Foodpharmacy Blog: Homeopathy, Herbs, Black Cohosh

Vita Logic, Women’s Formula, 120 Vegcaps

Vita Logic, Women's Formula, 120 Vegcaps Review


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Product name: Vita Logic, Women’s Formula, 120 Vegcaps
Quantity: 120 Count, 0.11 kg, 11.7 x 6.4 x 6.4 cm
Categories: Vita Logic, Herbs, Homeopathy, Black Cohosh, Vegetarian, Gluten Free, No Animal Testing, Cruelty Free

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Black Cohosh, Homeopathy, Herbs

Cimicifugae rhizoma has been widely used as a traditional herbal medicine to treat inflammation and menopausal symptoms. 79 However, it is difficult to conclude from these studies if black cohosh is beneficial in itself or only in combination with other herbs. As with black cohosh, however, some women claim that red clover has helped them. Taking black cohosh can interact with other medicines, vitamins, and certain foods. The concoction my friend was considering included an herb called black cohosh. In addition, we also explore the evidence relating to the mechanism of action of this herbal medicine. Black cohosh, red clover, chaste-tree berry, dong quai, evening primrose, ginkgo, ginseng and licorice are among the most popular herbs for women experiencing problems with menopause. Only a few fragments of these works have survived intact, but from what remains, scholars noted overlap with the egyptian herbals. Efficacy of black cohosh-containing preparations on menopausal symptoms: A meta-analysis. Neither do experts, who are still identifying black cohosh’s crucial ingredient and sorting out how the flowering herb works, not to mention trying to confirm whether it really does work significantly better than placebos.

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Vita Logic, Women’s Formula, 120 Vegcaps: Black Cohosh, Homeopathy, Herbs

But to the dismay of enthusiasts of alternative medicines, the evidence of the benefits has been limited and mixed. Taking black cohosh along with other herbs and supplements that might also harm the liver can increase the risk of liver damage. Some researchers trained in both western and traditional chinese medicine have attempted to deconstruct ancient medical texts in the light of modern science. In addition, there are several whole system alternative medicine approaches (Eg, traditional chinese medicine, reflexology, acupuncture, and homeopathy) that do not fit neatly into the above categories that incorporate both mind-body practices and natural products. This information sheet provides a brief overview of the current evidence for complementary and herbal therapies. Herbal medicine (Black cohosh, donq quai, and evening primrose), soy/phytoestrogens (Including red clover), relaxation, and yoga were the most commonly used cams for menopausal symptom relief in the recent systematic review. Some people who take high doses of black cohosh report side effects, including abdominal pain, shortness of breath, diarrhea, dizziness, headaches, joint pains, nausea, slow heart rate, tremors, visual dimness, vomiting, and weight gain.

In this large, randomized, double-blind trial, none of the 3 herbal treatments had clinically meaningful effects on any of the primary outcomes. Researchers also question whether the herb extract is safe for women with or at risk of breast cancer. In fact, more than half of the dietary supplements consumer reports found that claimed to address menopausal symptoms contained black cohosh. We have just finished a pilot study of a black cohosh ethanol abstract in beijing and are on the track of a national wide multi-centered rct. However, as hormone replacement has emerged as a therapy that increases the potential risk of thrombosis, cerebral infarction and breast cancer, complementary and alternative medicine has drawn much attention. A recent systematic review concluded that there is currently insufficient evidence to support the use of black cohosh for hot flushes. While many breast cancer patients may take black cohosh to reduce the number and intensity of hot flashes, two well-designed studies concluded that the herb is no more effective than placebo. Other research shows that taking 120 mg of black cohosh with 150 mg of clomiphene citrate results in pregnancy rates that are similar to those found when clomiphene citrate is taken with another fertility drug. 84 It is extracted from the root angelica sinensis and administered in herbal preparations.

Ginseng containing saponin, amino acid, vitamins, alkaloids and flavonoid is recognized as a tonic herb for men because of it’s aphrodisiac properties, and has been used to improve sexual dysfunction and menopause symptoms. Keep in mind that herbal supplements are not as closely regulated as prescription drugs. There are no known scientific reports on the pediatric use of black cohosh, and it is not currently recommended for children. A member of the buttercup family, black cohosh is also known as black snakeroot, bugbane, bugwort, and squawroot. Was an excellent article, clearly illustrating the benefits of black cohosh, multibotanicals, soy, hormone therapy in menpause. Coenzymeq10, also known as ubiquinone or coq10, is found naturally in the heart, kidney, liver and pancrease, but aging and smoking can deplete these natural stores. It is not known for sure if black cohosh actually causes liver damage. Kava should not be used with alcohol or other drugs or herbs that can also cause liver toxicity. Today, herbal supplements and nutraceuticals can be purchased over-the-counter (Otc) and may be labeled all-natural. Some studies show that other black cohosh products do not reduce hot flashes or menopausal symptoms any better than a sugar pill (Placebo ). Vaginal, endometrial, and reproductive hormone findings: Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of black cohosh, multibotanical herbs, and dietary soy for vasomotor symptoms: The herbal alternatives for menopause (Halt) study.

This study was funded by the national institute on aging and national center for complementary and alternative medicine. It is a fusion of traditional and western medicine and between systems thinking and reductionist thinking. They are then left to stand for 7 to 12 hours (Depending on herb used). They observed reactions, both good and bad, of botanical medicines that had been used by native americans, including black cohosh, echinacea, wild indigo, osha, cramp bark, snakeroot, lobelia, and pokeroot. What are naturopathy and herbal medicine? Studies confirm that black cohosh is effective for relieving menopausal symptoms, although some have found no improvement. Moreover, dong quai, ginseng and other herb usage is traditionally individualized and combined with other ingredients.

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Vita Logic Black Cohosh

The average difference in vasomotor symptoms per day between the placebo and herbal treatments groups was less than 1 symptom per day at 3 months and less than 0,6 symptom per day for the average over all the follow-up time points. Be sure to check with your pharmacist or doctor if you use ginseng as an herbal supplement. Herbal medicinals: Selected clinical considerations focusing on known or potential drug-herb interactions. Do not take black cohosh if you have a condition that could be affected by female hormones. Today, people use black cohosh for these same reasons. Browse dietary supplements and herbal remedies to learn about their effectiveness, usual dosage, and drug interactions. A study of western pharmaceuticals contained within samples of chinese herbal/patent medicines collected from new york city’s chinatown. Hepatotoxicity of herbal remedies and mushrooms. The evidence from these rcts does not consistently demonstrate an effect of black cohosh on menopausal symptoms; a beneficial effect of black cohosh on peri-menopausal women cannot be excluded. Acute hepatitis induced by ingestion of the herbal medication chaparral. The roots of black cohosh, pictured at left, are used to make an extract that shows promise as an alternative to conventional hormonal replacement therapy and a means to soothe menstrual pain. For less easily absorbed forms of the herb, such as teas or powders, 1-2 gram (G) doses are recommended three times daily. The chinese herbs dong quai and ginseng showed no benefit for hot flashes, the survey in the annals of internal medicine found.

A more recent article, in the journal menopause, cites the growing body of evidence that black cohosh is safe. The lack of change in vaginal cytology measures indicates a nonestrogenic effect of the tested extract in this critical organ. Though rare, liver injury is the most studied, and potentially the most dangerous, complication associated with black cohosh use. The appendix table describes the herbal products in detail. Products containing black cohosh plus st. Over all 3 follow-up time points, one can rule out reductions beyond 1,5 symptoms per day from black cohosh and 1,0 symptom per day from the multibotanical treatments. Terry heaton will not find out for at least another year whether the pills she tried for hot flashes were just blanks or really black cohosh, the much ballyhooed native american remedy for women’s ailments. For the latest comprehensive data on this and every other natural medicine, health professionals should consult the professional version of the natural medicines.

Due to it’s possible estrogen-like activity, black cohosh may interfere with the effectiveness of hormone replacement therapy or oral contraceptives. Early research shows that taking 25 mg of black cohosh extract plus 75 mg of soy extract and 50 mg of dong quai two times per day for 24 weeks reduces the occurrence of menstrual migraines. Black cohosh has generated the most research interest as a treatment for menopause symptoms, of relevance to the results of our study which found that black cohosh was the most commonly available active ingredient, present in 70% of the products we identified. The american college of obstetricians and gynecologists (Acog) reports that many of the early studies were poorly designed and did not evaluate the safety and effectiveness of black cohosh beyond 6 months of use. Acute hepatitis associated with the use of a chinese herbal product, ma-huang. Some experts on chinese medicine point out that the preparation studied was not the same as they use in practice. Past studies suggested that black cohosh was harmful to the liver, but a more recent review of studies found no evidence that this is true. Growth inhibitory activity of extracts and purified components of black cohosh on human breast cancer cells.

The root of black cohosh is used for medicinal purposes. However, herbs contain active substances that can trigger side effects and interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications. The part of the black cohosh plant used medicinally is the root and most preparations of it specify it is from the root. Kava hepatotoxicity: Comparison of aqueous, ethanolic, acetonic kava extracts and kava-herbs mixtures. John’s wort, khat, betel nut, the restricted herb ephedra, and guarana. Black cohosh extract (Bce) is a popular alternative that reduced menopausal symptoms in several clinical trials. With tru-id validation, you can be sure that the black cohosh featured on our label matches what is in our product.