Foodpharmacy Blog: Flu, Cough, Cold, Liposomal Vitamin C

Zenwise Health, Liposomal Vitamin C with Quali-C, 180 Vegetarian Capsules


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Product name: Zenwise Health, Liposomal Vitamin C with Quali-C, 180 Vegetarian Capsules
Quantity: 180 Count, 0.23 kg, 13 x 7.1 x 7.1 cm
Categories: Zenwise Health, Supplements, Vitamins, Vitamin C, Liposomal Vitamin C, Healthy Lifestyles, Cold, Cough, Flu, Sustainably Sourced

Immune, Support, Energy, Skin, Bones, 1000 mg Vitamin C, Dietary Supplement, GMP – Good Manufacturing Practice, Third Party Tested, Antioxidants for Immune System Support, Promotes Optimal Cardiovascular Function, Encourages Skin and Bone Structure Health, Supports Energy Production and Alertness, Zenwise Health Liposomal Vitamin C is an antioxidant supplement that utilizes liposomal technology to ensure bioavailability of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), an essential compound for the body. Featuring 1000 mg of Quali-C, a pure and traceable form of Vitamin C sustainably sourced from Scotland, this premium formula provides immune, heart, skin, and bone support for a healthy and energized well-being.

If you choose to supplement your diet with vitamins it is important to understand the difference between water soluble and fat soluble vitamins. The research studies varied greatly with respect to the length of time that people took vitamin c (From 2 weeks to 5 years). The flu is when the body is manifesting a high body temperature to help melt the cholesterol around the cell membranes so the toxins can get out plus helps to melt down the lymph making it easier to discharge mucus and toxins. Consult a health care professional if symptoms persist. His trials and studies have convinced him of the tremendous power that the vitamin holds for dogs. Apple or potato slices can also be dunked in vitamin c solutions to prevent browning. Following this success, belfield began experimenting with vitamin c treatments for all kinds of conditions in dogs. You can find books, articles, and information on the web site and vitamin therapy courses at follow dr. I had hoped the vitamin c would be designed to taste the same as the calcium. Remember that a little sugar gets the vitamins down. Although the benefit is small, some researchers suggest that it may be worthwhile to take vitamin c regularly as a supplement (1, 2). At the time of this article, only one pilot study with two subjects had been done with 5g of lipo-spheric vitamin c vs. I have not had the flu or colds anymore in about 4 years (Well for one thing, i quit getting those unhealthy flu shots)!

Zenwise Health, Liposomal Vitamin C with Quali-C, 180 Vegetarian Capsules: Flu, Cough, Cold, Healthy Lifestyles, Liposomal Vitamin C, Vitamin C, Vitamins

Although i may in actuality not feel very well for a day my colds go away within a day a or two. The majority of controlled trials have used a modest dosage of only 1 g per day of vitamin c. I mentioned this to my holistic practitioner and she said that vitamin c can help if you have issues with detoxing. I explore the mechanism in this article: There is often a simplistic view of antioxidant and pro-oxidant reactions in the body, and we are finding that both are necessary for optimal health in balance. Maintaining the recommended levels of vitamin c is important for optimal immune function to help your body ward off colds and flu. Like water, neither plants or animals can live without vitamin c, making it one of the most important vitamins for survival, especially for preventing infection. The research findings do suggest that taking vitamin c regularly as a supplement can decrease the number of days you feel sick. I have included this vitamin c whole food powder because i think it is a good option for children who require a smaller dose.

I have added it to my list of perpetual supplements that will keep me 20 years younger than someone that relies on diet only and government information for proper nutrients. The peer-reviewed orthomolecular medicine news service is a non-profit and non-commercial informational resource. Get your fat-burning goodie bag that will teach you how to quickly and easily eliminate belly fat and reach optimal health. When sickness sets in, many of us immediately turn to vitamin c products such as supplement pills, juices, and cough drops. If you cut out dairy and salty food then you may not even have a cold. The common cold has been with us for millenia and will likely be with us for millenia to come. Most of the fud around this vitamin seems to have worked, if it is fud. But what (If anything) actually works to help prevent the common cold? Vitamin c is a water-soluble vitamin that the body cannot store. Obviously, something is missing between the research and practical application of oral vitamin c. Study author harri hemilia, of the university of helsinki, concluded that people with common colds could try zinc lozenges to treat them, but said that more research needed to be done to figure out the best kind of lozenge, as well as the dose. According to the researchers, one possible explanation is that vitamin c lowers the severity of cold symptoms, such as chills and coughs. Other contraindications would include allergens to the liposomal compounds such as sunflower lecithin as discussed here.

Research showed5, by simply increasing the ingested quantity, when conventional oral forms of supplemental vitamin c are used, one achieves only minimal changes to true plasma concentrations of ascorbic acid: Whether the person takes 1 gram or 3 grams of vitamin c, the result is the same after 25 hours. Ideal ranges should be between 250-500 mg of pc per dose in a liposomal vitamin c formula. You can read many of these in the book ascorbate: The science of vitamin c (Not boring to us science nerds), curing the uncurable and some fascinating double blind studies in the book how to live longer and feel better by linus pauling. Gordon kerr has worked in the health care industry for the past 15 years. High dose intraveneous vitamin c and chikungunya fever: A case report. It uses ascorbic acid and palmitic acid to create ascorbyl palmitate (Fat-soluble form of vitamin c). I use 1 sachet and double the dose on feeling something like a cold coming. The failure of vitamin c supplementation to reduce the incidence of colds in the general population indicates that routine vitamin c supplementation is not justified, yet vitamin c may be useful for people exposed to brief periods of severe physical exercise. I am a certified health coach and the source of vitamins and what is in them (Read the ingredient list) are both of the utmost importance to me.

Developed by scientists at world-renowned livon labs – altrient are pioneers of liposomal supplements. Help us to continue to provide direct and easy access to evidence-based information on health and social conditions to help you stay healthy, active and engaged as you grow older. Tastes awful but just get it down ya and drink half a cup of cold water. This is even vastly superior to iv vitamin c which is an expensive but effective procedure that is done quite often in hospitals and alternative health clinics. I will keep these in mind for future colds. Iv dosage of vitamin c acts as a pro-oxidant that forms hydrogen peroxide and acts as a chemotherapy type of agent that destroys cancer cell formation. Regardless, the review found that once cold symptoms show up, taking a therapeutic dose of vitamin c will not affect the duration or severity of the common cold. Days before, the day of, and for several days after immunizations, we give saturation dose vitamin c to minimize the risk of side effects from the vaccination, and to help the shot work better. This is great for your immune system and general health.

Zenwise Health Liposomal Vitamin C Cold Cough Flu

We do know now that vitamin c in the iv form is most effective for cancer. Whether you are susceptible to getting sick or are able to avoid the illnesses most years, cold and flu prevention is important. However, only a few therapeutic trials have been carried out and none have examined children, although the effect of prophylactic vitamin c has been greater in children. Take 1 sachet of 5ml per day, or as directed by your healthcare professional. I was fooled, like most people, about synthetic ascorbic acid being synonymous with vitamin c. My cough and allergy symptoms disappeared. However, since intravenous administration is not a viable option for the average person, as it is expensive and it requires specialized facilities and medical monitoring, the focus is gradually shifted towards liposomal encapsulation as the only efficient way of quickly increasing plasma vitamin c levels. My friend recommended the vitamin c to me. Belfield decided to try an injection of vitamin c on the dog, and it responded dramatically, surviving what he had been taught in veterinary school was a fatal disease for which there is no successful treatments. When my daughter came down with a swollen sore throat, she could swallow liposomal c when she would not, or could not, easily swallow other forms of c. Bowel tolerance: An indicator of oral dose vitamin c saturation. (I only went through a single box of kleenex during a 2 week cold).

Fortunately, we had plenty of vitamin c on-hand, which acts as a potent anti-toxin. We give the minimal amount of niacin that helps them be calm, and not so much that they experience a strong, uncomfortable flush. On day four he felt normal, but vitamin c was continued to be given orally (2 G tid). Seems to do a good job warding off colds. Based on the positive outcome in this case, we propose that intravenous vitamin c should be studied as a vital component of the treatment protocol for acute viral infections. I should have included this link to the journal of the american medical association about the dangers of using antibiotics to treat colds. Biochemically, why does vitamin c work so powerfully in the body to improve health?

He said that using the synthetic vitamin c effects ceruloplasmin negatively. Raymond francis, a chemist from mit and author of never be sick again, saved his own life with vitamin c and came up with the theory that there is only one disease, two causes (Deficiency and toxicity) and six pathways. How much vitamin c do you give to your children? Five of those trials gave participants a daily lozenge that had between 80 to 92 milligrams in it, which shortened colds by 33 percent. Vitamin c and b vitamins are water soluble. What would you recommend we can advise them all to do to make sure they get to race day in optimal health and energised? He advises his thousands of followers to only use whole food vitamin c. In that week on monday and tuesday i had two lots of ivc (45Grams) and by the weekend i was in the process of my body shutting down, but later that night my wife said fluid started to flow from my tube and i came awake and said that i was going nowhere and i have been clear for about 6 years and i still take lypho-spheric daily of one sachet.

I will keep taking this as long as the flu season is around.