Foodpharmacy Blog: Homeopathy, Herbs, Lobelia

Nature’s Answer, Lobelia, 240 mg, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

Nature's Answer, Lobelia, 240 mg, 1 fl oz (30 ml) Review


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Product name: Nature’s Answer, Lobelia, 240 mg, 1 fl oz (30 ml)
Quantity: 1 fl oz, 0.07 kg, 3.3 x 3.3 x 10.2 cm
Categories: Nature’s Answer, Herbs, Homeopathy, Lobelia, Condition Specific Formulas, Gluten Free, Kosher Parve

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Since 1972, Advanced Botanical Fingerprint, Lobelia Inflata, Discover Nature’s Answer, Gluten Free Low Alcohol, Herbal Supplement, Gluten Free, Kosher-Parve, Bio-Chelated Cold Extraction Process, Nature’s Answer organic alcohol extracts are produced using our cold proprietary extraction process, yielding a Holistically Balanced standardized extract. Liquid extracts are absorbed faster than tablets or capsules. Holistically Balanced guarantees that the constituents of the extract are in the same ratios as in the plant.

Condition Specific Formulas, Lobelia, Homeopathy, Herbs

Ingredients: Main ingredient: Certified organic lobelia (Lobelia inflata) dry herb. Plants have been proposed as an alternative treatment for buco-dental diseases, a domain in which long-term reliability is an important aspect of treatment. Somewhat better substantiated is the use of lobelia as support for people attempting to break addictions. The herbal formulas reviewed are stronger herbs and should be reserved for the more severe cases shown to be unresponsive to other herbs. Libellus de medicinalibus indorum herbis. Summary lobeline, the active compound in lobelia inflata, may help treat asthma, depression, adhd, and drug abuse, but human research is limited. It is important to realize that just because a product is called natural Or contains only natural ingredients such as herbs does not mean it is without risk. The present study is an investigation to analyze the antioxidant nature of a specific herb adhatoda vasica, majorly used for respiratory ailments, to neutralize tobacco smoke induced oxidative stress. Keep in mind that lobelia is also known as pukeweed, And can have significant negative consequences if you do not regulate the dosage properly. Herbal medicine is not a fad; rather, it reflects a wide and varied range of therapeutic resources, including homeopathy, acupuncture, and various forms of psychotherapy, as well as therapeutic agents derived from plants.

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Nature’s Answer, Lobelia, 240 mg, 1 fl oz (30 ml): Condition Specific Formulas, Lobelia, Homeopathy, Herbs

There are no reported adverse drug interactions, thus lobelia can be used concomitant with pharmaceutical respiratory drugs. One american herb, well-known to the native american indians was the woodland plant, golden seal (Hydrastis canadensis l). Another problematic herb is black cohosh root, a known suppressant to the anterior pituitary production of luteinizing hormone. Pharmacological properties of beta-amyrin palmitate, a novel centrally acting compound, isolated from lobelia inflata leaves. Prevalence of drug-herb and drug-supplement interactions in older adults: A cross-sectional survey. Application of herbal products in management of periodontal diseases: A mini review. (This method is not preferred because of lobelia’s acrid taste). This medicine uses highly diluted natural substances to relieve symptoms.

Traditional use of the leaf (Eg, to clear the lungs) suggests 100 mg of dry herb up to 3 times a day. Studies with mice indicate that lobelia may stimulate the release of the chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, possibly with an antidepressant effect. The herbal formulations are simple to use, generally requiring that you take a couple of pills 2-3 times a day. Lobelia is a perennial herb found in the eastern half of the united states and parts of canada. Piperidine and tetrahydropyridine alkaloids from lobelia siphilitica and hippobroma longiflora. Foodpharmacy Blog provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. Detailing the history and use of more than forty plants, he shows how each tradition views a plant, as well as it’s use in cases drawn from his own herbal and homeopathic practice. Modern day prescription medicines are still commonly derived from medicinal herbs, and keep in mind that some herbs to quit smoking can also have relatively powerful effects. The homeopathic tissue salts in tierra’s formula is both novel in it’s combination with herbs and safe within homeopathic and naturopathic guidelines. At the same time, care must be taken when promoting herbal medicines because, along with their therapeutic potential, there is a risk for misuse or adulteration. Or two) herb that grows to a height of three feet.

In addition to traditional treatments for severe asthma, you may have heard that herbal supplements can help. Ayurvedic formulations used in the management of asthma, therefore, judiciously combine herbs to support the physiology of respiration, these herbs apart from exerting bronchial action also possess concomitant properties like antioxidant to support the digestive, cardiac, nerve functions and expectorant as well as just plain soothing herbs. I was personally taught that lobelia had musculoskeletal effects by my mentor, silena heron, nd. If true, lobelia may alleviate pressure and congestion in the lungs which are triggering a cough reflex. Herbal supplements, including herbs to quit smoking, are not regulated as stringently by the fda as prescription and over the counter medicines, but the fda’s center for food safety and applied nutrition does keep track of adverse events associated with foods and supplements. It is essential to adopt a scientific attitude toward herbal medicine: Critical and skeptical, but open to new knowledge. The active constituents of lobelia are alkaloids, including lobeline. There are various herbs which are already included in indian diet to deal with such situation and examples are the daily flavours like: Turmeric, ginger, and cumin and many more. Falls church: American institute of homeopathy.

She applied the lobelia oil, and to this day, i still do not know if it helped her muscular soreness. However, due to the popularity of these plants in different countries, we have developed great interest in learning more about mexican medicine. Hundreds of species exist, including lobelia inflata, which has tall green stems, long leaves, and tiny violet flowers. A recent conclusion of a study on drug-supplement interactions in older adults suggested that primary care providers routinely should ask questions of patients about use of supplements and herbs to mediate and avoid potential interactions with prescription medications. If you choose to use lobelia to help you quit, keep in mind that this is just one element of a successful quit smoking attempt. Researchers have studied numerous herbs, supplements, and vitamins to determine if they can benefit people with depression. That’s why herb pharma offers it’s lobelia herbal supplement. Concurrent use of herbal supplements and prescription drugs in northeastern puerto rico.

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Nature’s Answer Lobelia Condition Specific Formulas

The herb has antihypertensive, antibiotic and bile-stimulating effects, in vitro antifungal actions. The leaves and seeds of lobelia are often used to create a herbal remedy for respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and coughing. Indigenous peoples of north america used lobelia for wheezing, respiratory problems, and to relax muscle spasms. Clinical evidence for the efficacy of some ayurvedic medicines is now accumulating. Few studies have examined at the effect of lobelia in either animals or people. I strongly recommend that people with asthma work closely with an integrative medicine practitioner for optimal care and advice about effective alternative therapies. Choose this certified organic herbal support supplement. The primary side effect that is experienced when taking high doses (Twice the recommended dose) of lobelia is nausea. Cayenne preparations may potentiate the expectorating effects of lobelia. It is a highly valued herb as it acts as a rejuvenator for brain and nervous system. Lobelia is considered a potentially toxic herb.

Lobeline content of lobelia-inflata-d structural environmental and developmental effects. This herb is the main ingredient in many commercial herbal quit smoking remedies such as nicrx, finally free, and nicocure. Currently, lobelia cannot be recommended as an alternative treatment for conventional antidepressant medications. Clearly lobelia can act as a mild relaxant when taken internally (At least using a fresh plant tincture or acetract). For these reasons, you should take herbs with care, under the supervision of a health care provider. Use of alternative and complementary therapies for pediatric asthma. Write a review on this lobelia herb extract liquid product and share your experience or opinion with other customers. However, these experiences reinforced for me that lobelia is not just a lung herb. Lobelia is a genus of flowering plants, some of which have been harvested for herbal remedies for centuries. However, lobelia induced nausea can be mitigated with the concurrent use of herbs such as peppermint, hyssop and ginger and it is recommended that lobelia be taken with food. Lobelia is an attractive annual or sometimes biennial (Reseeding every year or 2) herb that grows to a height of 3 feet. 3 Part of the problem with the approach of using pure lobeline is that it is much more likely to cause nausea than lobelia. Ingredients: Lobelia herb homeopathic tincture 3x (Hpu)- 18-12% certified organic alcohol.

The use of herbs is a time-honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. I was told lobelia herb extract by nature’s answer was good for asthma. Some herbs and supplements have been proven to ease symptoms of mild depression, but others have not. You may find lobelia sold as a cream, tea, oral supplement, or liquid extract. These uses have broadened the field of herbal medicine and also increased it’s credibility. The herbs used are: Hops (Humulus lupulus), catnip (Nepeta cataria), scullcap (Scuteliaria galericulata), passion flower (Passiflora incarnata), oat seed (Avena fatua), pulsatilla (Pulsatilla patens), and black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa). All herbs are organically grown, ethically wild harvested, or selectively imported. It is to be noted that rauwolfia serpentina has a long history in indian traditional medicine for treatment of hypertension and it’s efficacy has been confirmed by scientific studies.

Preferably mixed with other herbs; steep 30 to 40 minutes. Even though lobelia is a classic herb for cough and lung symptoms, lobelia itself is known to induce a cough and pressure sensations in the chest if injected intravenously or administered orally, especially in large doses.