Foodpharmacy Blog: Supplements, Women's Health, DIM

Source Naturals, DIM (Diindolylmethane), 100 mg, 180 Tablets


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Product name: Source Naturals, DIM (Diindolylmethane), 100 mg, 180 Tablets
Quantity: 180 Count, 0.2 kg, 6.9 x 6.9 x 13.5 cm
Categories: Source Naturals, Supplements, Women’s Health, DIM

New Appearance Same Formula, Dietary Supplement, DIM is and indole phytochemical that is a natural metabolite of compounds found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. In preclinical studies, DIM has been shown to lead to the preferential formation of estrogen metabolites that are correlated with health breast, endometrial, and cervical tissues. This unique property sets DIM apart from other plant nutrients. Source Natural DIM is combined with phospholipids, vitamin E and BioPerine for enhanced absorption.

These supplements actually reduce the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase that converts testosterone into a more powerful androgen called dht (Which amplifies the effects of testosterone). Children and pregnant or lactating women should consult their healthcare practitioner prior to use. How long does it take to see results from taking dim? Can i take dim if i have a liver or kidney disease? A balanced hormonal system can create more predictable periods, glowing skin, healthy hair, and reduced and pcos symptoms. Many women are looking for alternatives to the typical lineup of prescription drugs, which only mask the root cause rather than address the concern head on. Indole compounds may help support normal hormone metabolism and estrogen processing in favor of a healthy ratio of estrogen metabolites. When taken as a supplement, dim may be an effective preventative treatment for thyroid cancer. Beyond potential anticancer effects, dim has been investigated for activity against the hpv virus, with mixed success. A: Based on data on the rate at which dim is absorbed and excreted from your body, the current scientific data bets support taking dim once or twice per day.

Source Naturals, DIM (Diindolylmethane), 100 mg, 180 Tablets: DIM, Women’s Health, Supplements

Furthermore, some studies (Albeit small pilot studies) have found that biological effects attributable to dim start appearing within two weeks of starting to take dim. Studies show that omega-3s can aid in reducing testosterone and regulating the menstrual cycle in women with pcos. Dim interacts with estrogen, and many types of tumors are activated by this same hormone, so research papers have proposed a connection between dim, estrogen, and cancer risk. Cancer patients using dim to complement their cancer treatment typically take a higher dose as well. These statements have not been evaluated by the fda and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or health condition. As it turns out, dim is a compound found in cruciferous veggies like kale and broccoli, and it does several helpful things for our hormones. 39 Additionally, dim has been proposed to have an epigenetic effect on breast cancer.

Research by bradlow shows that dim also reduces availability of 4-androstenedione for aromatization to estrone, a more dangerous form of estrogen. Some of the best-selling products on amazon have received mostly positive reviews, with satisfied customers saying the supplements helped promote weight loss and reduce acne, bloating and hot flashes. This is evidenced by a 6-fold increase in dim concentrations in boiled cabbage compared with uncooked cabbage. I was very disappointed in the poor quality of this royal maca plus for women with dim by whole world botanicals. Diindolylmethane supplements failed to have a significant beneficial effect on cervical cell changes or the presence of hpv. I am going to stay on it for another month and see if things work themselves out, but i am definitely starting to believe that dim is not a long-term fix. However, be careful with the brand and type of dim supplements you try, since not all of them have the same dosage and effect on your body. And neither had so many other women i shared my skin concerns with.

Allergic reactions to supplements are also relatively rare, but can usually be attributed to the ingredients in the manufacturing of the supplement. It is important to get personalized advice from your healthcare provider to determine the appropriate dose for you. 100-200Mg of dim is the recommended dose for maintaining balanced estrogen levels. With vegetarian-friendly capsules, and a gluten-free, organic manufacturing process nutricost dim is by far one of the most superior products on the market today. Furthermore, we can assure you that everything that is on our label is consistent with what goes into our vitamins and supplements. Along another thread of potential applications, dim looks like it may be a useful estrogen blocker. You can take all the vitamins and supplements you want, but they are not going to have the right effect if your gut and liver function are not good. Dim is considered to be a prime element in hormone regulation and can do this for both men and women. If you start seeing an improvement in your skin, you can consult your dermatologist about potentially including dim for acne, as a part of your treatment. However, it can be hard to get much dim by just consuming vegetables.

In addition to testing for every ingredient, our dim supplement is also tested for heavy metals, soy, gluten, dairy, mold, and yeast. More research is required to establish dim as such a treatment, though the outlook so far is promising. Dim is a supplement that is has a small number of highly specific and targeted applications. Because pcos hormonal symptoms can vary and not all women will experience the same symptoms or have the same imbalances associated with pcos, which can make it challenging to treat without taking a comprehensive view of each individual woman’s case. Dim supplementation improves the estrogen ratio in a favorable direction that protects both men and women without the negative effect of raising 4 hydroxyestrogen, as seen with i3c. Suggested use: As a dietary supplement, take 2 capsules in am with mid-morning snack for the first week. Breast cancer is a public health problem in mexico and it’s incidence rises when the woman is still premenopausal. This particular supplement is targeted towards women and it’s specific formulation helps to improve the function of estrogen in the body, as well as supporting breast health. 60 The influence of dim on ahr, as described above, results in reduced production of the carcinogenic 4-hydroxyesterone (4Ohe 1). Indole complex (Ic3) supplements must be converted to dim inside your body yielding a much lower dose.

Source Naturals DIM

And besides that result, the researchers concluded that dim was indeed well tolerated, making it a relatively safe option for most patients who need to use it as a cancer treatment. Hear or say hormones and one might immediately think of a teenager in the throes of puberty or a woman in her second trimester. Combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle, indole compounds along with other nutrients like boron and other trace minerals may help support healthy hormone balance. While the best source of calcium is food, if you are not meeting your quota (1,000 To 1,200 mg for menopausal women) through diet, calcium supplements may be a wise choice. In one study on breast cancer cells, for example, scientists found that low amounts of dim actually increased cell growth and proliferation rather than inhibiting it. Supplements can be an effective way to fast track healing and support healthy hormones. Get the latest news on health and wellness delivered to your inbox!

Each soft gel capsule provides 100 milligrams of dim made with non-gmo ingredients. Maca and dim together help your body make healthy estrogen metabolites and a healthy progesterone level. Are you ready to get a grip on good health? Furthermore, this combination supports the health of the adrenal glands, thyroid, pancreas and neurotransmitter hormone production, including melatonin. Several trials evaluating the role of dim in breast cancer prevention are currently under way. If using any pharmaceuticals or drugs given to you by a doctor or received with a prescription, you must consult with the doctor in question or an equally qualified health care professional prior to using any nutritional supplementation. There have been few clinical trials, and those have mostly shown little or no significant effect from dim supplementation on women with a high risk of breast cancer.

Eating cruciferous vegetables (The kind that contain dim) has been linked with much lower levels of colon cancer. These capsules are taken to promote healthy estrogen and hormone levels, pure dim supports your daily wellness. In one study, dim blocked hepatocellular carcinoma (Hcc) cell metastasis by suppressing tumor cell migration and invasion in mice. Importantly, this review also focuses on current evidence from human observational and intervention trials that have contributed to a greater understanding of exposure estimates that will inform recommendations for dim intake. While supplements that had ingredients to boost bioavailability can be useful, we noted that some research indicates that these agents can work too well at high doses, triggering side effects when the dose of dim is 300 mg or more. As the word gets out, diindolylmethane (Dim) has started picking up steam as a supplement of choice to deal with a variety of issues such as acne, pms, mood swings, fibroids, menopause symptoms, and even things like man boobs. Additional benefits for women include: Weight loss, restored energy, hormonal acne reduction, help in the management of pcos, and the promotion of healthy breast tissue because dim is a natural aromatose inhibitor! Dim is most effective in helping maintain hormonal balance, especially between estrogen and testosterone in both men and women. To combat this, vitamins and supplements can be a key component of a woman’s care during and after menopause, but the process of deciding which ones to take can be overwhelming.

Metabolizing excess potent estrogen with dim also produces fantastic results for men. As a regulator of estrogen dim may even help women regulate premenstrual syndrome by inhibiting estrogen production or at least minimizing any harmful effects associated with estrogen levels in the body. Sign up for our health tip of the day newsletter, and receive daily tips that will help you live your healthiest life. Also, oral dim at 2mg/kg/day is well tolerated with no significant toxicity according to another randomized controlled pilot study. The protective effect reached a significant 35% decrease in women on adjuvant tamoxifen therapy. But the good news is that natural health supplements, as part of a healthy lifestyle, can help balance your hormones. This product is also geared toward both women and men to help inhibit excess estrogen, provide menopause relief, reduce hot flashes, boost weight loss and restore clarity. Reason being, it also binds nutrients, and you want to get the most out of the healthy food you eat.

A: By far the best natural source for dim is found in cruciferous vegetables. This particular supplement is unique because although it’s dosage is low, it’s dim quality and purity are off the charts. As such, users should only take dim after contacting their doctor about it if they are also taking other medications on a regular basis. Patient inquiries regarding the possible use of dim as protective or adjuvant therapy during chemotherapy are mounting, in part because of the increasing availability of and information on dim.

Source Naturals, DIM (Diindolylmethane), 100 mg, 180 Tablets Product Review

DIM, (Diindolylmethane). breast tenderness gone. SMOKE. Perfect product. Reduces excess estrogen. He completed his tasks. A great! Game changer. For Energy. Very good

Very good capsules. Working great.

Two years ago I was diagnosed with fibrocystic mastopathy. The chest was very painful. The prescribed treatment did not bring visible results. After one month of taking DIM, breast tenderness was gone, and no pathology was detected at the next mammographic examination. I advise everyone with a similar problem.

I take DIM the second cycle for the treatment of endometriosis, and also the chest began to swell and hurt after ovulation. The first cycle went great. There was no ointment before menstruation and menstruation was not plentiful, the chest was painful but not sill. In the second cycle, there was again a daub before the menstrual period but not the same as before and the cycle was greatly reduced. Menstruation came 4 days earlier. The chest hurt badly. The mood was terrible, destructive, nervous and the complete absence of libido. I drank 1 tablet every day without stopping. I will try to change the scheme, apply in the 1st phase of the cycle. In addition to this drug, I take serapeptase, reishi mushrooms and vitamins. In general, the action is not yet clear. Then I will add a review

Perfect for fat burning

This product has worked for me in conjunction with Vitex (Premular not cheap vitex that I have been able to find on Foodpharmacy Blog)

Bought on the recommendation of an ordinary doctor. He fulfilled his tasks. the aftertaste of cabbage was very annoying

Helped me in the treatment of uterine fibroids and adhesions. Saw with serrapeptase and Indole + Longidaza

I decided to buy this after reading online it can help hormonal acne and HOOLEY DOOLEY has it helped! I tried two different types of birth control to help my skin, prescription creams and lotions and they helped a tiny bit but after using DIM I’m completely converted. It’s all I use now and my skin hasn’t had any breakouts. I get an occasional spot a few days before my period but that’s it. An absolute game changer.

One of the best things to take for increasing energy and reducing fatigue. Keep in the freezer (yes, the freezer) after opening though, it’s affected by air and moisture much more rapidly than any other supplement.

I like it! Works perfectly.

Hi, Does this product reduce libido?
Hi, does DIM affect libido?
Is this better than the DIM Plus of Nature’s way?
Is this product GMO?
the price went up 20 percent in a YEAR. I track all my products, what I paid, if usefull. a shame
Is it safe to take it at the same time as oral contraceptives?
Tell me the drug is safe or does it still need to do an ultrasound of the ovaries from time to time

Not mine, but It might in females. It is a natural aromatase inhibitor so it can lower estrogen levels or prevent testosterone from being converted to estrogen.
Yes seems to improve libido greatly and also reduce tummy fat a little – this is a great product
Absolutely. The dose alone makes this product far superior. Because the physiological impact of DIM is highly dose-dependent according to the research.
Not that I am aware of. I have been talking this supplement for approx 5 years due to my cancer situation which is now stable without having any conventional treatment.
I agree that some of the products very quickly increase in it’s price and I would also like to see more explanations why that is the case and how Foodpharmacy Blog is helping consumers to keep the price reasonable or explain the increased price I’m case it’s going up dramatically. I was also looking for alternatives and not able to find any on my last shopping tour on Foodpharmacy Blog.
DIM should be safe to take at the same time as oral contraceptives as it comes from natural sources such as broccoli and cauliflower.
It is like a multivitamin- it’s not a drug. You should follow your doctors instruction in regards to ultrasounds.