Foodpharmacy Blog: Supplements, Women's Health, Evening Primrose Oil

Source Naturals, Evening Primrose Oil, 1,350 mg, 120 Softgels


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Product name: Source Naturals, Evening Primrose Oil, 1,350 mg, 120 Softgels
Quantity: 120 Count, 0.28 kg, 7.1 x 7.1 x 13.5 cm
Categories: Source Naturals, Supplements, Women’s Health, Evening Primrose Oil, Cold Pressed

Cold Pressed, Dietary Supplement, Hexane-Free, (GLA Yield: 135 mg), Gamma-Linolenic acid, or GLA, and linolenic acid are essential, polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are used by most cells in the body to produce soothing prostaglandins (intracellular hormone-like messengers), which help maintain the balance of many functions in the body.

Herbal/health supplements should be purchased from a reliable source to minimize the risk of contamination. Evening primrose oil (Oenothera biennis) is often used for several health conditions of women, including breast pain (Mastalgia), menopausal and premenstrual symptoms, and labor induction or augmentation. In an older study, evening primrose oil had no effect on tumor size or survival in patients with liver cancer. This is an impressive list, and in the clinical trials it worked for 17 out of 20 women (85 Percent). Your body needs a healthy balance of essential fatty acids, such as the omega-6, found in evening primrose, and omega-3, found in fish oil. Do not give any herbal/health supplement to a child without medical advice. Users of this web site should not rely on information provided on this web site for their own health problems. 10 Evening primrose oil is traditionally administered as one to two capsules intravaginally at bedtime, starting after 37 completed weeks of pregnancy. Spring valley understands living a healthy, balanced lifestyle is the key to being your best self. One study supplementing from thirty-seventh gestational week until birth did not support this. The dose is 360 mg/day of gla from epo (The most researched source of gla, as opposed to borage oil or black currant oil), and it may be increased up to 480 mg/day.

Source Naturals, Evening Primrose Oil, 1,350 mg, 120 Softgels: Evening Primrose Oil, Women’s Health, Supplements

Josh axe, dc, dnm, cns, is a doctor of chiropractic, certified doctor of natural medicine, and clinical nutritionist with a passion to help people eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle. Treatment with oral evening primrose oil may help correct an abnormality in essential fatty acids found in eczema. In human research, evidence of benefit following gla (A component of epo) supplementation was lacking in individuals with hepatitis b. Evening primrose oil is a unique natural oil and is especially useful for women. Effect of oral gamolenic acid from evening primrose oil on menopausal flushing. A reviewer used this oil to massage the scalp. Evening primrose oil (Epo) is rich in omega-6 fatty acids, linoleic acid (La), and gamma-linolenic acid (Gla). Evening primrose is a natural source of the unsaturated fatty acid, gamma-linolenic acid (Gla), that promotes women’s health and helps provide nutritional support for pms.

Evening primrose oil helps support healthy hair, fortifies the bones, benefits healthy skin, and contributes to heart health. 15 Furthermore, the oral use of evening primrose oil during pregnancy may also be associated with more prolonged labor and an increased risk for premature rupture of membranes, arrest of descent, oxytocin use, and vacuum extraction. To extend the shelf life of the oil, keep it in it’s original container (Typically blue to prevent sun exposure) and store it in the refrigerator. Evening primrose oil is derived from the seeds of the north american evening primrose plant, a flowering perennial found in north america. Epo helps people with oily and acne-prone skin. However, overall therapeutic results appear more favorable with omega-3 oils than with epo. We partner with some of the companies that sell these products, which means healthline uk and our partners may receive a portion of revenues if you make a purchase using a links above. I also use the essential oil and would recommend this one, now foods evening prim oil, 4 ounce. Research on the use of evening primrose oil to treat this type of nerve damage that can occur if you have diabetes has been inconclusive. Evening primrose oil may have effects on chemicals in the blood called prostaglandins, which may play a role in pre-eclampsia. In one small randomized trial published in diabetic medicine, for example, there was a statistically significant improvement in neuropathy scores, including nerve conduction tests, for people taking evening primrose oil capsules for 6 months compared with placebo.

Here are some of the vitamins most often recommended for women in menopause. As well as assisting with hormone balance, gnc evening primrose oil capsules can assist with helping your skin meet your personal beauty standards. One study was identified that investigated the effect of oral evening primrose oil on the length of pregnancy and selected intrapartum outcomes in low-risk nulliparous women. Studies published in the international journal of cosmetic sciencehave even shown that evening primrose oil can help with age-related structural and functional changes in skin tissues, such as redness, firmness, roughness, and fatigue resistance. Use cautiously in pregnant or breastfeeding women. Native americans used evening primrose for centuries for it’s many health benefits. Other research indicates resveratrol can benefit mood, improve brain function and improve cognitive performance in post-menopausal women. The high gla content of our evening primrose oil capsules helps to relieve pains caused due to inflammation and other inflammatory conditions.

One of the two groups of therapeutic fatty acids is called omega 6, the active compound in omega 6 is called gla (Gamma-linolenic acid), and even though many vegetable oils used in our diet are a source of omega 6, they do not provide high amounts of gla. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare professional. Many of the same conclusions have been drawn when investigating the effectiveness of evening primrose oil in treating psoriasis or acne. Share on pinterest evening primrose oil has many therapeutic uses. Vitamin d is an important nutrient for women of all ages, and can have particular value for women in menopause. You should not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication or other treatment. Evening primrose oil has been studied in people with ulcerative colitis with evidence of benefit. Therefore, these patients should not use the oil. You can also rub evening primrose oil into your hair or add it to your shampoo. However, other large analyses have concluded both evening primrose oil and borage oil are not effective for eczema. (I mix it with other oils that smell better and have other health benefits). As a result, the levels of other herbs or supplements may become too high in the blood. These statements have not been evaluated by the fda and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or health condition.

Source Naturals Evening Primrose Oil

3) Supports healthy uterine muscle tone in preparation for pregnancy. Anyone taking this supplement should follow the manufacturer’s directions of 1 – 2 capsules a day. Evening primrose oil is also used for rheumatoid arthritis, weak bones (Osteoporosis), chronic fatigue syndrome (Cfs), asthma, neurodermatitis, obesity, and weight loss. This is caused by a prostaglandin response in the body which is triggered by the linolenic acid found in evening primrose oil. From healthy skin to hormonal balance, women can benefit from daily supplementation with evening primrose oil. We compiled the list of best evening primrose oil supplements, enriched with dosage recommendations and actual customer reviews. Give them a full picture of what you do to manage your health. It is often used for several women’s health conditions, including breast pain (Mastalgia), menopausal and premenstrual symptoms, cervical ripening, and labor induction or augmentation. Similar studies of fish oil supplements have also found protective and therapeutic effects. A two-group retrospective quasi-experimental design conducted on a sample of women who received care in a birth center, compared selected outcomes of 54 women taking evening primrose oil in their pregnancy with a control group of 54 women who did not.

Some researchers reported that women with pms have impaired conversion of linoleic acid to gamma-linolenic acid, thus leading to the investigation of gamma-linolenic supplementation for symptom alleviation. Consult with a qualified healthcare professional prior to using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, have diagnosed medical conditions, or are taking prescription medications. Women everywhere are taking advantage of swanson evening primrose oil (Epo)! Evening primrose oil should not be taken within 2 weeks of going for a general anesthetic because of the increased seizure risk. I have to look after myself and the evening primrose oil helps me to do just that and continue to enjoy life without the perks that come with it. Oz suggested a list of vitamins and oils of which evening primrose oil was a significant part. Evening primrose oil in management of female ailments.

It is not certain whether evening primrose is effective in treating any medical condition. Drugs a-z provides drug information from everyday health and our partners, as well as ratings from our members, all in one place. Thanks to the gla, which can be found in high concentration in evening primrose oil, conditions like psoriasis whose cause and cure are unknown, can be relieved and healed. Bryan bayles, phd, is an assistant professor in the department of family and community medicine at the university of texas health science center at san antonio. A trial of evening primrose oil in the treatment of chronic schizophrenia. Many midwives use evening primrose oil (Epo) for cervical ripening or as a natural remedy to induce labor. There are no regulated manufacturing standards in place for many herbal compounds and some marketed supplements have been found to be contaminated with toxic metals or other drugs. I asked my doctor what she would recommend for night sweats and she suggested evening primrose oil along with some other supplements i was taking.

Patients with hormone-sensitive cancers should use evening primrose oil products with caution, because even though it does not possess estrogenic properties on it’s own, some commercial evening primrose oil products may contain other phytoestrogen ingredients. Information on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. It may also alter the effects that other herbs or supplements possibly have on the p450 system. Evening primrose oil increases the speed with which triglycerides decompose into glycerol and fatty acids.

Source Naturals, Evening Primrose Oil, 1,350 mg, 120 Softgels Product Review

Great product. It looks good on the skin. please make them in a smaller size. Value for money. Good. The size of the pill is huge. Good evening meal. It functions without problems. Remarkable tool. I like wives

Great product at an awesome price.

It feels a little better

I was disappointed that they were so huge, very hard to swallow. I have to poke them with a pin to get the oil out because they are a choking hazard.

I really liked this drug! Productive! With a great composition

I’ve been taking this for 4-5 years now. In late 30’s. It helps with my pms and cramping. I literally haven’t had uterine cramps since I’ve started these.

I’m eating it for the first time today. I usually take a pill well, but this is a burden. Those who are not good at pill are usually bigger than pills.

It’s a good evening meal. I’m eating one ounce for breakfast and dinner. I’m eating with my husband. Men have good prostate, so it works with other pills.

She is one person who helps me to come without having menstrual pain.

Excellent tool, very much. I have hypertension, but as I started taking these capsules, my blood pressure returned to normal. I forgot what a headache is. Recommend.

I like my wife quite a lot.