i saw your full spectrum vitamin k2 (By innovixlabs). However, higher quality controlled studies have shown that both vitamin k1 and vitamin k2 (Specifically mk-7) supplements improve various measures of heart health (16, 21). The source of mk-4 does not matter, as long as it is pure menatetrenone. Not sure why they went with that when some of their other supplements have better oils. Replacing dietary saturated fats like butter and cheese with monounsaturated fats found in olive oil and canola oil will increase dietary vitamin k intake and may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. Toxicity is rare and unlikely to result from eating foods containing vitamin k. However, higher vitamin k intakes were not associated with lower cvd mortality in a prospective study that followed 7,216 older adults at risk for developing cvd.

The measurement and treatment of vitamin k deficiency based on blood tests is not perfect. Deficiency of vitamin k (Vk) can be critical for pregnant women and especially newborns, possibly resulting in haemorrhage. They can increase your vitamin k intake. The tight binding of vitamin k 1 to thylakoid membranes in chloroplasts makes it less bioavailable. However, this use of both calcium and vitamin d, while being possibly protective for bone disease, may aggravate vascular calcification. Optimal levels of vitamin k are associated with improved bone circumference and diameter. Several studies suggest that menaquinones, (Vitamin k2), may be more effective than phylloquinone (Vitamin k1) in activating extra-hepatic vitamin k dependent proteins. Effect of food matrix on circulating vitamin k concentrations.

By making certain that you have more than enough vitamin k to benefit from the protection, you are ensuring that your body will not make compromises that could lead to a disease process beginning. Naturally occurring forms of vitamin k include phylloquinone (Vitamin k 1) and a family of molecules called menaquinones (Mks or vitamin k 2). G, warfarin) may be compromised by very high dietary or supplemental vitamin k intake. Vitamin k2 may be absorbed better by the body and some forms may stay in the blood longer than vitamin k1, these two things may cause k1 and k2 to have different effects on your health. We purchased your combination vitamin k product and are very pleased. Originally identified for it’s role in the process of blood clot formation (K is derived from the german word koagulation ), vitamin k is essential for the functioning of several proteins involved in physiological processes that encompass, but are not limited to, the regulation of blood clotting (Coagulation). Without vitamin k, the body cannot produce prothrombin, a clotting factor that is necessary for blood clotting and bone metabolism. Anticoagulant drugs block vitamin k recycling and the availability of reduced vitamink.

Our body utilizes all three vitamin k forms to achieve optimal cardiovascular, bone, and blood health. Metabolism and cell biology of vitamin k. To maintain good health, make sure to get adequate amounts of vitamins k1 and k2 through your diet. Undercarboxylation of osteocalcin in human bone and serum has been linked to poor vitamin k status. The use of any type of supplement can cause major or minor side effects. Vitamin k1, or phylloquinone, comes from plants. But most adults (Especially those who take d3 supplements) need more than 10,000 iu per day. Bleeding in infants due to vitamin k deficiency can be severe, leading to hospitalization, blood transfusions, brain damage, and death. Vitamin d2 can be found in some vegetables, while eating food products derived from animals certain mushrooms increases reserves of vitamin d3 in the body. When vitamin k 1 is given to patients with warfarin, a more stable international normalised ratio (Inr) has been noted. Research has shown that many people do not have enough vitamin k in their bodies to maintain basic health requirements, much less to gain the health and curative benefits it offers.

Dr. Mercola Vitamin K

Table 1 lists the current ais for vitamin k in micrograms (Mcg). Given your condition, i would check with your doctor before you make any changes to your supplement routine. Pleiotropic effects of vitamin d on osteoblast gene expression are related to the proliferative and differentiated state of the bone cell phenotype: Dependency upon basal levels of gene expression, duration of exposure, and bone matrix competency in norma. 60 Moreover, additional studies should be explored combining vitamin k 2 with acyclic retinoids, as this combination has also shown positive results on human hcc cell lines. We included studies based on the following inclusion criteria: Randomised or quasi-randomised controlled trials assessing vk supplementation during pregnancy; Trials presented only as abstracts Trials that studied pregnant women as a subpopulation and where applicable data could be extracted; Regardless of pregnancy stage, all pregnant women and their babies were included; Oral, intramuscular, or intravenous vk were administered; Outcomes e. A study of the effect of vitamin k upon neonatal survival in african and indian patients. Most mk-7 found in supplements are a blend of cis and trans. There are five variants of this vitamin in existence. A: Unlike some other vitamins, such as vitamin b12, vegans actually have it pretty easy when it comes to getting adequate vitamin k intake overall. I could really use some good advice on the best supplements for my daughter to build her bone strength and hopefully avoid osteoperosis in the future.

There is some intriguing evidence that menaquinone-4 may possess other antiosteoporotic properties that are specifically associated with the geranylgeranyl side chain of this k 2 vitamin. You should always buy a large quantity of supplements at once, which will save you money in the long term. Aspirin/excedrin do not provide blood thinning effect by interfering with or wiping out vitamin k1/k2 from the body. For adults, adequate daily intake of vitamin k is 90 mcg for women and 120 mcg for men. The ai for infants was based on estimated intake of vitamin k from breast milk. Like b vitamins, vitamin k is a family of vitamins and k1 and k2 are the most important to know about. 26 27 Thus, dietary vitamin k 1 intake, without vitamin k 2, may not be sufficient to suppress arterial calcifications and/or reduce risk for subsequent cardiovascular events and death. Excess vitamin a appears to interfere with vitamin k absorption, whereas vitamin e may inhibit vitamin k-dependent carboxylase activity and interfere with the coagulation cascade.

We proudly offer you our ever-growing selection of vitamin and supplement products designed to help you achieve your wellness goals at the lowest cost in the industry! The administration of vitamin d and/or calcium along with vitamin k could partly explain why some studies have found that vitamin k supplementation improves bone health while others have not. Differential lipoprotein transport pathways of k-vitamins in healthy subjects. Excessive vitamin d can lead to arterial calcification, but vitamin k reduces this buildup. I regularly take a multivitamin, fish oil, magnesium, calcium, vitamins d and k, and a protein supplement. When taken together, these two nutrients make an unbeatable team, providing the advantages of colecalciferol, and at the same time, lowering the severity of the unwanted side effects of vitamin d3 alone. (Click here for a chart on the vitamin k content in foods). As a dietitian, when i used to counsel individuals, there were several occasions when my clients brought in shopping baskets filled with supplements. Current research suggests that reduced ggcx activity and/or lower vitamin k bioavailability may impair the activity of vkdps and contribute to bone mineralization defects and abnormal soft tissue calcification (See disease prevention). 24 Although all the studies in the fracture meta-analysis were homogeneous in terms of the dose and type of phytonadione or menaquinone, they were different in terms of cosupplementation and their population.

Many vegetables are excellent sources of vitamin k, and some fruits and fruit juices contain vitamin k. The two most studied ones are menaquinone-4 (Menatetrenone, mk-4) and menaquinone-7 (Mk-7). All are active, but one, the mk-7 form of vitamin k2, can increase blood levels of vitamin k up to 8 times as much as other forms. Carefully check the active as wel lasn inactive ingredients of the supplement before you take itg, if you are allergic to anything like gluten or dairy. You should take an adequate amount of vitamin k2 to ensure that the vitamin d3 functions properly, and also to prevent arterial hardening which results from the improper depositing of calcium. They both are co-factors for an enzyme that catalyzes the carboxylation of glutamic acid residues on vitamin k-dependent proteins.