Foodpharmacy Blog: Homeopathy, Herbs, Bilberry

Source Naturals, Bilberry Extract, 100 mg, 120 Tablets

Source Naturals, Bilberry Extract, 100 mg, 120 Tablets Review


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Product name: Source Naturals, Bilberry Extract, 100 mg, 120 Tablets
Quantity: 120 Count, 0.05 kg, 4.6 x 4.6 x 8.4 cm
Categories: Source Naturals, Herbs, Homeopathy, Bilberry

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Herbal Supplement, Standardized Botanical Antioxidant, Source Naturals Bilberry Extract, also closely related to blueberry, is a potent extract yielding key bioflavonoids called anthocyanosides. A controlled extraction process guarantees at least 36% anthocyanosides.

Bilberry, Homeopathy, Herbs

These polyphenolic components give bilberry it’s blue/black color and high antioxidant content, and they are believed to be the key bioactives responsible for the many reported health benefits of bilberry and other berry fruits. Among the ethanolic extracts of 10 different berries tested for induction of apoptosis in human cancer cells (Hl60 leukemia and hct116 colon cancer cells), bilberry extract was reported to be the most effective. In an animal study with a water-alcohol extract of bilberry leaves given to streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice (3 G/kg/day for 4 days), a significant decrease (26%) Was seen in plasma glucose (Cignarella et al. They also use herbs from china and india. It collects information about the side effects of drugs, including herbal medicines. This popular alternative to sugar has long been used for diabetes treatment. And blueberries are more widely available, and less expensive, than european standardized extracts of bilberry. The effect of bilberry nutritional supplementation on night visual acuity and contrast sensitivity. While herbal supplements may work like vitamin supplements in some cases, the herbal supplement industry in the united states is largely unregulated, so labels on these products are misleading.

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Source Naturals, Bilberry Extract, 100 mg, 120 Tablets: Bilberry, Homeopathy, Herbs

In tamil nadu, tamils have their own medicinal system now popularly called siddha medicine. Main anthocyanins in bilberry and their relative concentrations. Molassiotis a, fernadez-ortega p, pud d, ozden g, scott ja, panteli v, margulies a, browall m, magri m, selvekerova s: Use of complementary and alternative medicine in cancer patients: A european survey. Efferth t, kaina b: Toxicities by herbal medicines with emphasis to traditional chinese medicine. Source: National center for complementary and alternative medicine. In indonesia, especially among the javanese, the jamu traditional herbal medicine is an age old tradition preserved for centuries. Up to 80% of the population in africa uses traditional medicine as primary health care. Here, well look at a few alternative approaches to eye care that patients may ask about. Although herbalism may apply modern standards of effectiveness testing to herbs and medicines derived from natural sources, few high-quality clinical trials and standards for purity or dosage exist. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine. The combination of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and hypoglycemic effects of an herb or a functional food would bring significant long-term benefits, particularly to those with type 2 diabetes, and studies of bilberry focusing on these effects in this group are warranted. Rutin, also referred to as rutosides, is a compound found in some plants and has become a widely accepted alternative treatment for venous disease symptoms.

Herbal remedies can also be dangerously contaminated, and herbal medicines without established efficacy, may unknowingly be used to replace medicines that do have corroborated efficacy. In sections 4,5,1 through 4,5,8, studies that have used mixed berry juices or extracts including bilberry are discussed, as well as those that have used only bilberry fruit or extracts. Although there are many studies that have investigated the antioxidant and other health-related effects of anthocyanins and anthocyanin-rich berries and extracts or juices, only a few have used bilberry itself, and data from controlled human trials are scarce. However, most studies on the neuroprotective effects of berries and their constituents have been performed on cultured cells and in animals, and cognition-related studies using bilberry specifically are lacking. Studies have found that patients who turn to alternative medicine tend to be well-educated, affluent, white and female. Among the books claims: You can cure glaucoma with herbal eyewashes, and laser photocoagulation is always useless for diabetic retinopathy. But none can reverse the progression of cataracts once they form. A total of 29% of gp patients in this study co-used herbs and conventional drugs. New sun offers high quality herbal supplements for sexual health, including the prostate gland. But did you know that the typical domestic herbs that are used in households can also nurture our eye health?

Having up to date and scientifically accurate information at one’s fingertips in this complex world of alternative medicine is a major lifesaver. Bent s, ko r: Commonly used herbal medicines in the united states: A review. It also regulates other herbal practitioners. The practice and regulatory requirements of naturopathy and western herbal medicine in australia. Herbalists must learn many skills, including the wildcrafting or cultivation of herbs, diagnosis and treatment of conditions or dispensing herbal medication, and preparations of herbal medications. Revitalizing indian systems of herbal medicine by the national medicinal plants board through institutional networking and capacity building. There were identified 255 different drug-group and herb combinations (Additional file 1: Table s1). Our selection of herbs, herbal blends, enzymes, supplements and essential oils are available in capsules, tablets and liquid forms to help your body to function at it’s optimal level. Bilberry, green tea, aloe vera, garlic and echinacea were the most commonly used herbs among the patients. I recommend bilberry extract for treating eyestrain.

To date, there is only one published report of the effects of bilberry supplementation on antioxidant status and oxidative stress in human subjects (Karlsen et al. Our selection of herbs, herbal blends, enzymes, homeopathic remedies, essential oils and supplements are available in various forms. Studies have shown encouraging potential for many herbal supplements and alternative medications, and current research promises to advance our understanding of these natural treatments. How long you continue seeing them will depend on why you are using herbal medicine. People have used herbal medicine for centuries to treat many different health conditions. In a recent study of wild berries, bilberry juice inhibited adhesion of streptococcus pneumoniae to human bronchial (Calu-3) cells, and bilberry juice also inhibited growth of s. Aspirin) is known to interact with many herbs (E. There is evidence that some herbal remedies might prevent or relieve cancer symptoms.

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Source Naturals Bilberry

Based on three vital processes; cleanse, nourish, and heal; dr christopher’s formulas have the most extensive herbal lines to aid your body in retaining or regaining it’s health through these natural remedies that focus on the cause of the disorder rather than just the symptoms. More research needs to be done before this herb can be officially recommended for treatment of ms symptoms. In mice stressed by restraint, marked increases in liver damage and reactive oxygen species (Ros) levels associated with this stress were restored to normal levels by administering a bilberry extract, and there was also enhanced mitochondrial complex ii activity, elevated sodium/potassium atpase activity, and elevated mitochondrial membrane potential with the bilberry treatment (Bao et al. Although those taking part in this study were representative for all patients visiting the gp practice during the period of the survey, those using herbs might also be more positive to contribute to such a study than non-herb users. You may use herbs as dried extracts (Capsules, powders, or teas), glycerites (Glycerine extracts), or tinctures (Alcohol extracts). Gurley bj, fifer ek, gardner z: Pharmacokinetic herb-drug interactions (Part 2): Drug interactions involving popular botanical dietary supplements and their clinical relevance. There is some evidence supporting the validity of homeopathy. In addition, females, or those taking two or more herbs, were both significantly associated with co-use in this study.

Chyawanprash is an herbal tonic commonly used in ayurvedic medicine. It might be helpful to ask your herbalist for a list of all the ingredients in your herbal remedy. To treat eyestrain, use 25 to 50 mg of bilberry extract. Overall, every third patient in this study co-used drugs and herbal remedies. For other uses, take 80-120 mg twice a day of standardized bilberry extract (With 25 percent anthocyanins). In the meantime, people interested in using herbal and supplement therapies should take extreme caution. Rats given a bilberry extract (1% W/w in the diet) and subjected to doxorubicin (Dox) toxicity (Induced with 15 mg/kg intraperitoneal injection of dox) had lower lipid peroxides in serum and increased glutathione (Gsh) in cardiac muscle cells compared to control animals, although no differences were seen in cardiac lipid peroxide levels (Choi et al.

Swanson bilberry eyebright vision health supplement contains 350 mg bilberry from vaccinium myrtillus (Fruit), 105 mg of quercetin from sophora japonica (Flower buds), 70 mg of rutin from sophora japonica (Flower buds), and 43,75 mg eyebright 4:1 Extract from euphrasia officinalis (Herb and leaves). Unlike many of the other herbs and supplements used to treat ms and it’s symptoms, bee venom has been specifically studied for it’s effects on ms in several clinical trials. For those on conventional drugs, having a chronic illness and thus having a closer relationship to their gp, one should expect a higher willingness to share information about their herbal use. The ehtpa covers a group of organisations representing ayurveda, chinese herbal medicine, traditional tibetan medicine and western herbal medicine within europe. Several methods of standardization may be determining the amount of herbs used. If the molecular evidence for an anti-inflammatory effect of bilberry is confirmed in clinical study, it would support the use of bilberry in cancer prevention. Using bilberry leaves when you are taking medications for diabetes might cause a rapid, excessive reduction in blood sugar. Tyler’s herbs of choice: The therapeutic use of phytomedicinals. Ogn is professor in toxicology at department of cancer research and molecular medicine and as is a professor in health service research at department of public health and general practice. The primary aim of this study was to compare patients in general practice that co-use herbal remedies and conventional drugs with those who do not.

Many herbs and berries have powerful antioxidant properties (Refer to chapter 2 on antioxidants in herbs and spices), and these properties are thought to underlie many of the various health effects of herbs and berries. Ayurveda is in sanskrit, but sanskrit was not generally used as a mother tongue and hence it’s medicines are mostly taken from siddha and other local traditions. Similarly as i mentioned before, as bilberry extract can lower your blood sugar levels and blood pressure, it is important that you speak to your doctor first before trying it so they can modify your medication levels. Other herbal medicines can interfere with some drugs. Herbal medicine is also called phytomedicine or phytotherapy. Most practitioners are members of the herbal medicine organisations listed below.