Foodpharmacy Blog: Supplements, Antioxidants, Pine Bark Extract, Pycnogenol
Source Naturals, Pycnogenol, 100 mg, 60 Tablets
Product name: Source Naturals, Pycnogenol, 100 mg, 60 Tablets
Quantity: 60 Count, 0.05 kg, 4.1 x 4.1 x 7.6 cm
Categories: Source Naturals, Supplements, Antioxidants, Pine Bark Extract, Pycnogenol
Dietary Supplement, Proanthocyanidin Complex, Pycnogenol is a natural plant product made from the bark of the European coastal pine, Pinus maritima. Pycnogenol is rich in proanthocyanidins, a special class of water-soluble antioxidant flavonoids, which are excellent free radical scavengers. Proanthocyanidins are believed to play an important role in maintaining good health.
Pine bark extract is generally recognized as safe (Gras) based on data from animal studies and clinical trials; however, few studies evaluate safety as a primary outcome. Pycnogenol (Procyanidins extracted from the bark of pinus maritima aiton) is a potent free radical scavenger. These data begin to provide the basis for the conceptual understanding of the biological activity of pycnogenol and possibly other polyphenolic compounds as therapeutic agents in various human disorders. The extract has been widely studied for the past 40 years and has more than 420 published studies and review articles ensuring safety and efficacy as an ingredient. Debate on antioxidants: Some studies suggest efficacy while others question safety. Without any treatment (Placebo) the retinopathy progressively worsened during the trial and the visual acuity significantly decreased; on the contrary, the pycnogenol-treated patients showed no deterioration of retinal function and a significant recovery of visual acuity was also obtained. It used a rigorous randomized controlled trial method, while most other studies of pine bark extract were open label and lacked clear data collection techniques. In this study, we tested the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of a supplement, hiper health supplement (Hiper), on cytokine-induced inflammation and oxidative stress in human coronary artery endothelial cells (Hcaecs).
Source Naturals, Pycnogenol, 100 mg, 60 Tablets: Pycnogenol, Pine Bark Extract, Antioxidants, Supplements
The study consisted of a double-blind phase in which 20 patients were recruited and randomly treated with placebo or pycnogenol (50 Mg x 3/day for 2 months) and an open phase in which another 20 patients were treated with pycnogenol at the same dose schedule. Since grape extract (Ge) contains oligomeric proanthocyanidins and numerous polyphenols, dietary ge supplements may exert protective effects against various diseases. We found that pycnogenol inhibited cell proliferation dose- and time-dependently, and the ic S of pycnogenol on hl-60, u937 and k562 cells were 150, 40 and 100 microg/ml, respectively. Thus, topical antioxidants that replenish the antioxidant capacity of the skin have the potential to prevent oxidative damage. Pine bark extract, a dietary supplement source of antioxidant oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes, has multiple putative cardiovascular benefits. More research is needed to determine which individuals with hypertension may benefit from supplementation. In addition to it’s skin-healing properties, pycnogenol also shows promise for helping children manage adhd symptoms. 2, 3, 5 The pharmacokinetics of maritime pine bark extract constituents have been studied in human volunteers. Pycnogenol supplementation reduced skin redness from uv rays in a trial of 21 people over 8 weeks.
Pine bark extract is generally well tolerated, with occassional minor gastric discomfort, dizziness, nausea, and headache. The study used a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial design and achieved a sample size larger than most previous studies of pine bark extract. I also like the fact that pine bark is very good for your general health so everyone should take it. Systolic blood pressure change for pine bark extract group and placebo group from baseline to 6 weeks and 12 weeks. Pycnogenol (Procyanidin extracted from pinus maritima) has been shown to be a potent free radical scavenger and an antioxidant phytochemical. Study tablets of pine bark extract contained 50 mg each and were vacuum packed in sachets with each containing 4 tablets (200 Mg). In contrast, serum concentration of vasoconstrictory mediators endothelin-1 and thromboxane are lowered in response to supplementation with pycnogenol. Although traditional strategies such as prescription medications, dietary changes, and physical activity have proven benefits for reducing cardiovascular disease (Cvd) risk, a substantial population seeks alternative therapies, including various dietary supplements, to lower cvd risk. Maritime pine extract was effective at affording protection from oxidative stress postexercise. Pine bark extract is able to cross the blood barrier of the brain to provide extra protection against free radicals in the nervous system and circulatory system.
4 Consumption of pine needles is associated with abortion in cattle. Pbe is extracted from the bark of the french maritime pine tree, pinus pinaster, and is commercially available as a herbal dietary supplement (Registered trade name: Pycnogenol). The research link between pycnogenol as a natural product of modern science and traditional pine-bark uses is evident. Pine bark extract contains a group of compounds known as proanthocyanidins. 2, 3, 4 However, clinical studies evaluating changes in antioxidant status after pine bark extract administration in humans have produced equivocal results. In a study of 20 postmenopausal women, 12 weeks of pycnogenol supplementation improved hydration and elasticity of the skin. Each member of our research team is required to have no conflicts of interest, including with supplement manufacturers, food companies, and industry funders. By becoming an examine plus member, you will have access to all of the latest nutrition research on over 300 supplements across over 500 different health goals, outcomes, conditions, and more. Devaraj s, vega-lopez s, kaul n, schonlau f, rohdewald p, jialal i : Supplementation with a pine bark extract rich in polyphenols increases plasma antioxidant capacity and alters the plasma lipoprotein profile. Toyo shinyaku co, ltd provided study tablets (Toyo-fvg pine bark extract and placebo).
Horphag research has done 40 years of research into the safety, quality, and efficacy of this wonder extract, making it one of the most studied ingredients in the world. This formulation of pine bark extract is extracted from the milled bark of pinus pinaster (Also known as pinus maritime and pinus maritimus) using heated water. Radiata extract was nonmutagenic in the ames test. A new study from the stanford university school of medicine shows that pine-bark extract had no effect in lowering blood pressure or reducing other risk factors for heart disease. 5 The opcs are flavonoids found in high concentration in extracts of pomegranate, grape seeds, and pine bark. Histological sections of the intestines showed a dramatically better condition of the mucosal layers compared with the irradiated control animals administered water without pycnogenol. However, these cutaneous antioxidants can be depleted by sun exposure and environmental insults, resulting in an overload of oxidation products. Thus, we present novel data on the disposition of the bioactive maritime pine bark extract metabolite m1, this might help to further understand the in vivo behaviour of plant extract components. For 12 weeks, participants took either the pine bark extract or a placebo. Several studies 8, 12, 22 reported that pine bark extract decreases blood pressure. The group taking pycnogenol had significantly improved pulmonary functions and asthma symptoms.
Source Naturals Pycnogenol
Most subgroups reviewed suggest an overall beneficial effect on microvascular function, particularly grape-derived products, cocoa, tea, pine bark and rutaceae aurantiae. The pine tree is native to the western and southwestern mediterranean regions but has rapidly naturalized to other countries, including the united states, england, south africa, and australia. The low-dose buildup effect of pycnogenol as an antiinflammatory agent would make it useful in a multinutrient format, but it may not be the most potent antiinflammatory in isolation. However, a recent study showed that the korean red pine (P. Although the study design was weak, other studies demonstrating that pycnogenol has a relaxing effect on intestinal smooth muscle tissue lends some increased confidence that it may also be effective as a treatment for ibs. The following purported benefits of pycnogenol are only supported by limited, low-quality clinical studies. Evidence for a time-dependent oligomerization was obtained for (-)-Epigallocatechin gallate, supporting our hypothesis that o-quinones formed from the initial semiquinone disproportionation are prone to nucleophilic addition reactions.
Though it is possible that m1 is not the main mediator of maritime pine bark extract’s bioefficacy it is also conceivable that plasma is not the only compartment where m1 is present in vivo. No positive outcomes indicating that pycnogenol reduces intra-abdominal adhesions were obtained. Regulations set manufacturing standards for supplements, but that does not guarantee that they are safe or effective. In the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, held at italy’s chieti-pescara university, 156 patients with knee oa received 100 mg of pycnogenol or placebo, daily for three months and were then evaluated using a number of tools. Converging evidence suggests that the biomodulating effects of pyc improve several mechanisms that may underpin cognition including vascular, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and antioxidant processes. The same is true for the history of pine-bark uses, and the subsequent development and usage of contemporary pycnogenol. Participants were asked to refrain from changing their diet, losing weight, and beginning new dietary supplements or medications during the study. Nevertheless, we still would have expected improvement in cvd risk factors given the putative biologic mechanism of antioxidants.
Pycnogenol is an extract of french maritime pine bark (Pinus pinaster) that consists of a concentrate of polyphenols, mainly procyanidins. Arginine supplements can be recommended to patients with mild to moderate ed. Moreover, pycnogenol reduces serum levels of low-density lipoproteins (Ldl) cholesterol and increases high-density lipoproteins (Hdl) cholesterol. If using any pharmaceuticals or drugs given to you by a doctor or received with a prescription, you must consult with the doctor in question or an equally qualified health care professional prior to using any nutritional supplementation. This dosage was selected based on the midrange of administration in past studies and the opc content of this pine bark extract compared with other formulations. In a study of 33 people with severe osteoarthritis, pycnogenol (200 Mg/day) reduced inflammatory markers after 3 weeks. While the percentage of opcs in the pine bark extract evaluated herein is comparable to that of other commercially available pine bark extracts, there are variations in monomer, dimer, and trimer chemical components of pine bark extracts with similar percentages of opcs. Various brands of pycnogenol are available. It is the largest study to date of pine bark extract and cvd risk factors.
No significant effects on blood pressure, plasma lipoprotein cholesterol profile, glycemic metabolism, or inflammatory markers were observed between the pine bark extract group and the placebo group. The antioxidant properties of pycnogenol support the maintenance of healthy retinal capillaries and better vision. In spite of this, as an active ingredient, pycnogenol is available for purchase from many supplement companies. I’ve been taking pine bark (Pycnogenol) since the 90S to help me manage my adhd and nothing is more powerful and helping me concentrate and alleviate many of the negative symptoms of adhd. Effect of pycnogenol on the toxicity of heart, bone marrow and immune organs as induced by antitumor drugs. Pinus radiata bark extract exerts multiple biological effects and exhibits immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties. Evaluation of antioxidant activity was made using dpph and tbars test.
In conclusion, pycnogenol was found to be more efficacious than venostasin for the treatment of cvi.