Foodpharmacy Blog: Homeopathy, Herbs, Ashwagandha, Adaptogens

Planetary Herbals, Full Spectrum, Ashwagandha, 570 mg, 60 Tablets


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Product name: Planetary Herbals, Full Spectrum, Ashwagandha, 570 mg, 60 Tablets
Quantity: 60 Count, 0.09 kg, 8.4 x 4.8 x 4.8 cm
Categories: Planetary Herbals, Herbs, Homeopathy, Adaptogens, Ashwagandha

Rejuvenating Tonifier, Herbal Supplement, Approved by Michael Tierra L. Ac, O. M. D, Ashwagandha (winter cherry) is one of the world’s most powerful adaptogens, used traditionally in Ayurvedic herbalism to help the body adapt to physiological and psychological stress. Planetary Herbals Full Spectrum Ashwagandha combines whole root powder with root extract to capture all the plant’s valuable compounds. The result is a botanical that relaxes the mind, rejuvenates the body, and increases resistance to stress.

Astragalus membranaceus (Am) is a useful korean herb that has been clinically prescribed for stress-related illness. Therefore, ashwagandha which is the best in rasayana karma, identified as withania somnifera dunal, is selected for the study. Vitex berry, or chaste tree berry, is one of our favorite herbs for women due to the positive impact it can have on overall quality of life. Alkaloids, steroidal lactones, saponins, and withanolides are considered the biologically active components of ashwagandha. And with an abundance of antioxidants, iron and amino acids, it’s no surprise that ashwagandha is one of the most powerful herbs in ayurvedic healing. Gaia herbs vitex berry helps to maintain hormone balanc. 10 And, in vitro research has found that an ashwagandha extract resulted in a 65% inhibition of the inflammatory enzyme 5-lipoxygenase (5-Lox), suggesting that it could be useful for managing inflammatory diseases. Quick recap: What does being an adaptogen mean? In fact, it was a local herb with which they were all very familiar. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), used widely in ayurvedic medicine, holds a similar role to that of ginseng in chinese medicine.

Planetary Herbals, Full Spectrum, Ashwagandha, 570 mg, 60 Tablets: Ashwagandha, Adaptogens, Homeopathy, Herbs

I’ve tried a bunch of different ashwagandha supplements from other companies, but heavenly herbals has been my favorite so far. For this reason is may be best to precede or accompany taking it with a general detoxifying herb or formula such as yogaraj guggul. Another common polyherbal formulation euphytose, which is a combination of six extracts: Crataegus, ballota, passiflora and valeriana, which have mild sedative effects, and cola and paullinia, which mainly act as mild stimulants. While herbs used for anxiety are usually taken internally, essential oils are used externally to reduce stress and heal emotional issues. Over the years i have noticed how herbs with more complex, seemingly opposite properties, such as ashwagandha, are generally the strongest and most useful. Many options are available to healthcare practitioners who wish to employ alternatives to conventionally prescribed anxiolytics for the treatment of gad. A few very promising studies found that ashwagandha might be able to stop cell growth in certain cancers. Several herbs that have been traditionally used for this purpose also have been investigated scientifically to determine their mechanisms of action.

Clinical strength extract: Each himalaya organic ashwagandha caplet is equivalent to 4,630 mg of powder. For those who choose to purchase the powder form of ashwagandha, there is a distinct and powerful aroma. During that, a group of men was given ashwagandha supplements for a period of 90 days. Modulation of cytokine expression by traditional medicines: A review of herbal immunomodulators. The fda does not apply the same effectiveness and safety studies used for prescription drugs to herbals, dietary supplements, and their manufacturers. Lise alschuler, nd, fabno is a professor of clinical medicine at the university of arizona where she is the assistant director of the fellowship in integrative medicine at the andrew weil center for integrative medicine. Constituents of ashwagandha may help to reduce expression of the cell death factor bax, while reversing the injury-induced reduction in the length of neurites that project from neurons.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is an adaptogenic herb that has also been shown to increase dopamine receptors in the brain while the reducing the anxiety-producing effects of norepinephrine. Being a powerful adaptogen, it enhances the body’s resilience to stress. A 2-month long study showed that those who supplemented with ashwagandha versus a placebo resulted in a 69% average reduction in anxiety and insomnia, compared to 11% in the placebo group (25 ). Not only does ashwagandha help you feel more energized in general, it may also have positive effects on your libido, sexual performance, and fertility! In ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha is considered a rasayana. With all of these uses, withania somnifera, better known in india as ashwagandha, is destined to rise significantly and take it’s place with all the other better known tonics. What are the side effects of ashwagandha supplements? Though it is uncertain how this occurs, ashwagandha has been known to decrease food cravings and food consumption. The present research work has been undertaken with the main objective as the clinical evaluation of antistress effect of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera dunal) on employees at different work places by various scientific parameters. Preliminary evidence suggests that herbal medicines may have a role in the treatment of anxiety disorders and warrants further research.

Monographs for the western herbal practitioner. Luckily for us, there are many natural substances, especially within ayurvedic medicine, which contain chemical compounds that help suppress inflammation and inhibit free radicals; brahmi happens to be one of them. One day my gracious host and i were walking at sunset along the dirt road adjacent to a cultivated field of rice, and knowing my interest in native indian herbs and the ancient traditional system of medicine called ayurveda, he casually pointed out a few non-descript plants growing on the border of a rice field as ashwagandha. The herb is also called indian ginseng or winter cherry. Hpa adapt combines five powerful adaptogenic herbs to help the body better respond to both mental and physical stressors. Large doses of ashwagandha may possess abortifacient properties so that it should not be taken drink pregnancy unless under the direction of an experienced health professional. A recent study demonstrated adaptogenic potential of a compound natural health product which had withania as the main herb in an open label human trial. The prime objective of the paper is to differentiate these three species to avoid high scale adulterants in herbal industry and to use correct species for the most efficacy in the ayurvedic system of medicine. If you have brain fog, trouble concentrating, depression, or low energy along with your anxiety, arctic root is an excellent herb to consider. We have some cases of lung cancer who have refused modern therapy and recovered clinically and radiologically with our therapy of ashwagandha.

Planetary Herbals Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha, the miraculous herb is just the ticket for you. In one controlled 60-day study in 64 stressed adults, those who took 600 mg of ashwagandha per day reported a 79% reduction in severe depression, while the placebo group reported a 10% increase (10 ). The ashwagandha plant is a small shrub with yellow flowers that is native to india and north africa. Once again, ashwagandha was the perfect herb to give for non-inflammatory childhood mal-development. I certainly learned my lesson about playing around with herbal supplements. So next time you feel trapped in your head, get up and make a cup of ashwagandha tea. The objective of the study is to compare stress resistance-promoting effect of triethylene glycol (Teg) and root extract of ashwagandha (Withaniasomnifera) i. One of the important lessons i was to learn from this experience was that being an herb doctor meant more than a knowledge of a particular set of familiar herbs. There are many herbal remedies for anxiety out there, and these four plants and herbs are the most powerful i have discovered so far during my journey. As such, we preferred companies provided 400-650mg of ashwagandha per serving so that the dose could be doubled up. Pertaining to the stress, modern medicine can provide some curable results but they are complicated and unsatisfactory. Our protocols for oxidative stress work at the root biochemical cause of your adrenal fatigue, making the need for potentially damaging herbal adaptogens unnecessary.

Various studies have demonstrated the efficacy of geriforte as an anti-stress adaptogen. Ayurveda considers this herb to be a rasayana, or particularly powerful rejuvenative. Working in concert with appropriate diet and lifestyle changes, certain nutrients and herbs can assist with symptom management and help to address the key neurochemical pathways that contribute to and exacerbate generalized anxiety. Introduction: As herbal medicines are natural substances – insect and microbial contamination is unavoidable. If you have had problems, i support not using it again because herbs, etc. As you can see, ashwagandha has a whole host of beneficial effects on human health. Results of the study showed that the group who were given the herbal supplement showed significant improvements to muscle strength and size. These concerns are likely the result of herb/drug interactions and/or poor quality extracts, rather than the botanical itself. If you have further concerns not address through the short-term use of ashwagandha, it is recommended that you seek the advice of your general or ayurvedic practitioner. Siberian ginseng is an adaptogenic, meaning that it helps the body adapt to a variety of physical and mental stresses such as insomnia, over-work, chronic anxiety and immunity impairment.

Handbook of chinese herbs: Chinese materia medica. Small correction, ashwagandha is actually a strong aphrodisiac, maybe stronger than maca, depending on personal chemistry though. Research shows that twice a day, dosing is more optimal for ashwagandha. This popular herb is being touted as a fantastic immune booster and superfood. Ashwagandha is also useful for strengthening the female reproductive system for which it is commonly combined with another ayurvedic herb called shatavari (Asparagus racemosa) but the chinese herb, dang gui (Angelica sinensis and a. The other important properties of ashwagandha includes it’s traditional use as an alterative for detoxification, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antitussive (Alleviating coughs), bitter (In small doses, stimulating appetite), sedative and as an overall rejuvenative. In summary, we report that ashwagandha root may be an effective treatment for some patients with nonclassic 11-hydroxylase deficiency. Ma huang is traditionally one of the best herbs for treating asthma. Since then i have vowed to explore alternative treatments, including a variety of herbal remedies for anxiety that i want to share with you in this article. Summary animal and test-tube studies have shown that withaferin, a bioactive compound in ashwagandha, promotes the death of tumor cells and may be effective against several types of cancer. There was a significant increase in the body weights of the ashwagandha treated group as compared to control for a period of 3 months in rats.

Summary ashwagandha supplements may help lower cortisol levels in chronically stressed individuals. A well-known example of an adaptogenic herb is ashwagandha but there are severals.

Planetary Herbals, Full Spectrum, Ashwagandha, 570 mg, 60 Tablets Product Review

Want to be younger – be friends with the INDIAN GINSEN! It would give out to everyone in our latitudes. There is an effect. Very well. Pacification. Long and successful. line. Before. Works Great! good

To Ashwagande appealed primarily as to NOOTROPU, since the topic of preserving cognitive functions, gradually fading to old age, in my opinion, is very important and after 50 years it is necessary to seriously think about this. Continuing to take, alternating, dietary supplements – nootropics, among which not the last place is taken and Ashvaganda – “Indian ginseng” or “queen of sleep” – used by Ayurvedic healers for many millennia as RASAYANA, that is, a plant with pronounced REJUVENATING effect (especially for muscles, bone marrow, reproductive system). And they are manifested thanks to a rich complex of biologically active substances: macro- and microelements, peptides, lipids, plant-derived antibiotics, amino acids and vitanloids, which are only 1.5%, but which have the strongest effect in the healing power of the plant. Aswaganda acts on all organs of the body and, like a tuning fork, on the central nervous system, ensuring its harmonization with internal organs and the environment, showing the properties: 1) ADAPTOGENA -increases the resistance, endurance and resistance of the organism to the environment 2) NOOTROPA-reduces degeneration of brain cells, improves metabolism, increases memory concentration 3) ANTI-STRESS means – acting on neurotransmitters in the brain, eliminates depression, apathy, improves mood 4) ) TONIZING – replenishes the energy of the body, it is used for effective recovery of forces after long illnesses and during the postoperative period 5) SEDATIVE – eliminates anxious conditions, insomnia, neuroses 6) very! effectively balances the level of thyroid hormones 7) effectively supports the function of the adrenal glands, helping to overcome such a phenomenon as the “fatigue” of the adrenal glands 8) stabilizes the blood sugar 9) stabilizes blood pressure, eliminates ARITHMY 10) is effective in the treatment of RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS and OSTEOARTHRITIS 11) has a powerful antitumor effect 12) AFRODISIAK – increases sexual potency, helps with infertility, prostatitis 13) normalizes the HORMONAL BACKGROUND in women – amenorrhea, menorrhagus I climax 14) of anabolic steroids – helps to build muscle mass in athletes. It should be noted good digestibility of Ashwagandy, but wait a few days to wait for the result, all plants have a cumulative effect and manifest themselves in 3-4 weeks, that for this plant, it most effectively manifests itself 3 days before the full moon + 7 days after full moon (ie within 10 days), during the reception experts recommend to exclude cereal products and sugar. Seasonal restrictions have, unlike ginseng, eleutherococcus, magnolia vine and ginkgo biloba, which are recommended for taking in the cold season. That’s how time from April to October I accept Ashvaganda in its most effective days – it turns out 60 days of reception. This product is satisfied, has become calmer, anemia, arrhythmia and arthrosis are silent. Of course, to rely on one Ashwagandha would be naive, in order to maintain the body at the proper level, I constantly take a lot of dietary supplements – vitamins, omega-3, Q-10, etc. and increasingly come to a conclusion – the future for dietary supplements – not for pharmacies! I would be glad if my opinion was useful to you! Health, longevity and optimism in any situation!

Very often I began to hear that people had autumn melancholy, I myself was such three hundred years ago), realizing that it couldn’t go on like that and needed to do something, I started to shovel herbka, because I didn’t want to use heavy artillery, I started look for grass, and then a strange word ashvagnada came to mind. (Collapse) Translated from Sanskrit (ashva – horse, gandha – sweat, smell) – the spirit (power) of the horse, since this plant gives a person the corresponding vital and sexual energy. Ashwagandha is also used to improve brain function, strengthen memory and increase learning ability, to overcome the effects of stress, and relieve chronic fatigue of depression. Ashwagandhu, unlike other drugs, at the same time calms and tones. Ashwagandha restores the basic energy of the nervous system and the effect of its intake persists for a long time, refers to the tonics, but does not increase blood pressure. I strongly advise everyone who is moping, at first I lost the desire to kill everyone, and now I go to everyone smiling, which thoroughly thoroughly annoys many gloomy residents of my city, I just want Ashvaganda to be handed out to people without fail

Really works. You feel calm and relaxed, the feeling of anxiety goes away.

There were problems with sleep, because the work schedule is not normalized, I often work all night, then you sleep for a day, and sleep problems begin, then do not fall asleep, and then do not wake up, and your head hums and everything is broken, with this drug began to fall asleep a week later better and wake up rested, it suited me well

I am calm and energetic! In the morning I accept and feel peace and tranquility in the presence of two shy children. It helps not to give in to stress. Buy, you will not regret it.

Energotonik. I buy my son 24 years old, who has great intellectual stress. He asks to buy himself, sees a good effect.

I? aswagandha.

Ordering and delivery in the best possible way – I’m still trying out the tablets, at first they work well

A great adaptogenic herb that works after a week of using it.


is it possible to get a better grip on bulimia with this Herb?
Can I divide the tablet into two halves?
Is this product a VEGAN capsule?
There is no allergy details?! Does it contain gluten, soy, milk or dairy, yeast Is it kosher?
Has anyone verified that this Ashwagandha has no leaves added to the roots? There is reportedly and epidemic of leaves being added if it is manufactured in India.

To answer the question on whether Ashwagandha can help with bulimia I cannot comment. However I have found this herb to help with de triggering panic attacks on a physical level. It has therefore helped my coping with day to day stress. I have also heard recently that performance anxiety is genetic and it has helped me reverse that anxiety also. I take ashwagandha with magnesium every night for anxiety and insomnia and find that combo very effective.
Yes with a knife, but there is no line to cut.
There are none of those ingredients, as far as I can tell. Looking at the label, the listed ingredients are (per tablet): Calcium – 59mg, Ashwagandha Root – 500mg, Ashwagandha Root Extract – 70mg. Other ingredients listed are: dibasic calcium phosphate, stearic acid, silica, and modified cellulose gum. There is a warning, which states: Do not use if you are pregnant, may become pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking any form of sedative. Personally, I find it really helpful in relaxing my mind before going to sleep.
The question is not clear and misleading, i. e. what is the meaning of “an epidemic of leaves”? Is there an epidemic in the leaves that may be added to the roots? Or is there a new tendency among suppliers to add leaves to the roots? miklein